People were confused by that giant that suddenly appeared.

No, people aren't the only ones confused.

Some of the horses who were pulling the carriage, and the dragons around them, were afraid of their size...

And even the dwarves, who seemed to bend, seemed desperate to retreat and scratch the algae to get the distance.

Well, in their case, they didn't even seem to get away with a 1mm or so because they were under the influence of Waltz's gravity control system.

And back to that giant dragon...

"Hmm...... It's not a bad idea to stretch your wings and tail to the full..."

With that said, a flying dragon who starts stretching.

Was the condition somewhere human because of the influence she had become living in human society, or because she remained dressed in maid clothes, even when she returned to her original appearance?

Then Fei Long, just finishing a single prep movement, lowered his neck to the little (...) people (...) who were at his feet...

And I asked this as I let the flame shine just a little from my open mouth.

"... and the Lord. Earlier, it appeared that alcohol had been lost, but Hate, neither my Lord's Hall (Eve) nor Master Waltz could drink a drop of alcohol, so I did not carry it with me. So what was it... did you say you were the enemy of us not having booze?... The Hunter Hall? Is it Dwarf Steak today?

and a flying dragon sending his gaze toward the carriage, which was in a remote location, with his mouth.

Then, well ahead of him, the hunter said, 'People can't!' He seemed to shake his neck with a boom as he said...

There was a considerable distance, so it is unclear whether it was passed on to the Fei Long.

In response to such a flying dragon inquiry, one of the dwarves raised his voice as he turned his face bright blue.

"Wow, you mean eat Nong La?!

Then, somehow, in response to that inquiry, a flying dragon tilting his neck.

That reaction wasn't because I didn't know what Dwarf meant by that question.

"Hmm...... Something small seems to be whispering... it's too small for me to hear..."

You seem to be pretending you can't hear me in the first place.

Note that I say no, but it doesn't mean that their voices haven't reached Fei Long's ears.

Then Fei Long said these words, not to anyone.

"But it's troublesome. We are now acting to take this country of Boreas back from the hands of the fools, but apparently the men of the city of Zapato will treat us as enemies until they are exhausted. For this minute, we have traveled a long distance..."

So for some reason, Fei Long stops the word.

And then she shows me how to sneeze.

"... oops, excuse me"


Towards the top of the mountain range with white snow falling, I sneezed - too, blew out my braces.

Its appearance was very different from that of the firepillar blown out by the flamethrower.

All that or the dragon braces that the common dragons blow from their mouths seemed different.

Her unleashed braces were not gas or beamed, but round shaped like a yellow sun.

No, in fact, it seemed to be the sun.

The other day, Fei Long imitated the artificial sun Lucia was using to illuminate the inside of the tunnel.

It's like a shell. When it's released from the mouth of a flying dragon, it hits a very high mountain that you can see from it.


There was a huge explosion, and it blew the top from the eighth of the mountain, into the wood dust.

Look at that.

"............" Pocahontas

A flying dragon that opens its eyes in a circle and loses its words.

What the hell does imitating Lucia's magic mean......

Apparently, Fei Long did not understand very well.

"You're gonna do it, right? Feilong..."

"Ugh, um... That's why. If you don't want us to catch a cold, provide accommodation. Otherwise, it could inadvertently blow the town of Zapato..."

That said, again, a flying dragon with a gaze to his feet.

Then there, the dwarves of Mkimkimacchio are smaller and trembling as they hold themselves...

It looks like he was unable to respond.

"You, say you want to study and follow us, so it works magnificently... you're such a connoisseur"

"No. Neither did I. I never thought imitating the magic of Lord Lucia would be like that... That magic... was it a contraindication that should not be used..."

"Hmm? What the heck (did I say)?" Momogu

"" ………… "" sieve

Successfully talk to the Dwarves (?) Then a line to the town of Zapato, leading them with ropes and slowly advancing the line of carriages.

In such a carriage, the Feilongs and Waltz, who returned to the figure of man, were holding a reflection, but there...

"…………" zu

There seemed to be someone with a dark atmosphere that eroded the air around.

It's a null that didn't help at all in the discussion.

"... null? I don't think you need to be so distracted, do you? Anyone who suddenly gets attacked by someone is bewildered and natural..."

"... I'm sorry..." puffy

"No, I don't want to apologize..."

Waltz is confused about what to say to a snowwoman over 500 years old who keeps turning her back on everyone with her knees and even apologizing.

Then, on the contrary, words flew in from the null explaining the circumstances of why, at the time, they could not move.

"You can cut it off on this occasion because the quote that demanded the booze, the barbarians waving their weapons at me... that's what I thought at first. But even if I tried to pull the sword out of my sheath, I couldn't pull the sword out for some reason. My hand holding the sword didn't try to move...... Is this old..."

"No, I don't think so, do I? Well, even if your opponent is a thug, he's not his own people, and you get lost trying to pull out your sword, isn't that what you have to do?

"Was that lost, or was it fear... If it was fear, I don't think I should do it as the Demon King anymore... that's what I think..." Slow down.

"... you're in trouble"

That's what I said, arms up, sighing waltz.

Exactly what you said.

By the way, if you are Yuki or Yuki B, Nuru's sister, you are in no state to sneak up on the Untouched Demon King (?) It seems to have been.

Maybe Null is, from time to time, a character who cares about details like this.

And that's when.

One person started moving.

He is the cook, grocer and hunter for Ocan in Weiscilt.

When she lowered her back on the spot in such a way as to put her own back on Null's back, she began to speak mostly of her experiences.

"You know, null. Actually, sometimes I can't get my weapon out of my sheath."


"I used to adore demonic children in the woods, but before I saw it for a while, I grew up a lot bigger... When he attacked me... it was so hard that I couldn't explain it anymore."


"Through the sword, you can easily take your life, but maybe you'll remember me... if you think about it, you can't take your sword out..."

"... So what happened to the hunter?

"Right... in conclusion, I cut it. Usually, just like hunting for the lives of the demons..."

"Why would such a thing..."

"Is that a simple story? For me, at that moment, I thought about what mattered. What am I hunting for, in the woods... naturally, to live. It was to me, above all else, and to take precedence over loving demons. So I waved my sword carelessly. … to live and eat the monster we hunted."


"There's only one piece of advice you can tell Null from me. Maybe Null... is about to lose something important?


"Ma'am, don't push me, okay?

When I said that and stood up, I put my hand on Null's shoulder and a hunter walked away from the spot with a refreshment.

Later, in Null's eyes, the brilliance and sharpness returned because he remembered, as the hunter said, that he was about to forget something?

And that is the time.

"Whoa, you see that?

Loricon, who was sitting on your podium and manipulating the horses, accidentally uttered those words.

The waltzes who hear the words and look forward at the same time.

Then there was the figure of a mountain town raising colorful smoke, where the flag of Boreas was raised on the roof of a single tall building that was built there......

Apparently the town of Zapato was not yet occupied by Ecleria and was safe.

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