"Ugh... oh, no..." Slow down.

"... Huh?! This is the one that won't go out of style...!

When I woke up in the morning, Teresa saw Lucia, sleeping next door, reaching into the void with a puffy tremor, and her eyes woke in an instant.

At that moment, she seemed to be reassessing the importance of Lucia's sushi.

As a result, Teresa jumps out of her sleeping bag in surprise...

That's when...

"It's a courier ~? Sign it, please. We have cash on delivery. We don't support redelivery ~? If you don't take it, you'll take it home and eat it ~?

A familiar voice seems to have been heard from outside the tent.

It is the voice of Cortex, who appeared in two figures: Teresa and Melon.

At that moment,

".................." loose

and Lucia rises out of her sleeping bag in a posture that ignores gravity.

And she...

"No sushi! ♪ Dogowo

He seems to have gone out of his tent with such intense momentum that he did not think he had been able to do so until earlier.

You don't have to change, you stay in your pajamas.

"What the... is that..."

"No, if you care, you think you're a loser, don't you? Teresa, when Lucia runs out of Inari sushi, it's always been like that lately."

"Oh, is he gonna be okay? After all, isn't it in the sushi, even in the yak?

"No, well, aren't you okay? Catalina said there was nothing particularly unusual..."

"I don't care what you think, there just seems to be an abnormality in my head..."

"Because you don't have to touch it... Well, maybe not."

and waltz to the other side of the tent where Lucia left, with Teresa, looking delicate.

I didn't know what to do.

"Oh, sister?!

Lucia came back with a different look than when she left.

"Huh? What? Could it be that Cortex... that girl didn't bring Inari sushi?

"Chi, no! Look outside!

"Huh? Outside? The dragon's asleep?

"" What...?

"No, even if it looks like this, my main body, it's big and out of the way, so I'm outside the tent..."

And, no way, Waltz answers like that.

Such a body of her, manoeuvre armor, was too tall for her to fit inside the tent, as she put it.

In other words, she was observing first-hand the sight of the dragons flocking around the tent in the middle of the night.

However, from Waltz's point of view, it didn't look like the dragons had any strange moves...

She left the dragons unattended.

Especially since the act of surrounding the tent without doing anything is in itself a strange move.

It should be noted that late-night watchmen were in charge of the potentia and the brave, but they also seemed to pretend not to see.

Perhaps the brave men could not take the lives of the dragons without harm or malice.

And with that, waking up aloud about the quiet people...

"Well, we have to stimulate it poorly, don't we? I can't feel any hostility, and if I put out any hostility in the first place, at that moment, it's a meat chunk decision..."

"... so is that! Ah! Sushi! ♪ Dogowo

"Miss Lucia... is he going to be okay?

"I heard that earlier..."

Waltz throws a heartfelt glance at Lucia's rear as she rushes out in her pajamas again outside the tent.

Then I wouldn't have to dare mention the story of Lucia coming back after a while, shaking her tail left and right with a bumble on her face.

With that doozy, all my friends began to wake up at the same time...

And each one looks out, and utters these words to each one.

"... I have prey!

"No, Rosemary? You don't call a prey that doesn't run away a 'prey', do you? … just a pickup."

"Um, hunter? I wonder if that's an expression?

"You had so many dragons in our country..."

"I didn't even know until today...... isn't it okay? This situation…"

"Mi, we're all big dragons, we can't moff..." mundane


Apparently, at first, even if they are surprised, there is no such thing as getting used to.

On the other hand...



"What the fuck?!

It was nearby, from another tent, and such a voice was flying intermittently.

For the Waltz, it was not a big problem, but for the others, it seemed to be a rather heart-loading event.

Perhaps your blood pressure must have gone up all at once.

When I heard that scream...

"Again, should I go help?

And, grumbling null.

As for her, who is the Demon King, her own people are in a predicament (?) I can't seem to ignore the current situation.

In contrast, this is how Waltz replied, waving in the right way.

"No, no, it looks okay, doesn't it? The other dragons, they don't seem to have any intention of doing anything... I mean, they just look at us and they seem to be observing us..."

"Do you understand?

"You keep a certain distance, 'cause you're not coming any closer. Sometimes I do. Birds and reptiles, creatures with that kind of habit. Well, I can't completely deny the possibility that you're fixing delicious ones, can I? So let's eat faster than that, too?


"No? If I keep doing this, I think there's going to be a bigger problem than the dragon attacking me..." hiccup

"... no..." jiru

"... right?

"Sounds like..."

Until breakfast time, we see Lucia putting up with Inari sushi and now null to see what we should give top priority.

In her, Lucia there must have looked more like a beast or something than a dragon.

"So, hunter. Can you start preparing breakfast?

"Oh, I don't mind... it's narrow in the tent, so of course it's outside, right?

"Yep. But you don't have to worry, do you? If anything happens, Yuki will be in trouble, and I'm on my guard."

"What? Oh, yes! It will be!

"Then you're safe!

"Good luck, huh? Yuki."

"Um... you're kidding, right?

And Yuki takes confirmation about her role, saying she'll do her best.

In contrast to her, both Waltz and the hunter seemed to have an indescribable look on their faces...

As to what that meant, it is unclear.


Thus, the hunter's cooking began, as usual today, in an environment surrounded by dragons and observed with interest.

Note that I will say no just in case, but I still don't use dragon meat today.

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