"... something, guys, aren't you sloppy?

"" "" "……" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Waltz, who had gone back to the rendezvous point, threw such a question from the majority of those who had returned, realizing that he was losing his vitality.

By the way, here's the breakdown.

Lucia sees how Silanui sticks to the Atlas that was there.

Teresa has brand new cooking clothes and Inari sushi ingredients in her hand.

Eve held her bright red face in pain.

Julia is Margaret (?) with the flowers in your hand, be ashamed.

And Sylvia and Lisa, you didn't eat lunch, you hiccup......

"Everyone seems to be having a lot of trouble..."

Waltz speaks so loudly about what to say to his people, how he can't find words.

... Then.

Theresa inquired against Waltz with a gestured look.

"... waltz... Lord, put aside the concubine, where have you been..." puffy

"Huh? Well, I just came back here first and did the (restorative) work as usual?

"... I don't know..."

"Were you so shocked to go home first?

"... um..." Shin.

"... something... sorry..."

Waltz mouths apologies to see how Teresa, who has left her inside the town, is getting progressively more sorry for being damaged than she thought.

By the way, as a waltz, on Teresa's side, I'm close to her (?) Lucia was there, so it seemed fine.

As a result, Waltz said these words to cheer him up about Teresa.

"You have no choice... I said date, I'll be home in a minute, but if it's enough to walk around town blah blah, I can hang out with you, okay?

At that moment...

………… ♪ Kikupi ♪

and the blue eyes of Teresa, who shines physically.

Against her like that, Waltz stabs the nail once and for all.

"Of course not now, right? Go back to Mid-Eden, when you have time, right?

"Absolutely, it doesn't matter! Even if you don't stop by the store somewhere, your concubine is just happy to walk with Waltz!

Theresa spins three tails, happily, with a boom...

Then the others begin to raise their voices of protest.

"Uh, only Teresa is sloppy!

"I agree!

".................." puffy

"I have Marie, so I'll be patient............... oh, should Marie go with me..."


Look at that.

"Ha... (Everyone wants to be with me...)"

And waltz who accidentally holds his head.

Then that's when.

Tempo returns to the square in front of the main entrance where the waltzes were, who had not returned to the end.

In her arms like that, there's a massive hug of something like a paper bag...

Apparently, she's been shopping in town.

And I'm coming back to the waltzes. No, Tempo said this.

"Oh? Ladies and gentlemen. Have you aligned yet? By the way...... you guys don't seem to have anything, have you bought any souvenirs yet?

Listen to that.


and the same look on one's face at a time.

To give an example, it looks like that, with his eyes open, his beast ears pinned, and his tail hair upside down.


Only Waltz, exceptionally, seemed to react optimistically.

"Well, it looks like Tempo bought it, and it's okay, isn't it?

"... your sister. Even in front of a hunter working alone in Mid-Eden...... can you say the same thing about that? Well, I guess your sister can say it without worrying about anything. The thickness of the skin on that surface, I just want to apprentice."

"............... sorry, I'll get some"

I can't go back at all to pointing out the tempo...

Waltz trying to go shopping back the way he came.

And the others, all the while, saw where they had gone behind the waltz...

Everyone seems to have forgotten to buy souvenirs.

Well, I can't deny the possibility that you wanted to enjoy shopping with Waltz.

... That was the time.


Such a whistling sound came down from the sky.

Listen to that.

"Wow, that's a pain in the ass..."

Waltz stops on the spot, looks up at the sky, and gives me a sincerely disgusting look.

The next moment...


and over the town, the sound of something blowing up in momentum.

And a fierce hotline that passes along with it.

Apparently, the sound...

"Bomber, you haven't flown, but you've got an air strike... oh, transfer magic"

Seems to have been caused by a burst of explosives in the sky.

By the way, that explosive didn't explode when it hit something.

It was the result of an interception by Waltz quite over the sky before the damage was done to the town.

I heard Waltz whine like that.

"What... Could it be Ecleria?!

I can't believe what happened in front of me, Lucia turning to my sister.

When the others saw the same look on her face, they all seemed to think the same thing.

... I wonder if Eccleria has ever been tired of Boreas alone and has invaded Alborosa as well.

As a result, those who were there focused their gaze on Waltz….

Ahead, Waltz seemed to be staring at the ground somehow, not looking at the sky, not gazing at his people.

No, I was thinking of something that seemed difficult, should I say?

"Hmm... can't you deny it..."

"" "... Huh?

"Hey, Teresa? Now, Rosemary... for once, it's silo, isn't it?

"Hmm? Is that the color of your pants?

"What... Marie's Pant"

"Hey! It's a joke! Doesn't Miss Marie have to say anything?

"... seriously?

"... Miss Marie is definitely Miss Marie. Al, there's no way you can possibly possess it."

"So... you didn't find out when you signed up in the town of Leepa, did you..."

"Hmm? What are you talking about?

Teresa asks suspiciously because Waltz didn't know what he was thinking.

Waltz then began to utter a certain hypothesis about Ecleria while intercepting a flying body that was still falling intermittently from the sky using a gravity control system.

"I was thinking about what Eccleria had in common when she attacked me. So, to conclude... if you stop by the Adventurer Guild, you're quite likely to be attacked. Even in this town, Sylvia and Lisa were there earlier, and I'm talking about..."

"".................. yes "" snort

"Something, both of us, seems like a translation... So... do you really have anything to do with the Adventurer Guild? The only ones who haven't been to the guild are the towns of Zapato and Wespel, but even the towns of Zapato were raided, right?

"In the case of the town of Zapato, we've been in a state of engagement since before we went, so maybe it won't be judgment material. I don't care if you let Zapato's town in or not, because the sample count is initially low, the probability is pretty low, right?

And, as things stand, Waltz honestly admits that his hypothesis still doesn't leave the hypothesis range.

Nevertheless, she didn't seem to have spoken of it in her mind.

"But still, there are three reasons why I thought that stopping by the Adventurers Guild might be the reason. The first is that the town of Wespel, like the town of Zapato, should not have been strange to be under some attack, but there were no Ecclerian soldiers or demons at all. And the second thing is that the town here wasn't supposed to be attacked, but through the town of Wespel, for some reason, this place was attacked. And finally, only when we're here, all the attacks that wouldn't be strange if the town were destroyed will fly in for some reason, the third. Once since we got into Boreas, 'cause I've never seen a devastated town, and it's weird that a high-fired attack just happens to fly when we're around, right? So... considering them all together, I thought that stopping by an Adventurer's Guild would trigger a raid."

"Hmm...... As things stand, it's hard to judge..."

"So. so... why don't we give it a try?

and waltz to say so without incident.

And what she uttered was words that would cease to exist if the listener heard them.

"As soon as this air strike settles, let's head back to the king's capital of Mid-Eden and go to the Adventurer's Guild, shall we? To make sure you're really attacked, huh?

That's what I said, waltz with a suspicious grin.

Apparently, she's willing to sacrifice her king's capital.

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