
The morning after the doozy day ended.

The scene is Catalina's office in Royal Castle.

Behind it, move around the bed in the intensive care unit.

"... Good morning Leah. How are you feeling physically?

For Leah, who can only eat liquid food yet, it seems the maid brave had prepared her own meal and brought it to her.

In response to his inquiry, Leah, who had already awakened her eyes...

"... good morning..."

Only, I spoke briefly.

Nevertheless, I refuse to speak of the brave, not that...

It simply seemed to be the result of not getting health back yet.

Or maybe he was worried and couldn't sleep because he didn't have any memories.

The brave man who has been acting with her for a long time feels such a childhood circumstance...

And I said this to her with a tender look on her face.

"Now let's not push it yet and eat a little bit. And then if you sleep slowly, move your body... and repeat it every day, you'll recover until you can walk in about a month."

".................. Yes"

"So...... I'll wake up the bed, so tell me if it hurts or feels uncomfortable, right?

So, as Catalina taught me the day before, a brave man who moves an electric bed.

And where the bed rose to some angle...

"Now, open your mouth."

He spoons up a soft meal.

I started carrying it into Leah's mouth, little by little.

"... I don't know... that's amazing. Mr. Brave......"

and Yuki from the intensive care unit separated by a sheet of glass to see how the brave man who devotes himself to caring for Leah reacts like he was interested.

From the girlfriend of the former demon king, the back of the brave man there seemed to be something worthy of respect.


The figure of the person who mouths the dry comment was also there.

"It hasn't been a day since Master Leah woke up... I don't know how long it will last… it's a sight to see."

It is largely a tempo to say nothing but harsh things about non-children.

By the way, there's a rope in her hand like that...

Beyond that...


And, something seemed like a long-sleeved man, groaning, rolling on the floor in a twisted state.

"This is the office. Please shut up, Your Majesty King Endelusia"


Alcoa-Enders, king of Endelusia, a neighbour who listens to Tempo and immediately shuts up.

He seems to have come to see how his daughter, Leah, regained consciousness...

Before reaching her daughter, she appeared to have been held captive by a tempo concerned about the adverse effects of the treatment.

- Like, tempo is a lot of negative behavior, such as interference with people's behavior, for the most part...

Only at this moment today, apparently, that wasn't even the case.

"… Your Majesty the King. Are you worried about leaving your daughter with the brave man?


"No way, you said you entrusted the world to him, but you said you couldn't entrust your daughter? … there will be no such contradictory story"


"Now, even if you leave in front of Master Leah, she just gets confused without memory. I don't mind watching you from afar, but you can stay calm for a while."


After hearing that word of tempo, King Endercia looks up at the ceiling silently as he falls asleep on the floor.

Apparently, even with him, Tempo's words had something to think about and he quietly decided to accept her words.

Look at that, or did you intend to...

"... Potentia. Please keep Your Majesty out."

Tempo is my son (?), whereas such instructions are spoken.


"Yes. Mother," Casa, Casa.

From around the gap behind the bookshelf, a large amount of potential appeared that looked like a black insect......

And he took King Endelusia outside the room, dragging him along with his cheats.

"Hmm...... As a parent, I can't see my daughter until she's recovered..."

"I heard earlier, but Tempo Mother didn't say that you shouldn't come, so I don't think it's a problem for you to show your face, right?

After leaving the Catalina office, bring King Endelusia to the elevator hall......

And the potentia who untied him.

So he was having such a conversation with King Endelusia...

As far as that conversation was concerned, King Endelusia still seemed to accept the words of the tempo.

In particular, if we did not accept it, the safety of life should not be guaranteed.

"You were... But, well, without Catalina's treatment, Leah might not have been in this world by now. If you think about it, you can wait about a month or two."

'Maybe... if I never showed my face for a month, I'd think that would piss me off, wouldn't it?

"... keep in mind"

King Endelusia snorts with a frown, taking the advice of Potentia.

And that's when.


The sound of announcing the arrival of the elevator echoed on the spot.

King Endelusia was calling an elevator to move to the lower level.

Some of those elevators seemed to be on board.

"Hmm... is this what people make” buildings "... It was dark yesterday, so it looks good, but when I look at it again... it's spectacular inside."

"Mm-hmm. It's a building built by the wisdom of our Waltz. By the way, no matter what happens on this floor, you should never stop by, okay? That's because you could run into horrible people..."

It is a ground dragon polaris in the figure of man, and a flying dragon carina in the figure of man as well.

Apparently, Karina was guiding Polaris inside the royal castle.

Into an elevator like that.

"... excuse me"

and with his mouth, King Endelusia to get in.

It is impossible in any world for a king to enter an elevator without escort…

Not recognised for human rights in Mid-Eden (?) In his case, it is a very normal sight.

And an elevator door that slowly closes, leaving the potential to wave in the form of a small bug on the spot.

Then shortly afterwards, the elevator began descending.

In such a closed space, King Endelusia, for once, speaks roughly to Karina, who was familiar with her face.

"Long time no see, Lord Fei Long."

"Really? Didn't I see you before... about a week ago? Unlike the Waltz, I acted with Lord Pote-chan, so I was in the Wang capital."

"Were you? Thanks for forgetting so much lately... I can't beat my age at all..."

After saying so, King Endelusia now turns his gaze to the chilling Polaris.

Then he asked Karina again.

"What about this young lady? There must be no such thing as something that happened before..."

"Hmm. She..."

and Karina, tried to introduce Polaris - that was the time.

"... you..."

Even though Karina was talking, Polaris opened her mouth so that she could interrupt.

"... you forgot something... do you? ♪ Puffy ♪

To that word...

""... Huh?

and King Karina and Endelusia, who doubt their ears.

Karina, because she thought this moment today was the first encounter between Polaris and King Endelusia.

And King Endelusia suspected that his vague memories might have been wrong recently.

To each, I listened back to Polaris' words, dotted with my eyes.


The reaction I got back from Polaris was - it didn't seem like words were the only ones.

"You... Alcoa! I missed you!

She speaks the real name of King Endorsia.


And jump in the elevator...


And, from his face, he dived into the face of King Endelusia.

It was a far cry from kissing, no matter what you think.

"I see you... finally... I see Alcoa..." Guru

At least, to Polaris, it seemed to be the utmost expression of affection.

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