"... what can you do for me?

"What, no... my grandmother said I could do it, so I made her do it... (Well, no way, I didn't expect to cut every building...)"

"I'm sorry......"

After Ardelheit regained his mind.

Among the party venues where the walls were uneven from building to building, my grandmother and granddaughter, plus a little Sacubus girl, had such an exchange.

As for Ardelheit, he didn't think every building would be slashed, and he can't seem to help but have a heavy head on the results now.

Well, last night I was blown over the top of the mansion where the conference room was by Waltz, and today, considering Rosemary cut me off from the hotel...

Expenditure for that repair should be an uninterrupted amount, so I can tell you that even if you hold your head, it's not impossible.

By the way.

The other scubas and incubators remained on the spot without evacuation.

Especially since, as before, there's nothing worrying about whether to get close to the waltzes or not...

Everyone seemed to take their distance from the waltzes and give top priority to ensuring their safety.

In the meantime.

Julia questioned Ardelheit, who is turning to Zito, about the results of the test.

"As for the repair costs, Mid Eden... not as reimbursement later on in mine... the problem is Marie. Could you give me your consent about welcoming me into the family?

By contrast, Ardelheit, after a loud sigh.

Ask Julia the opposite question.

"What the hell is that?

"It's a form of phantom magic, isn't it? Even so, it's not simple phantom magic. Actually, I taught Marie. In a nutshell... stretching the blade in your hand with magical force... that's what compound magic looks like."

"Even if it were compound magic, such as phantom magic, which does not affect the spirit, but appears as an actual phenomenon, n"

"No. It's undoubtedly phantom magic. Wind magic, thunder magic, water magic, and phantom magic. Rosemary makes an expansive blade by combining swordsmanship with these four kinds of magic. You're all cut by an invisible blade, but you're not hurt, because you have that phantom magic, right? I don't know exactly what kind of magic it is... I can't talk about it because when I talk, I get scolded by the second Lord..."

With that said, Julia turns her gaze to Cortex, who was a little further away.

So, Cortex...

".................. hmm? ♪ Momogu ♪

- As a result of everyone's confusion, it seemed like they were packing a meal that no one had eaten in bulk into their mouths, now just for a chance.

Ardelheit, who saw it, said this to Julia, sighing deeply while holding her temples in pain.

"... Also, is it Mid-Eden technology? What the hell is happening to the world on the human side now?

"Right...... There are complicated situations that are difficult to explain. To give you an example… there is so much knowledge and technology that a small country (Ecclesia) can trap Boreas."

"... we were left behind at some point, so..."

and Ardelheit sighs discouraged, knowing just a little about the situation in the world.

Then she muttered these words.

"It's a whole lot of trouble. Mid-Eden, Ecleria, and... Alborosa's daughter..."

It is that moment.


And Waltz, who had previously disappeared, appeared on the spot.

It also stays with Cortex, throwing food into his mouth......

She asked Ardelheit if she thought it would be rude to open her mouth with food in it, without opening her mouth to chew.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I almost forgot to ask that. My daughter from that Alborosa - I think it's called Silanui, and now, Alisa, don't you know where she is?

Having heard the inquiry, Ardelheit replies to Waltz with a slightly suspicious look on his face.

"To that girl...... is there something?

"No, that girl, she's my apprentice. She, Mid-Eden, got caught up in something a little shocked, and she couldn't stand it and ran away. So, we're chasing her to talk about it, so..."

Listen to that.

"... I see. That's what caused her to have an unusually high level of technology and knowledge..."

and Ardelheit with a convincing look.

Then she gives the sword in her hand to her Sacubus entourage who was nearby......

On this journey, the Waltz began to talk about the information they had been pursuing.

"That girl... about a week ago now, I left here. You said you really had to go back to your hometown, but you didn't even talk about why..."

"Uh, I knew it was...... because? Julia."

"Ah, yes. So you have to be ready to leave soon."

"Yeah. Well... guys, I think we're sleeping in the inn already, so I think we should leave tomorrow morning, huh?

"Yes, I did. Then I'll just get ready by the end of the day."

With that said, look to Rosemary, and Julia turning back to Ardelheit.

And then she...

"I'm sorry. Ardelheit, your grandmother. I give you sudden life from the Lord, so I am here today to excuse you."

I say so, I bow my head, and I try to put the spot behind me.

"... wait"

It is stopped by Ardelheit.

"Uh... what is it?

"We haven't finished what's important yet. Don't you have to ask me the results of the exam?

"... ah"

"... you're a troubled grandson"

When Ardelheit said so in dismay, he approached Rosemary, who was next to Julia...

Then try to match the height of her gaze and gently kneel in on the spot......

And with a tender look on his face, he said this unto the little Sakubus girl that was there.

"... Rosemary. I accept to welcome you to my Shah family. From now on... name me Rosemary-Margaret-Schach"

Rosemary said...


And I'll get back to you fine.


If you're Julia, you seem to have doubted your ears by accident.

Apparently it was caused by the inclusion of her name in Rosemary's name.

Anyway, for the sakubas of this land, the middle name is supposed to be the part where the 'parent' name comes in...

As a result, Ardelheit turns to Zito for some reason against Julia, who reacts baffled......

I uttered words like this advice.

"Margaret. You serve as the 'mother' of this child. I'm not a sister or anything, I'm a 'parent'. If you don't like it, we'll take it from you."


To that word, Julia, who rounds her eyes.

Though there was something like a moment of confusion......

Immediately she said this back.

"... ok. From now on, I will raise her responsibly until the day she becomes a parent."

That's what I said, Julia, putting her hands on Rosemary's head.

At that time, Rosemary was leaning his neck in such a way that he didn't seem to understand the circumstances, because too many changes came at once, or because he had something in Yulia's hands that he thought......

In any case, both mother and child, accept the words of Ardelheit, the winner of the Shah family….

Thus Rosemary's Shah family debut is safe (?) that put the curtain down.

… except.

Ardelheit, apart from that, seems to have had another conversation.

"That's a hard decision. Well...... then everyone. Any objections?

Ardelheit accidentally uttered such words, and turned a profound eye to those around him.

There's a whole bunch of Shah family members and their associates there...

At first glance, it also seemed like Ardelheit was taking final confirmation that he had no objection to accepting Rosemary into the Shach family.

But that didn't seem like it.

"You don't seem to have any objections. Okay, Margaret. From today on, you name it this way. Margaret-Schach and"

What that means is...

"I give the housekeeper to you"

"" "What..." "

It seemed that Julia would be the head of the Shah family.

And another word.

"... Gentlemen. There is a serious announcement at the beginning of this party, I said... it's not about giving up the housekeeper to Margaret, as I was saying. As a matter of fact, I... got out of the Shach house and I'm going to be married!

"" ".................. What?!

"... oops. I'm gonna get chills, so I'm gonna go home, okay?

And Waltz, who throws his meal in his mouth and escapes the scene with all his might.

... thus.

And the waltzes fled, and left the Shah house.

That's right.

In many ways......

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