Then the brave men explained the situation for the second time to the Catalinas.

Hoo-hoo, and are you out of breath, or are you intimidating...

Before Leah, who was sitting on the chair in an indescribable manner, Catalina and the brave men were discussing what was to come.

"No, it was a miscalculation for Leah to follow... I can't believe you're confused with the royal castle staff... Well, I was expecting you just now because Tempo contacted me and I heard about Leah disappearing..."

"" "............... Yes?

"Uh, sorry. I haven't told you yet."

And again today, Waltz, who didn't tell anyone what was important.

Nevertheless, I heard that a few minutes ago, so I couldn't even say that it was still within acceptable time.

"Damn, that's a problem for Mr. Waltz...... I don't know, do I? Tempo finds out later, even if he gets angry..."

"Sorry. Sorry. So, what do we do? Leah, you look like you're burning up a lot of confrontation..."

………… ♪ Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo ♪

"... no. I don't think this is the same thing. Could... hyperventilate?

With that said, Catalina hands down against Leah, who was blushing and breathing painfully.

There is a magical effect unfolding in that hand that prepares you to breathe...

Leah's breath, which received it, subsided as she looked at it.

Again, he was hyperventilating......

It would be the result of being forced to say that I am still sick.

"Ya... that helped...... Catalina......"

"No, if you have a problem, I want you to say it right away... so in this case, it was difficult to talk"

And, considering the circumstances of Leah, who was hyperventilating, Catalina seemed to have changed words along the way.

On the other hand, Leah's, to that extent, did the confrontation not calm down......

She said this with a sharp gaze at Catalina.

"But... and this, apart from the story... You... can't beat it! ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"Look, Leah. I knew I was burning you, Cho.

"It's been a long time."

and Catalina didn't really show how much she cared, even in front of the gaze and words that could be directed from Leah.

Such a woman once had the experience of being forced out of a brave party, a quote she had been badly struck by Leah.

At that time, she haunted a darker atmosphere than any more...

No, the relationship seemed to be inverted.

"I have no choice, Mr. Waltz. Could you allow me to accompany Leah?

"What... but is it good? Obviously, you seem to be the enemy of Leah's eyes..."

"Yep. I gave it back to the royal castle like this. So, maybe Leah, I don't think I can. If I suck... I can't deny the possibility of flying in with my specialty transfer magic... If you think about it that way, I thought you might want to keep it out of sight. Because..."

And Catalina, there's nothing more, when she smiles nicely and brightly...

"... for six months, I don't want to be wasted trying so hard to die crazy, for selfish reasons," Gogogogogogo

- Dos, I said so, wrapped around a black aura, which I don't think people would give out.

"" "Hih......!?" "" Gakugaku

"Oh, you, actually... you're the Demon King, aren't you?

"No, I mean it, I'm just a woman doctor. I mean, why are you guys shivering with such a blue face? Could it be... is it a cold?

"Yes, no... maybe not, huh? (I don't know... why don't you write" female doctor ”and read" mayu ”?

and waltz thinking about that as he looked at Catalina and turned his attention to the former demon king (Yuki), who was getting smaller and trembling on the spot.

Then she took this confirmation with Catalina.

"That means you...... I don't think you'll be able to leave her next door until Leah's legs are healed to some extent...... is that still good? No, I don't mind if you say you're good..."

"It's okay around there. Because it's not like I'm going to be clear. Anyway, I have a better assistant than me..."

"What... Bo, it's me..." Gakugaku

"No, not Master Yuki. It must be about me. Of course, if I'm allowed to accompany you, I'll take care of Leah."

and a brave man shaking his head vertically.

His mouth was just a little loose like that because he didn't think he could act with Leah again...

"But brave? It's good to take care of Leah, but not if you're distracted, okay? You don't know what's gonna happen next, and you're not gonna be kidnapped by Al Oo (Pee) Le again, are you? In the first place, Mid-Eden is in a state of engagement with Ecleria…"

"Of course, I understand. We will work hard with Leah to keep your hands out of trouble."

"Yes...... But I'm worried..."

and waltz how he didn't immediately believe, even when he heard the brave man's determination, because he had a priori.

As a result, she said to the person there.

"... so you think the braves need insurance, just in case? Don't you think?

"Um... Master Waltz? Why do you look at me and say it?

"Huh? No, of course not... I want Yuki to go into a brave party, think?

and waltz to say so without incident.

In other words.

Waltz told Yuki, the (former) demon king, to join the party led by the (former) brave men, and to keep an eye on the brave and the rear for danger.

That too, in the capital of a country ruled by another demon king......

"I don't know... From the beginning, I felt like they would say that..."

"Really? But not funny? Former brave men and former demon kings join hands to defeat the current demon king or something..."

"Isn't that like going to a neighboring country to declare war...... If you do that, I, Sister Null will kill you..."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Even with that development, if you're a cyborg, I'm sure you can beat Null with one pinky... maybe."

"Ha... Ok..." Slow down.

That said, Yuki, how he decided to swallow Waltz's instructions without a choice.

And that is the time.

"Tochaku... I mean, mk1! That's why I'm telling you! Away from my Mr. Victor (hereinafter abbreviated)"

Such a noisy voice seems to have been heard from the in-house broadcast.

The waltzes who listen to that voice and turn to the view outside.

Then there's...




and such an unrealistic sight seemed to spread that everyone would exhale.

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