And that night.

One girl's dream finally comes true, the moment has come (?).

"... here from today... with Mr. Victor... living together..." 'Uluru

Without furniture, without beds, in a house that was simply squalor, Toddler Girl Energia was extremely impressed and tears zeroed.

"... after all, do you want to go home? Like sleeping, no bed, nothing, and even if I go buy one now, the store will already do it n"

'Yeah, I'm not leaving! I'm here!


The energy of how, resolutely, we did not give way to revealing the night in this House.

In contrast, the swordsman, worried about her being smaller, suggested returning to the royal castle...

Seems that the person in question decided to go out with him because he said he would not go back.

Nevertheless, the house they were in is now the swordsman's home.

Though there is nothing inside, as a swordsman, I didn't seem to disagree that I was at home...

Walking around the house blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah,

By the way......

The only two people in such a house were not Energia and Swordsman.

'Um... do I really have to live here, too?

For some reason, with the potential...

"Here... it's nice to be quiet..."

There seemed to be some wise men.

Besides, they're both going to live together, at the swordsman's house.

There were several reasons for that.

'I'm sorry, Potato. If Potato isn't around, I... might stop when something happens on the airship...'

That is.

If the current state of energy, which has lost generations, is cut off from the "Air Battleship Energy”, this time it could really be extinguished.

For once, the Swordsman's house has a built-in power supply, albeit within radio power supply that flies from the energy of the battleship (?) Because if you have the potential nearby that you are, it will be a big insurance......

As my sister Energia moved, she also had her brother Potentia follow her - no, she kidnapped me forcefully, that's why.

And the other.

The sage is not here because of anything, it came with a set of potential.

"Well...... Well, I'll let you rent the right room. I haven't wanted to read a book in a while."

When I'm in the royal castle's own room, the annoying kings push me, so I can't calm down and read...

He was looking for a quiet room.

... in front of the building.

He seemed to be going to see how swordsmen and energy were doing for a while.

Anyway, because of the energy, it doesn't necessarily mean when the swordsman will be in the other realm with Pocky......

I don't know if you know that.

"Oh, use the right room. Just stop occupying the toilet and the kitchen, okay?

A swordsman who admits that a wise man will live in this house.

Then the energy you hear it say this.

'Truth be told, I just wanted to live with Mr. Victor.' Cause, you know, living together doesn't mean... uh... already... like a couple? 'Poop

The swordsman who hears it laughs bitterly.

Against the wise, I inquired.

"... Hey, Nicole. Me and Energia, do I look like a couple?

"What? You're a parent and child, no matter where you look from. Nice place, brothers and sisters."



"You know what? Energy. I don't know who the hell you asked, but just because we're gonna live together doesn't mean we're gonna be a couple, okay? Well, it's family, you can admit it... but clarity is, we can't have a couple right now"


"Ready? Energy. If you're bigger and you feel the same way then, you can think about it. But I think it's too soon for you, who don't know a lot about the world yet, to think about the couple right now or the marriage. Why don't you just think a little slower? Me and you... we're still going to have a short life ahead of us, aren't we?

'Ugh, yeah......' shun

"You're going on a journey with me, right?

Listen to the words of such a swordsman.

'... yeah. Then if it's just for a little while... I'll be patient...'

and the energy to nod down in an unacceptable manner.

On her head like that, the swordsman puts his hand...

With those hands gently moving from left to right...

"I'm expecting you, huh?

With a laugh, he said so.

And tomorrow morning.

"'... ah! I forgot to tell Waltz (your sister)!

Having noticed the fatal, it seems that Energia and Swordsman decided to head to Waltz, who, as he had his breakfast, would be pulling into his own workshop to repair the turbomolecular pump.

"Sister...... aren't you mad?

"If I didn't know you were safe, I'd still be working on it... so you're probably not mad at me?

'That means... as soon as I find out... it pisses me off?

"Energy............... good luck with that, huh?



And ruthlessly, the sound of an elevator bell announcing that you have arrived on the designated floor.

Finally, an elevator with two people arrived on the floor where Waltz's workshop was located.

If we were to talk about possibilities, it was also well thought out that Waltz was listening from someone who knew the circumstances.

Apparently, however, Waltz was unlucky and no one was informed of the circumstances......

I'm still in my own workshop, and I think I've been working on it.

- No, to be precise, he didn't seem to have done the work already.

Seeing where there is a large cylindrical machine in front of her that I have seen somewhere......

Apparently she was going through the night repairing the pump and finishing the work just before the swordsmen arrived.

You thought the energy you saw would make you angry, because you hid behind the swordsman's back and didn't try to talk...

Instead, a swordsman who was in front of her spoke against Waltz, who was turning his back on us.

"... waltz?

Listen to the words of that short call...

"Ke, swordsman?! I wonder what!? ♪ Biku ♪

and for some reason, waltz showing behavioral suspicious reactions.

The way it is, it's hiding something, in an atmosphere like...

The swordsman who saw it, combined with the energy hidden on his back, came to a certain conclusion.

"Maybe Waltz... couldn't save the energy, you think?

Waltz then said, keeping his back to the swordsman - but responding differently than he expected.

"Yes, no... not like that... there isn't..."

When I heard that toothless word...


and a swordsman tilting his neck.

As for him, who was feeling the warmth of the girl's hand grabbing her own clothes on his back, he thought Waltz was something to snort at for his own inquiry...

But if not, the story will roll in a slightly troublesome direction.

That is - Waltz does not acknowledge the failure to repair the energy, he is trying to delude it, in the direction….

… but.

Apparently, that's not what happened either.

"You know... swordsman. I want you to listen carefully. The words I'm going to say to you may be very harsh for you..."


"I'm talking about energy... I couldn't save her, it's not like"

………… What's this all about?

A swordsman who doubts his ears because every word he flies from the waltz was just something beyond expectation.

What the hell does it mean that the original energy is on her own back, but it wasn't that I couldn't save her...

No matter how much I thought about it, he didn't understand.

But Waltz's next remarks and actions will lead him to a solution.

... No.

Should I say that I have been tempted to further chaos….

"... take care of yourself, okay? Swordsman. This is... this is the energy we have now?

That's what Waltz said when he turned to the swordsmen.

And he turned to the swordsmen the object that was in his hand.

"Mr. Victor!

"............ what?

The swordsman who saw it went beyond the chaos of the status quo to the frontier of further chaos.

Because on Waltz's hand - there was a palm-sized dwarf on it.

That too, dwarves like those who kept their previous energies as small and produced transparent feathers......

Perhaps I should rather describe it this way.

- The fairy, and.

"... I take it for granted that you are confused. But…………"

And a hardening waltz.

It will no longer be necessary to say what the hell she saw when she looked back......




"... headache..."

Those on the spot who see the (...) energy in each of them and speak up in unison.

If we were to sort out the status quo, would this be the case?

- The energy has grown, he said.

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