"Who are you people?!

The soldiers of the town of Wespel who put up their spears and literally pointed their spearheads at the three brave men.

They seem quite alert to the suspiciously dressed carriages that have pushed them into town in large numbers without prior contact.

But it seemed to be a development, as expected, for the brave.

After a gratuity, he seemed calm and began to respond.

"We are those who have come here to answer the call of Lord Sirius, the Demon King. Even if asked who it is, there are various people, and it is difficult to explain them in a nutshell… we have arrived first Sirius, or Margaret-J-Schach, could you please inquire?

And a brave man who politely asks.

Then the Incubators who heard Shah's name thought they could not judge for themselves......

It seems that some went back to the city to fan the judgment of the superiors.

On the other hand, it seems that those who remained on the spot could not have stood without doing anything, and the leader and one of the thought soldiers, on behalf of him, began to ask questions about the brave man in the maid.

"Wait a minute. I'm sending my men to get confirmation right now. While we wait, let me ask you a few questions."

"Yes. What is it?

"First of all... how many are there in all"

"The number of people as of yesterday's confirmation was 3841. 1701 adult males and 1598 adult females (although that includes the soldiers caught). And there are 542 children... and 48 more dragons."

"Hmm, quite a bit............ what?

"So there are 48 dragons. When I fed him on the way out, he followed me..."

brave man looking back.

There's a giant rocky object crawling on the ground...

Few children seemed to be making a scene on their backs like that.

Apparently, Fei Long and Polaris, along with the Ground Dragons, are dealing with the children.

Look at that.

"............" Pocahontas

and the soldiers who solidify themselves with their mouths open.

Still didn't get into the fighting attitude because the brave men and the grounddragons didn't feel the will to fight at all?

Then some time later, a soldier of leaders who had finally succeeded in getting me back resumed questioning the brave.

"... Ooh, hon. It was a rare sight, so I was surprised. If you're an associate of Master Sirius or the Shah family, no wonder you're holding the dragon... So, my next question... what is this carriage? It doesn't look like a carriage..."

and an Incubus soldier who not only looks at the exploded carriage, but also at the carriages around him.

Such carriages, without exception, were fitted with about four unusually thick and large tires, and their axes were firmly bracketed (kuku) with cylinders like a mass of metal.

Finally, all the carriages that were there were AWD electric carriages (?).

However, the Incubus soldiers didn't seem to understand what kind of vehicle that was.

Especially if there are those who can be understood at first glance, even the Mid-Eden humans should be limited to very few.

That is no exception for the brave......

He seemed to see the high-tech carriage this way.

"... can you understand the power of a horse pulling a carriage when you say something like a big magic tool that people magically help with?

"The principle... I somehow understood. How fast, by the way?

"Right...... Is it... about twice as fast as a horse would normally pull"

"" "Double?!

and soldiers who hear the words of the brave and have a stunned look on their face.

At that moment, that glittering gaze they directed at the carriage seemed to be about the same kind of gaze the boys directed at cool sports cars.

"May I ask you any other questions?

"Where are you selling this?!

"... unfortunately, it's not for sale.

"Why... so where did you get it?!

The question of the desperate soldier...

"... I am sorry, but I do not have the authority to give detailed explanations. Ask Sirius for more information."

When the brave man spoke so, he seemed to shake his neck slowly beside him.

Meanwhile, the swordsman and the wise man who watched him like that from behind...

"(Hey? Nicole. Recently, Leo's one, he looks like a real maid, not a brave one, is that your fault? It belongs to the Demon King, too...)"

"(Demon King... Demon King...)"

- And he looked delicate, looking like he had a lot to say.

Especially in the case of wise men, they had a heap of things to say about the existence of 'brave men' and 'demon kings' in the first place......

One seemed desperate to hold his head, as if to put up with something.

Well, aside from that.

The conversation still seemed to be going on between the brave and the Incubus soldiers.

"I want... this carriage..."

"Unfortunately, I can't give it to you either. It's just... it's not like there's no way to get it."

"Duh, what am I supposed to do? ♪ On purpose ♪

"As you can see, everyone here will be paid a carriage. I mean..."

"... with you (...) women (...) and others, you get a high-performance carriage?

"Sir Left."


To that word of the brave, the Incubus soldier who looks deeply contemplated.

Apparently he 's-- No, they really want a high-tech carriage.

Is that also why they want a fast carriage for the rest of their lives?

And that is the time.

Some of the children who were playing with the Grounddragons instead of athletics rushed to the brave.

Because from time to time, brave men used to deal with children and play.

Perhaps the children approached him because they thought they could still play today.

And the children verbally said this to the brave men who were dealing with the soldiers of the Incubus.

"Yu-sha, honey, come on!

"I like the decency!

"Was it a trick?

"I'm so cool with yu-shi!


"Guys, I'm sorry...... Hey right now, my brave brother (...) Chi (...) is busy, so I'll see you later, okay?... Victor and Nicole? I'm gonna need someone for the kids, right?

and a brave man who smiles and says so.

In contrast, swordsmen and sages, somehow in a hurry, pulled children (?) and seems to have gone away from the spot.

"Oh, oh! Let it go!

"Look, kids! We're going that way with your brothers, okay?

"" "Huh!?

"With the Osama's?!

"Give it to me..."

"Wow, Mom!

"" ……… "" Puffy

At that time, two swordsmen and two wise men seem to have had an unsatisfactory look on their tongues in the wake of the painful words that flew from the children, but they discourage them because their honorably fatal problems could arise.


After I dropped them off like that, the brave had something to do.

"... let me hear more about what we're talking about now?

The incubators knew that the children had called the brave 'Yusha', and that he was a man.

What will happen as a result?

No longer, needless to say.

"... will it be difficult for you to speak and understand in words?

"... If you're a brave man, screw us with your strength!

"... ok"



And, bumping into each other, the iron pipes of the brave, and the soldiers.

Should it be a shame or a natural flow......

Thus began the battle between the brave and the incubus.

...... Note.

"Ah! Yusha and Osama and the others, yusha and messy!

"Neither do we. Come on!

"Uncle Victor and Uncle Kanja! You want to go?

"" Hey... "


Behind that, where the brave men are fighting, another battle was being fought unwittingly, another story...

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