".................." Gogogo

"..............." Slow down.

Not "…………"

The waltzes moved from their inn to the dining room at the Shah family main house when Yuki C picked them up on behalf of Julia.

There stood a heavy air of unspeakable gain, and everyone seemed to breathe with a harsh look.

... Well, the two creators of that air were Null and Yuki C, so it didn't seem to matter as a waltz, she didn't care about the ambient air, and one, she seemed to sip miso soup.

In all that slaughter air, the first thing I opened my mouth to was...

"... Actually, I have one thing to report..."

This was also Julia, the way she was used to interacting with the Sirius sisters.

She had a dark look on her face and something unfortunate happened.

When Waltz, who saw it, encouraged the conversation to continue while sipping soup......

Julia began the report with a bitter expression.

"... my grandmother Ardelheit, who hasn't been here... actually, last night, suddenly got sick... and she fell down"


"... Um, Master Waltz?

"Excuse me... By the way... you're not dead, are you?

"Huh? Huh..."

"Well, maybe... your face is turning bright red, you're looking at the ceiling with a vain look on your face, huh, you feel like you're throwing up a big sigh...

"Yeah, you know that well?

".................. yeah. People like that, because they look good...... Epidemic disease... I'm sure (I mean, cause, maybe, it's me...)"

Is it because you listened to Julia, or because you blew out the soup...

Waltz gently places the spoon he had on the spot, looking like he lost his appetite.

Then, as if to change the subject, she began to talk about the subject.

"Well, I shouldn't. So... today at this breakfast place, you're going to tell me about the upcoming Shah family trends, but... around here, can someone, instead of Alisa, explain?

At the end of her gaze, which she spoke so, only a very small part of the Shah family was gathered, and some of them seemed to be Julius, the father of Julia.

But it wasn't the Shah family who answered Waltz's query.

"For once, all, I'm listening, let me explain it to you from me"

It was Julia, who was supposed to be expelled from the land.

Apparently, she was entrusted to represent Ardelheit.

It is unclear whether there has been a change in her position at the Shah family, but at least it has not gotten worse, it seems.

Then Julia began to talk about the future plans of the Schach family after glancing at the face of the Schach family that was around her, the null that was getting smaller on the chair, Yuki C, who was staring at her like that from the other side of the table, and Waltz, who was worried about whether to drink the miso soup she had left behind.

"All of a sudden, I think it's hard to take back the capital Vixen, so I'm going to start by looking to recapture a trading city in the western part of the town of Zapato. The maximum number of troops that can be dispatched is 50,000. The number of portable demon cannons is 5,000. They want about a week before they're ready for this scale."

"Five thousand cloves in a week...... Well, maybe you're a pretty hard worker, but a little short?

"It seems harder than this due to the limited number of craftsmen who can produce and the lack of materials"

"Hmmm...... But I don't think it's worth 5,000 yen, so if it's possible, I'd like 50,000 yen for 50,000 people, and I want it in a complete system. I wonder if there's a good way..."

Waltz cheeks disobediently on his desk, sighing, saying.

In front of her like that, as mentioned earlier, there were a lot of sacubas and incubators, all of whom focused their gaze on her...

Only this time, however, it seems that their presence was not reflected in the deeply contemplating eyes of Waltz, and she just, even, seemed to haunt her head.

If Waltz had noticed that, he would have instantly turned his face bright red and disappeared to dissolve in the air, rather than talking about it where he was going to think.

Then he said Waltz was worried for a while.

A plan seems to have sprung up in the back of my brain.

"Uh, speaking of which? Yesterday, I snuck into the weapons production equipment at the mansion here..."

"" "... What!?

"Hey, Master Waltz! Suddenly, how dare you..."

"No, no, I can't help but hide it, and it's nothing to do with us, so I was wondering if it's best to say it here. It's a weapon like that rocket launcher... the blueprint producer had the name 'Silanui' on it?

Listen to that.

"No way...... simply, aren't you from the same name?

And, she couldn't believe what Waltz said, and she accidentally confirms it, Julia.

In contrast to her like that, Waltz began to talk about evidence that a person named 'Syranui' was Syranui, the ghost girl we were looking for.

"At first I thought so too, but the handwriting was the very letter of Silanui... Besides, she's involved in the production of our King's Capital defense system, and she's also involved in the modification of the energy..."

"I mean... that weapon was designed by Mr. Silanui based on the King's Capital defense system in Mid-Eden," he said?

"Yes, yes. Maybe."

and waltz shaking his neck twice vertically.

Although she had little knowledge of magic, she could not understand the mechanism for firing the 'demon cannon', the structure of the other part was what she had seen in the king's capital - nay, what Waltz taught Syranui, it seemed.

And Waltz said the core words.

"Well, that's why... why don't we just get Syranui to help us? With her, about 45,000 or so of the weapon, it's easy to make, right? If you're bad, you're cleverer than me... The ingredients, with me or Lucia, will work out."

"Is that so...... As far as I'm concerned, I have no objection at all..."

And with his mouth, when Julia looked around, there were the Sacubas and the Incubus with a rugged look on their face...

Apparently everyone was offended by the fact that Syranui's name came up and that Waltz snuck into the workshop.

As a result, Julia gave up cooperation with the Shah family on the spot.

"... you guys don't seem very motivated. I have no choice. Leave the rest to me. Somehow, by noon, we'll be collecting information on Mr. Silanui."

And, smiling, he said such an answer to Waltz.

... although those eyes didn't seem to laugh.

"Ugh, yeah. Be gentle, huh?

From such Yulia's reaction, Waltz sees what she's trying to do and gives a pulling look.

And that's when.

I didn't bother......

The hustle and bustle heard from the town outside the mansion grew unexpectedly.

Looks like Lucia and the others have arrived in town.

And soon, all I could hear was...


That was an explosion.

Early on in their arrival, they seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

No, to be precise, I've caused trouble, should I say...

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