"Bye, Kai r"

"I smell sushi!

"... return m"

"I smell sushi from over here!

"... ok"

I don't know until what smell of sushi you reacted to, but wild kids who don't try to go home to energy (?) before, waltz like there was nothing else to change my mind about.

As a result, the waltzes, as they had lunch, had a sushi restaurant (?) I think I decided to stop by.

".................." kun

"(When you look at Lucia from behind like this, it really feels like a fox...)"

After scheduling rendezvous times and splitting up with my friends.

Waltz walks through a town lined with Japanese houses while being taken by Lucia.

On the spot, Lucia's absolute barrier (?) and Theresa, who was turning into...

"Slow..." Slow.

She seemed to create a feeling of gessoli, whether it was her mouth, her actions, and the atmosphere, as Lucia was pulling her hand.

Well, no one seemed to care about that but himself.

Teresa like that accidentally goes back to her true face......

I asked Lucia, as if she remembered something.

"With that said, Miss Lucia? Lord, are you glad you didn't follow Atlas? I thought Lord Silanui was with him..."

At that moment...

".................. what?! [incomprehensible]

and Lucia starts vibrating in small pieces with a crying look on her face.

When I saw it, I opened my mouth, like waltz was frightened.

"No? Teresa, I think we're gonna have to take it easy on you."

"Ugh, um... Is that what this is all about?

"I don't think it's okay to attack again..."

"I can't say anything because I don't understand romantic feelings..."

"Here, Teresa! Don't say anything unnecessary! I was calm until just now... '

and, with voice and radio waves, Teresa and Waltz communicate in multiple ways.

And then Teresa, scolded, said she had a gessy look on her face again.

"... I smell it from this store!

The line seems to have reached one store.

"Heh, it's not a real sushi shop. Was there a sea or something nearby? Could it be... riverfish?

"Huh? What's sushi... were you using fish?


And Waltz and Teresa, who no longer know what to answer to Lucia's remarks.

Apparently Lucia thinks when it comes to 'sushi', she means' Inari sushi '.

"... well, hey, maybe it's expensive, but I stopped by once in a while? We've both never had real sushi or anything, have we?

"A real - sushi? ♪ Kikupi ♪

"Speaking of which, well... I don't remember eating it, even though I know it as a concept."

"Well, that's just fine."



And, the waltz that opens the drawer and enters the store.

This is how they will experience real sushi.

And 30 minutes later.



Three people come out to the table with a subtle look on their face.

Nevertheless, it did not seem to have tasted bad.

Other than that, there seems to have been something unexpected.

"... I really didn't think that” sushi shop ”was a ghost man..."

"Right...... Besides, I can't believe this is my home... You've come a long way to Mid Eden..."

"You know, traveling the world to spread the culture of sushi... wow..."

Apparently, the sushi shop owner, who owns the Inari Sushi Shop in Wangdu in Mid-Eden, was actually a ghost man and from Kibi town, although he hid the horns in a bowl roll.

Is he traveling to a region without sushi culture, as Teresa said, to spread sushi?

That happens to reach Mid-Eden's South Fortress and stop in Lucia's eyes......

And on edge, I opened a shop in the King's Capital of Mid-Eden, a wandering state (?) Looks like.

"The world seems... big and small..."

"Well... I mean, how far is that sushi place coming from..."

"No, with that said, isn't Lord Silanui the same? If you want to travel, it may take a while, but you can go anywhere."

and the three waltzes walking around town with their mouths full of sushi restaurant thoughts, not sushi flavors thoughts.

In the meantime...

"Ah! Can I stop by?

Lucia inadvertently started saying that.

"Huh? Yeah...... We still have time for the rally, okay?

"Well, sweeten to your words..."

With that said, Lucia rushes to one store as she waves her tail.

I saw the sign at the store where she opened the door.

"" Ah... "

Waltz and Teresa, together, gave a look of regret.

… clothes.

Lucia walked into that two-letter shop.

"... Isn't this something that won't come out for about three or four hours?

"Bizarre encounter? I think so too..."

- Does that mean it's extremely likely?

"What am I going to do? I'm going first... there's no way...... bye! We're going to have to date Waltz until Miss Lucia gets out!

"Huh? I can't." Buh.


And as a result of Waltz disappearing, there's only one Theresa.

To put it in more detail, in a distant exotic land, also an exotic land full of ghosts, one fox beast girl, neither right nor left, was left in the whole town.

That despair must be unimaginable.

Let's just say...

"... of what to do"

Whether you look to the right or to the left, in a town where no one knows, Theresa is slowly getting thinner...

"... I can't change my belly on my back!

Although reluctant, he seems to have decided to go inside the garment store to accompany Lucia's shopping.

... but.

Apparently, an exceptional phenomenon has arisen.


Lucia, who was supposed to have just entered the store, immediately went outside.

"You're welcome. Is that it? What about your sister?

"Mm? It was pretty quick...... Waltz just disappeared and went somewhere. Maybe you thought it would take a while to shop for Miss Lucia, so you went to see the town around it?

"Oh well...... Well, just fine."

"... Huh?

"Yes, this. I'll give it to Teresa!

With that said, Lucia gives Teresa a package wrapped in something like Japanese paper.

"... what the hell?

"Eh...... I think you'll find out when you open it!

Listen to that.

".................." billy

And Teresa unwraps the paper with a surprising look on her face...

And as a result, it came out of the package.

"... cooking?

It was a cooking outfit prepared by Lucia for Teresa, who usually comes in Japanese clothes.

"Uh hey...... the cooking clothes Teresa always uses, on this journey, they're pretty worn out, aren't they? So I thought I'd give you a new one!

"Ugh, um... Thank you very much. So... what's the matter all of a sudden?

"Huh? What?

"Huh? Wow, maybe too much of a concubine... Right...... Purely as a gift from Miss Lucia."

"Yeah. Teresa always makes sushi, so I hope she thinks it's a thank you!

Listen to Lucia.

"... um. You figured out what the Lord had in mind to give me..."

Teresa of how she guessed Lucia's thoughts.

What the hell did she guess?

... I didn't deal with Inari sushi at the sushi shop earlier. Speaking of which, can you understand?

"Boulder, you're Teresa. Well, come on, let's go get some after-dinner snacks! You smell fried from here, don't you? ♪ sloppy

"... concubine, maybe not anymore" sloppy

And Teresa is dragged by Lucia, even though she says she's full.

This is how she will still make Inari sushi for Lucia today….

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