... the sight was unusual.

It can be said that it is difficult to give an example of how things were different.

Anyway... as many as 48 boys and girls were unconsciously falling into the woods.

If you were to apply that to any event... mass killings, or something like that?

Well, he's just unconscious, and he didn't seem to be dead.

And at the same time you see them, the transformed dragons.

………… Hey, stop r "


and Lolicon sinks suddenly into the ground without a foretaste.

I wonder if you can understand why he had to be seen like that, by the way, the name was speaking.

"Hold on, Mana is really weird... If you're going to transform, I don't think it's strange to transform into something other than a human being, but more importantly, why a human being?

And, after sinking Loricon in ultra-gravity, Waltz speaks of such a question as he floats all the humanized ground dragons in the air.

The mana she gave the grounddragons to drink was from an underground lake in the basement of South Fortress in Mid-Eden......

That in itself was not supposed to be a special, humanized liquid.

Huge water (mana) hoarding that appeared with the extinction of the labyrinth, near the capital of Boreas, Vixen (?) I also humanized Fei Long, who drank Mana from, so it's good to say I'm almost certain.

Because the dragons, if they drink mana, they will be humanized for now...

Waltz didn't seem to know why it was' human '.

In particular, there is no denying the possibility that no one in this world knows.

In the meantime, Eve, who was managing Mana, uttered this hypothesis.

"After all, maybe it's because I thought I wanted to be a person, right? Maybe... when you drink mana, if you imagine how you want to be, you could turn into a lot of things?

"Hmmm... that doesn't mean the concubine wants to be a fox, too, and if she drinks mana, she could be a fox, right?

"Well, why don't you try it? But you're more than half mechanized, so you might end up halfway there, huh? Or maybe you can't undo it, just like that. Well, at that time, I'll put a collar on it and connect it to the faucet in the Royal Castle courtyard, so don't worry, you can have a drink of mana, okay?

"... I knew it would stop..."

Though I love the fox thing, I thought it would turn into a fox figure permanently, Teresa, the way she decided to stop drinking mana.

Waltz turned a bitter smile against her like that then......

I turned my eyes back to the ground dragons that were floating, and I said:

"First, you have to get dressed before you catch a cold. So... does anybody have clothes?


"Well, you don't have one..."

and waltz of realizing that no one has clothes for 48 people and figuring out what to do with their arms together.

Of course, even if those on the spot gathered all the clothes they had, it seemed completely inadequate.

As a result, she seems to have reached one conclusion.

"... yeah. Shall we move to Mid-Eden while they're unconscious? That way, you don't care what happens after that?

Thus, while the earth dragons sleep in the shock of transformation, let's move quickly to Mid-Eden, where we procure clothes and let them wear them.

And meals of course......

I mouth this kind of pointer as Eve gives me a surprising look at such Waltz's suggestion.

"But maybe while you're flying, you'll wake up, right? If we all wake up together, in Potato, it could be a mayhem, right?

"That's already... I guess I'll have to go home on the super express. If it stays the way it was, just one rampage could be a big deal, but if it's what it is now, you can handle some rampage... I'm sure"

"Ugh, yeah...... If Master Waltz says so, maybe he'll be okay...?

"There's, well... it's going to be, right? Become. So, Flying Dragon? If anything happens, with Polaris, could you do something about it? You're flying in the sky for only 30 minutes, so if you put up with the Grounddragons, we'll figure something out later? (... Atlas.)"

"... I feel like I have some chills right now... are you out of your mind..."

"Um... Pote-chan, I have trouble getting busted inside, so we'll see what we can do."


With that said, send a meaningful gaze to my brother...

Waltz carries the massive number of terrestrial dragons, humanized just like her, to the potential, with the Fei Long Karina, who was returning to the figure of man.

And send them safely inside the potential….

Thus the waltzes were on their way back to the king's capital in Mid-Eden.

It should be noted that Polaris, who was pulling in the potentia, became a person's figure relative (?) I will look at them and skip explaining how they were reacting.

Well, I wasn't experiencing an unusual reaction in particular, I was just suddenly solidifying with my poker and mouth open as it was.

"Silanui! Oh, my God! Are you kidding me! You're making me worry...!

"Mr. Blaze... excuse me..." Shin

Syranui apologizes with regret for the anger that flew when the waltzes returned to the bridge of Energia.

I yelled about her like that, as Silanui put it, in the blaze......

He was really worried about Silanui.

"... but I'm glad you're feeling better..."

He seemed to squeal such words and sigh loudly in a small voice as to whether they could be heard by those who were on the spot.

Inside the bridge, besides such blades, were the figures of those who were waiting for the return of Silanui.

"Are you safe ~. Really? Really? ~.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I saw Silanui sticking to Atlas' arm, and Cortex had a grin my eyes weren't laughing and...

"You look fine and above all. I'd like to do a medical exam later, so please come to the infirmary. … I'm going to put a little painful injection and moxibustion in place."


Smiling, Catalina looking angry and Schwartz still hiding from under her white coat today.


"You are... Master Silanui, aren't you? I'm Beatrice Orija. I'm Teresa's wife. From now on, I want you to know..."

It seems that Catalina will teach you the magic of the junction, and some of the beatrix remained in the energy.

"What... Theresa's... What..."

"This, Lord Silanui. Aren't you peddling this guy's bullshit? My concubine already has a husband named Waltz..."

"What... of Master Waltz's wife... daughter-in-law?

"" What... "

"Yes, sir. That's not why I don't get it. Just leave it at that, okay?

That's what I said, waltz sweeping away the air that was beginning to chaos and focusing on energy.

Then, from the view that was being seen from the bridge, the appearance of the forest rapidly drifted away......

The hull of energy appears to have risen to space with the hull of the potentia that was next to it.

With such a view......

Waltz inadvertently posed this question to a swordsman who was physically entangled in energy.

"Speaking of which, swordsman? Where's your leader? Looks like he wasn't outside..."

"Is that Leo? He should be in the infirmary by now..."

That's it, swordsmen who say it somehow.

Not only that, but the swordsman seemed to be behaving as if he were asking her permission to turn his gaze to Catalina and say the words ahead of him from there.

Apparently, something big happened while the waltzes were gone.

You guessed that...

Waltz asked Catalina.

"... what? Is something wrong? You know, while I was teaching Beatrice the magic of the junction, I blew up the wrong thing about the brave guy, and I hurt him badly? It's nothing, is it?

"No, that's not it"

"Oh, yeah. Well, you're showing your face to Leah again."

"That's right..."

And, Catalina, what a difficult reaction to Waltz's words to respond to.

Look at the look on her face.

"What... no way... Leah, he's dead?

Waltz imagines the worst...

In fact, something very different seemed to have happened from that.

"Actually, Mr. Leah... I woke up"

"" "............... Huh?

They didn't understand what Catalina said, and the waltzes react like they doubted their ears at the same time.

But it's not a mistake, it's a mistake.

"Mr. Leah, I'm awake. I'm here to report it to Mr. Waltz."

It seemed to be good news, as Catalina put it with a grin.

Apparently, the long-running treatment of Catalina was at a major turning point while the Waltz were picking up Silanui in the town of Kibi.

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