"What? Master Waltz, do you know about Mr. Vega?

"No? I've been stuck in the capital of Mid-Eden before. Then I changed my mind and went back to the country."

"That little (...) daughter (...), you're a demon king who hates' human 'things..."

"Little girl... she looked like she was about 40-50, didn't she?

"Aren't you still a little girl when you're 40-50"

"Oh, yeah..."

Remember Yuki's real age, waltz to shut up.

Sure, Demon King Vega only lives about 1/5 compared to Yuki's age and 1/10 compared to Null's, so from their point of view, she may indeed be a little girl.

After thinking about it, Waltz apparently remembered something and threw this kind of question against Yuki.

"By the way... I don't know if I'd ask you this, but before, you said you were a little girl, right? Who told you that?

"Ah...... those are the words said to the head of the Elf country in the northwest direction of this country. She, according to a theory, is about 4,000 years old a monster, right?

"Well... it's a monster."

"And more recently, King Endelusia told you,"

"... how old the hell is he?

"Come on? It doesn't look like it, but it's pretty much, they're going, right? However, it was extremely rude to talk to a woman about her age, so when I hit her with a goo, she stopped coming to talk to me."

"Not by the looks of it, you're a tofu mental...... King Endercia"

and waltz with a subtle look, always remembering the aggressive Endelusian king in weird places.

It should be noted that it is unclear whether King Endelusia is truly a tofu mental.

Outside the tent where they had such exchanges, even today the hunters and the people who came with them from the town of Aruba were making dinner, using demonic meat and mountain vegetables as ingredients.

In doing so, the ingredients used were those previously provided by the Waltz for the people of the town of Aruba, who were exposed to food distress, essentially free of charge.

By the way, the hunter still seemed to serve as a guide here.

Of course, not as a hunting guide, but as a cook.

"Ready? This meat has a strong odor, so take the acne often and get rid of the odor with this vanilla. I don't need to carve it in. Just let it in."

"What, this seasoning..."

"... dried leaves?

"Is that a delivery?

"It's a tree leaf that was growing in the town of Ripa in the southern region of the country, and made it naturally dry in the shade of direct sunlight, a homemade vanilla. Whatever, just give it a little twist."

"" "…………" "

"What do you say?

"Hmm...? This scent of soothing through your nose... looks like a spice indeed"

"Hey, you. You're not a cook, you're a merchant face, okay?

"I didn't know... You just look like a leaf, but you smell like this..."

"I chose the one that smells particularly good, but even with other types of leaves, with a little ingenuity, they can be used as a substitute for spices, so it doesn't hurt to remember, does it? By the way, it doesn't have to be a leaf of a tree, and even weeds and herbs growing around it can be substituted, to some extent, without poison."

"" "Oh..." "

and the cooks who listen to the hunters and give them a surprising look.

There are different kinds of people there, like mothers with children, merchants, adventurers, etc...

The atmosphere includes extraordinary cooking classes, which take place in the middle of a snowfield.

Such cooking classes also seemed to have the appearance of members of the 'Weiss Silt'.

However, only for those who can cook.


"What? You don't have to stir it?

"No? This kind of thing, when you scratch it, breaks you down. Instead, cook slowly at low temperatures to avoid burning. It's better if you simmer as long as time permits, and you'll feel softer. However, at the price of that, I'm totally free..."

"Boulder, it's Teresa. I, too, would like to try to cook sophisticated dishes, like Teresa and the hunter, rather than the 'man's cooking' I learned from Clark (Diplomat of the Kingdom of Olija)..."

and a look like the one you were interested in, the pork stew Teresa was in charge of (?) Beatrix towards the inside.

It should be noted that Teresa's dishes are not shrewd or anything, but only simple with no twist: just cut the ingredients into appropriate sizes and simmer them in a pan.

Next to it...

"Amy, Marie. If you want to tame the flavor quickly and finish the dish in a short amount of time, you might want to add a knife-eye slice to the ingredients in advance.

"Yes! I have to cook a lot of food, so I'm going to cut it, cut it, cut it!" Spa pan.

and rosemary that cuts vegetables and meat with the hand you're used to, and adds knife eyes beautifully.

In contrast to her, Eve's role, which was to pinch her mouth from side to side, is to make bread dough with flour even today,.

What those two were making was' Rabbit Pie 'with meat from demons like rabbits.

Moreover, they were all cooking on their own until they caught the demon, drained the blood, then dismantled (bulked) it, and refined it into bread dough made of flour.

Their age was supposed to be enough for Rosemary to be 6, and Eve to be only 8, and even if it was different worlds, it wouldn't be weird if she still loved rabbit dolls.

Because of this, it seems that those in the town of Aruba who were on the spot did not take the matter of Eve and Rosemary, who go on to cook seriously, as age as it seemed.

"How old are those kids, really?

"There are examples of elves..."

"Atmosphere, aren't you about 40?

and others and people who look at the two and say what they think.

It should be noted, again, that the average age of the two is 7 years….

Everyone still speaks today of the dishes thus made.

And nothing happened that day, and the day was about to pass.

That evening, in his tent, Waltz was showing a bare gesture of sleeping in a sleeping bag while being subjected to physical pressure like a pressing manju by his buddies as usual......

Macrophages descended from the ceiling without sound, as if stabbing Todome at her like that.


"Hmm... that's a remnant, isn't it?

'I don't care if it's remnants or whatever, but I have a report for you ~?

Release the hologram that was displayed in the sleeping bag.

And the waltz figure moving to the open place.

At that time, everyone's sleeping bag concentrated on the space where Waltz's body volume was lost because they were still going to crush Waltz...

"... I'm busy right now?

The macrophage that crawled out of its center - Waltz asks the Cortex about the situation.

Cortex then opened its mouth as it created an atmosphere of surprise over the macrophages.

"Busy ~? I didn't know you were busy in that situation ~... that's nasty ~... '

"That's what you're saying, knowing what I'm doing, right? It's just that there's energy back there, so why don't we just get in touch? Hybrid rail guns, shooting through the chancellor's office."

"So, what? Reporting. I don't have a very good feeling about that?

'Actually ~... there are two'

That's what I said, Cortex that separates words once there.

Then she said:

"Good News or Bad News ~... Which Do You Hear From ~?

That's what I said, a macrophage that shivers your body plenty.

Nothing in particular happened on this journey, but in the Wang capital, where the Waltz are absent. There seems to have been some major change.

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