It's already way past breakfast time, back then.

"... how did this happen..." Slowly

Teresa finally woke up with her eyes in her own room where the sunlight plunged into her blunt angle.

She seemed to want to see the sight that was spreading there and let go of consciousness again if she could.

What the hell was the sight like in front of her?

".................. zzz"

".................." Su-su

Lucia and Beatrice are sleeping amicably in their own beds......

And Theresa herself slept on the cold floor, turning into a thin blanket for some reason.

"(Wait a minute... I don't know what happened last night...)"

Theresa shrugged so in her brain, trying to remember what happened last night with a blurry head.

By the way, what happened?

Lucia and Beatrice forced me to make Inari sushi as a late supper...

Before it was finished, both Lucia and Beatrice fell asleep lying on their desks.

Perhaps the fatigue of the journey has hit me suddenly.

Theresa seemed to want to send those two to each room, but she herself was tired of traveling and cooking...

Besides, sometimes Beatrice, whose first time coming to this royal castle, had not yet been assigned a room, and had no place to take him...

As a result, Teresa had no choice but to put the two of them to sleep in her own bed.

Well, finally, it's become a hassle to move about them.

But did you wonder if you'd sleep with yourself on a bed that got narrowed down by putting the Beatrices to sleep?

Teresa doesn't sleep on the bed......

I had no choice but to secure only the blanket that was on the spot and sleep on the floor.

Note that that's the only reason why I didn't sleep in bed is because it involves privacy, so I decide to stay down.

"(Uh, that happened...)"

Remember what happened, Theresa sighs in cheap (...) blockage (...).

Then she quickly changed her clothes when she stood up quietly so as not to wake the two eyes......

Then, washing his face, when he stood in the kitchen provided for his room, he removed from the fridge the rice sushi he had made the day before.

"(At this hour, I guess it's time for breakfast. Normally, the hunter would come to wake me... but this feeling, he probably came to his room and went home to see about his concubines. I wish they would wake me up anyway...... We don't have a choice. Do concubines cook meals? Just because there's sushi...)"

With that in mind, Teresa starts preparing miso soup with fried chicken and tofu.

Sharpen the hardening of the bonito (?) with a pinch (such).

If you put that in boiling water, stop the fire immediately.

And after 3 minutes, filter with a cloth….

And then when she was in the kitchen, she cut the ingredients into miso soup, tongues, tongues, and rhythm.

"... Theresa...?

"... sushi...?

Weak zombies in the morning (?), but about two of them appeared on the spot.

To them like that, Teresa opens her mouth, not looking back, putting the utensils in the pan.

"Did you both wake up? We're almost ready for breakfast, so why don't you just sit there and wait?"

Listen to that word.


Are you sleepy or was there something else you wanted to say......

Lucia and Beatrice stand still on the spot with a blurry look on their face.

In front of them, Theresa...

"~ ~ ~ ~" boom boom boom

and dissolve the miso in the pan while swinging the three tails rhythmically.

And then again, light the pan and stop the fire just before it boils......

"It's done, isn't it?

Sounds like we're almost done preparing breakfast.

Well, Inari sushi, the staple food, was already made, so I just made miso soup and served pickles.

But still...


Lucia and Beatrice, who remain solidified on the spot and do not move at all.

Seeing those girls with patchy eyes open......

I was standing up because of sleepiness, not that there seemed to be any other reason.

"What are you doing? If you just eat it, the miso soup you made will get cold.

That's what I said, I got to the table first.

Join hands and then start eating your own prepared meal, Teresa.

And a few dozen seconds later to be late for her.

Lucia and the others arrived at the table.

"... me, if I stay like this, I may not..."

"... that's an odd encounter... I don't think so either..."

Seems like he started eating after squealing those words.

However, for some reason, with a remorseful look......

By then, Waltz was in his workshop on the upper floor.

"I thought it might be retrofitted by Cortex, but you seemed fine..."

and a sighing waltz of relief to make sure there was no change in the equipment or clean room that was there.

Near her like that, there usually seemed to be someone who wasn't supposed to come on the spot.

'Er... sister. What's the story?

It is the energy of a collection of micromachines, recently remembered to wear clothes.

Apparently she came to the scene because she had been called in by Waltz.

But he wasn't even informed why he was summoned, and Energia said the words of such a question...

In contrast, Waltz began responding in the form of returning questions.

"You... as things stand, we can only operate within the reach of the radio waves on the hull, right?


"Well, I mean, you can't leave the hull,"

'Yeah. But... what's wrong with that?

"You have that bondage, but your brother's potential is free to act, right? That's... don't you think it's bad?

'If you say so... maybe so...?

"Hmm? You haven't noticed yet, have you? By the way... with you and Potentia, there's something very different about you... you know what's different?

"Mm-hmm... mmm..."

"... well, you don't get it..."

and waltz laughing bitterly when he sees the energy gradually turning red in his face.

The potential she raised on the subject like that, at first glance, doesn't mean she's carrying a battery or a wireless power supply nearby......

It looked like it was working with unknown energy.

Until a few days ago, Waltz himself, the person who built the micromachines, seemed to think it was working with something magical.

But in fact, there are seeds and tricks...

Waltz seemed to be trying to get Energia to do the same.

"In short... I'm using a bunch of micromachines to build” generators "for nothing. Around the place where the” generator ”is located, you can operate freely. Fuel's a regular meal, by the way, right? So... the answer to your earlier question about what's the difference between you and the potential is that the number of micromachines that make up your body is completely different? One, we only have a minimum number to repair the hull, and one, we just have enough to build the whole hull... like that."

"Oh well. I didn't have much trouble, so I didn't even think about it. '

"I'd like to see it like that. So here's the thing… What would happen if I increased the number of micromachines that make up your body?

'Mm... Mr. Victor will be strong!

"... well, that could happen around... But that's not all, is it? I mean, you'll be able to move freely, just like the potential, without being dependent on the hull."

And as soon as Waltz spoke...

'............... sister! Increase the number of micromachines now! If I were you, I'd go to Boreas and Ecleria and destroy the country so you wouldn't disturb my sister!' Gogo, gogo, gogo.

Looks like some kind of flame lit up my energy eyes.

But physically.

I mean......

Waltz was trying to improve his energy so that he could be on the swordsman's side at any time, eliminating the limitations on energy that, as things stand, his range of action is limited around the hull.

Looks like Energia finally realized that.

"But... There are a few problems with this. One of the most troublesome problems... is that your body is a" turbomolecular pump ”. I have to somehow strip my consciousness from it and bring it to the micro-machine side... in some cases..."

"I... am I supposed to die?

"Yeah. In short, that's the thing. Because I barely know what principle consciousness resides..."


"Still do it? Of course, not yet."

"Do it!"

and the energy to respond, even in the midst of Waltz's inquiry.

Of course, die (?) It was as if there was no fear, not that it might be......

His consciousness seemed heavily inclined towards the hopes he might gain.

- Whenever and wherever, you may be able to stay with the swordsman, to the hope.

"Well... shall we just do it?

'Yeah! Well, go to Eccleria and Boreas, you're going to destroy me!

"No, you don't have to go... I mean, Boreas is the country on this side, so we can't destroy him, can we?

and waltz stabbing nails just in case.


Major modification of energy by waltz (?) began.

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