"Alcohol's all gone bad," he said... was there a problem, too?

Theresa listens to the clerk's woman and asks about the circumstances.

She was wondering whether she should pull herself aside without sticking her neck in excess, but she seemed to overhear it out of curiosity.

In contrast, women remain tired looking......

I began to briefly describe the problems that had arisen in this vault.

"Actually, the vinegar I was making... wasn't meant to be eaten."

"Not to eat... no...? Even though it's an ingredient for making sushi?

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen... Excuse me, but I don't think you're from town, did you all know that there are a lot of bugs in this town?

In response to that inquiry...

"Bugs... bugs... When I say bugs, I figured, you mean real bugs, right? I didn't really care while I got here..."

"I think so, don't you? Exactly here, I don't think Master Pote is here..."

"... you just get itchy when you hear about bugs." Porky.

and Teresa and the others showing a three-person, three-way reaction.

Apparently none of the three of them had noticed that there were bugs flying around town.

Look at that, a woman keeps her words going.

"In a warm climate all year round Rice, insects often fly in from the woods surrounding the world trees. I know if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be able to grow crops in Rice... some of them would be bad bugs and they would eat crops. I figured out that the effect of keeping such bad bugs away might be on” vinegar, "and I was thinking of making that with us..."

"It didn't work, you say?

"... something, it was my first time, so I didn't know what kind of yeast - uh, I didn't know what ingredients to use... I was going to make one barrel for the test, but it seemed like the ingredients I used for that were not good. In the meantime, I jumped into other barrels..."

"So, you're wiped out, aren't you?

"Yes......" Slow down

A demonic woman who speaks so, sighs, and looks more tired than ever.

Maybe she was the one who chose that yeast.

Are you getting pathetic about such a liquor store woman...

Lucia and Beatrice set their sights on Teresa.

... that too, silently.

""..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "

"... what? Lord. Are you telling the concubine to do something about it?

"Hmmm...... Teresa, don't you think this guy's pathetic? You're a ghost, not a fox..."

"Teresa...... Whatever happens... I'm not disappointed, am I? Even if Teresa thinks like a livestock..."

And two people who blame Theresa for saying they haven't done anything yet.

In front of them like that, Teresa openly exhales a big sigh......

Towards the two of us, I said this.

"The Lord...... As the lords may not know, these breweries are like black boxes on the other side from the counter there. Isn't that like a secret hunk anymore? It's like waltz's workshop or the contents of a refrigerator in Miss Lucia's room."

"... Teresa? Later, hey, I need to talk to you" Nico...

"... remains, well, is that why? I'm not talking about a world where a concubine, a gatekeeper, can stick her neck in so easily. So if you want to make a large quantity of vinegar for pesticides that you put on your crop, instead of fermenting the alcohol with acetic acid to make chimatima, even if you say you can make a large quantity with wood vinegar solution (also crusty), you can immediately believe me n"


"Make sure you tell me!

As soon as I heard about Teresa, she changed the color of her eyes, over the counter, a liquor store woman grabbing her shoulders.

Apparently, she was too desperate to make vinegar.

"... well. So, Bear? Something's going to be long... shall we go home first?

"That's right."

"Hey......?! The Lord?! Leave only one concubine here k"

"Please! If you can't make vinegar, it's going to be a big deal! Please let me know as I thank you!

and Lucia, who clings to Teresa and sees a woman who can't leave, tries to walk away from the spot.

It's just a joke - no, it seemed like their ruse -

"So, seriously... what do we do? Bear?"

"Is that a stupid question? If Teresa's going to hell, I'm just going with her!

"Oh well, that's right.... So, Teresa? I'll go out with you, for a price, make sushi, okay?... without wasabi"

"... maybe not anymore..." Slow down.

It seems that Teresa, duly embedded by Lucia and the others, was forced to make sushi for the second time today.

Then she turns to the liquor store woman......

This is what I said to her.

"I don't have a choice...... But is it good? Even if a fox like a concubine imitates you sticking your necks in your Lord's problems..."

The woman who hears the word replies this way with a slightly different, somewhere thought-provoking look than just before.

"... it's for childhood taming. I also owe this store to childhood friendliness... If you can help me with that guy I'm suffering from right now...... I can't think of pride! Please!

"Hmm...... You seem quite prepared. Then - you just have to have the rice and soybeans separated from the rice you can take in this land for the price of cooperation. And if possible, wasabi?

"" Hmm?!

"No, even if the Lord hates wasabi, he loves concubines, so that's all right, right? Well, don't worry, it's good. Because the sushi that the Lord eats is left out of the wasabi. Well... Until Miss Lucia's meal was tense and she ate rice sushi for her concubine only... can't be held responsible? ♪ To


"So is that a good condition for cooperation? You can have about 10 kg each. Well, at the brewery, that's about it, isn't it?

"That's all... okay?

"Don't worry about it. Then again, maybe we don't have enough time to hang out until the end.... 2 days. In the meantime, I'm gonna teach you how to make it, so you're gonna remember, right?

"Yes! Please!

That's what I said, a liquor store woman with her head down.

Theresa and the others were to make vinegar in a liquor store that was about to crumble.

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