Egg-shaped black chunks of coarse size with large dump cars.

But its surface is not as tufty as an egg, and there is a stunning growth of protruding objects like hairs...

And the slightly pointed part has two red dots, like a long mustache and a round-shaped...

Exactly, the way it looked, it was a big rat.



Six waltzes suddenly solidify after seeing and hearing its appearance and squealing.

Everyone saw exactly what was impossible.

Of those, the first to open his mouth was Beatrice, who was not familiar with the circumstances.

"Is that also... energy-like?

You got me back when you heard that word.

"Chi, no!

"E, energy?! You okay?!

and waltz and swordsman raising their voices at the same time.

Those two are in such a hurry that there is no more, as can be deduced from those words...

Waltz pounds the panel for micromachine operation with fierce momentum......

And the swordsman ran desperately over to the energy that had collapsed like sand.

And the others, by two hasty voices, seem to have returned unto me.

"Hey, what is it?! That's..."

"I don't know..."

"No matter how you look at it, it's big... you just look like Magi Mouse..."

"Is this, maybe not... the awkward one?

and a giant rat - it's also a collection of micromachines. Four people raise their voices to each of them when they see Magi Mouse.

Then, at that time.

Zowa, Zowa, Zowa...

The micromachines that were building the shape of the Magi Mouse will inadvertently begin to break its shape.

The collapsed micromachines reshaped into two streets.

One, while still in a sandy state, entered the gap that was on the floor on the spot and disappeared somewhere...

And the others...

"" "Chiu" "

Seems to have stayed on the spot, splitting about the same size as the original Magi Mouse.

Is that number, roughly 40,000, etc.

Such they went into a certain action, in front of the confused six.

"" 'Chiu!


They used magic when they said it was a collection of micromachines.

That's right.

They're supposed to be just machines.

The magic was not of a single kind.

Starting with wind magic, water magic, fire magic, etc...

Since there was no soil on board, soil magic was never used on boulders, but a wide variety of magic concentrated simultaneously, arcing, aiming at a certain point.

Beyond that - somehow, it was Catalina's ex.

"... so much about me... do you hate me?


Magic, without exception, poured down to Catalina.

It's as if you don't like her or clear up your grudges...

Maybe they...

"... is it the ghost of the Magi Mouse for experimentation..."

It may have been like the resentment of the Magi Mouse and the others they used to experiment, as Catalina put it, who took the magic by accident.


Apparently, the micromachines that shaped Magi Mouse are going to be hostile to those on the spot, starting with Catalina.

Which would mean that even for the Waltz, they are enemies,

But it wasn't that easy for them to get their hands on the Magi Mouse.

It's not like you can't bury them away in an instant if you want to...

Still, the waltzes had a reason why they couldn't do it.

"... what shall we do..."

Waltz holds a heavy head in front of the micromachines moving around in the shape of a Magi Mouse without putting an emergency stop command on them.

The micromachines from her eyes were bigger than the hell they were when she brought them on the spot.

If you're analogous, it's as if you've taken something into your body...

"About the energy that has been eaten... how can I help..."

That's right.

The turbo-molecular pump of energy was scattered among the Magi Mouse and now completely obliterated its shape, which had subsided in their bellies.

Seeing that although there were several other spare pumps on the spot, they didn't have any hands on them......

The core turbomolecular pump of energy, which was specially enhanced by mixing the orihalcon, may have been a special treat for the micromachines.

Alternatively, I can't deny the possibility that from the outset I was thinking about taking the energy thing hostage and anticipating an opportunity to capture her core, the pump.

That is.

Aside from whether the pump can be undone and energy restored, the material of the pump can be found in the bodies of the Magi Mouse (?) If you think about getting them back from, you couldn't have used a gravity control system for one thought to evaporate them.

Alternatively, there was no way to use the EMP weapons mounted on Waltz's manoeuvre armor and disable the micromachines….

But doing so would not only involve the micromachines in front of me, but also the potential to be in the royal castle, so I couldn't choose how to do it either.

Then what do I do......

Waltz, who completely lost control of the micromachines, didn't seem to come up with an exact solution to that.

That is the same for the others who were there….

Catalina, although suitable for fighting against organisms, can't fight so effectively if you deal with machines......

Theresa, Beatrice, and Sage, who weren't originally good at fighting, didn't seem to have the skill to exchange.

That, the swordsman, is no exception.

He's just a human being.

Superman like Catalina, if not a superweapon like Waltz (?) Not really......

Because without the presence of energy that would protect me, I would have been just a man with a little sword arm standing.

But in his case, it's not whether he can fight or not.

"E, Ene...... Energia aah!!

The body seems to have moved on its own.

Spilling from the depths of your heart, seek a place of anger and regret, as if outside your body...

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