Julia's Activity (?), and all but the earth dragons were allowed into the city of Wespel, that night.

The Waltz, who do not like to stay in the castle of the Shah family main house and who have secured a lodging in the town today, cannot refuse until an invitation to an evening meal on the boulder though...

He waited in the guest room of the invited mansion until his meal was ready.

It just didn't seem that way when all the members were there.

"Guys on the boulder, you didn't keep it till night..."

As Waltz put it, because of the many people who had been up all night since last night, the majority of the members, at the limit of their health, went down when they arrived at the inn.

Alternatively, searching for Syranui's whereabouts and, in the end, not being able to grab information in the city could also be a cause of tiredness.

Exactly, it seemed like it was a boring moneymaker of broken bones.


I'm here because...

"Come on, it's free rice ~? Free rice ~"

"Um, Master Cortex? I'll take care of it, will you?

"Marie, are you okay?

"... I want to sleep. But I'll be patient!

"As long as Marie is around, I can stay awake forever! No, you're definitely going to sleep!

"(I don't know why... You get the same signs from Yuki B as Loricon......)"

Cortex, Julia, Null, Rosemary, Yuki B, and Waltz.

It should be noted that Yuki C, although in the same building, is not in this room.

Since she had been a military minister in Vixen and had been evacuated to the land, as usual, under the control of the soldiers, it was now time to do business.

Incidentally, it may be she who gave the soldiers instructions to attack the Waltz for each Ardelheit infiltrating the carriage line.

"Well... I'm in trouble..."

Waltz muttering such a cliché in front of his buddies who were interacting with the soothing (?).

What the hell was she in trouble with......

Julia, who was combing Rosemary's hair, asked Waltz why, just in case, although she had somehow guessed its contents.

"Uh, Master Waltz? What the hell is wrong with you?

"No? Think about it, don't they all have titles? That means noble..." Slow down.

"... maybe, but do you feel pressure for dinner parties?

"You know exactly what I mean, don't you?

"... in front of you this morning, you were eating normally, weren't you?

and Julia remembers the waltz that was spraying miso soup during the breakfast party.

It shouldn't be more rude than blowing soup out in front of everyone...

Wasn't Waltz usually willing to eat (?), she seemed under no small pressure to dine with the nobles that were going to take place - and also with the relatives of Julia.

"No, I wish it was morning, okay? Guys, there's an atmosphere where you're awake and you're not turning your head, so I was wondering if you could miss it if it's slightly coarse... But... at night, we're all like beasts, aren't we? When I pushed you into the conference room yesterday, that's a typical example..."

"Well, if you push it into the conference room, you deserve to look grumpy..."

"Well, it's something similar. So, that's why I'm not really good at seeing you for dinner."

"I have a lot to say... but I understand very well that Master Waltz doesn't like dinner parties. So... conversely, would a breakfast party be good? I'm doing it again..."

The moment Julia said such a natural question...

".................. Huh?

and waltz to solidify.

Seeing that reaction made everyone on the spot laugh bitterly, is there no choice?

And that's when it came.

To the waltzes, the maid and Sacubas came to pick me up...

They were finally led to the dining room.

".................. here it is"

A maid who speaks so and stops in front of a big door.

In front of that kannon opening door stood a soldier and two sophisticated deacons, and when the waltzes approached, they finally lowered their heads and then put the door...


Giggy, giggy...

Slowly opened.

At that moment...

".................. yeah. Return."

and waltz to look inside the room and make a summary retreat.

It was a large hall with round tables everywhere.

The desk is lined with dishes and fruits of various kinds, with some elaborate decorations of design placed in the center of it….

Around it seemed that the incubators and sacubas, wrapped in tuxedos and dresses, were waiting for the waltzes now or now.

Other players with instruments play inconspicuously in the corners of the room, many maids and butlers come and go, and a bright red carpet is laid on one side of the floor of the room......

Exactly, undisputed, it was an aristocratic party venue.

Seeing the sight, Waltz, who calls himself a commoner, seems to have become unwittingly confused.

What was in her head like that was the future that would await us about ourselves beyond this.

That is, the future after a few minutes when the unspecified will be made question-attack.

Who we are, where we come from, why we're here, what we're going to do...

Waltz didn't know how to answer the aristocratic version of the 5W1H rainstorm.

As a result, she turns right and tries to walk away from the scene.


"Sister ~? Running away, isn't it?

Unfortunately, Cortex seems to have caught me.

Normal humans in this world can't catch a waltz of holographic appearance, but if Cortex had less knowledge of her structure, it seemed like there was no creation either.

"Also, already...... then, be transparent!" Bhun

"Well, if you don't run away, it's good for now. But don't you mind if I deal with all of you from the front once in a while ~? You know what happens when I deal with you all ~, sister ~?

"... ugh, yeah. But that's a different story from this, right? my stress gauge is over fl"

"Um... I'd like to close the door, can't you come in?

"" Ah, yes. I'm going now. ""

Waltz and Cortex, all sisters, give such a response to Julia inquiring from the other side of the venue door.

Thus they were to attend a dinner party prepared by the Shah family - as well as a party.

At that time...

".................. It's Gumball!

Looks like someone was whining about those words, as I say myself......

It is unclear whether anyone has noticed it.

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