Julia's investigation began the next morning. The place is...

"(Eve, how could you be walking in the woods again when that just happened yesterday...)"

- It is in a woodland full of insects that existed to surround the town of Rice, as the voice of Eve's heart showed.

Where they aim is the roots of a large world tree that stretches like crawling through the woods. We were on our way to an investigation to make sure it wasn't eaten up by insects.

In the meantime, Julia asked worryingly if she noticed how Eve looked like she was tired.

"Uh... Eve? You didn't have to follow me, you didn't have to stay at Dahlia's florist or Energia's to leave a message, did you?

"Yeah. Maybe we'll be okay, huh? Eve might be Marie's master, so maybe she'll do her best. Besides... when I get back to Ene now... she's going to burn me black..."

"... yeah. Maybe that's true..."

Dodd dodd dodd...

Still to this day, Eve, who gives a rugged look while listening to the little bursting noise that was echoing from the other side of the sky, and Julia, who takes the lead. Apparently, on the other side of where they were and across the town of Rice, the energies continue to fire throughout the night.

By the way, there were more than just two people on the spot: Eve and Julia.

"The trees are worn out...... I feel worse than yesterday..."

The fact that the two of them are coming naturally means that Rosemary is also coming and she seemed to have a sorry look at the view around her.

And the other one. Until yesterday, there were also figures who had not acted with them.

"It's true...... This could be worse than I thought..."

It is Daria, who runs a florist, while being an intelligence agent for Boreas. I left it to the Julians yesterday, and I put them in a tough spot, so today I seem to have come to see for myself how the woods and the world trees are doing.

Towards such a cousin, Julia turns to Zito's eyes, while zeroing her stupidity.

"We were almost there yesterday, and we were just about to feed the bugs, right? It looks like not many bugs are flying in the sky today thanks to Energia and the rest of us getting rid of them..."

"I'm so sorry... Usually I come to these woods to pick up flowers too... but it's totally different from a week ago..."

That's what I said, looking around, Dahlia flattering her face. It should be noted that at that time, between her brows, Julia was pointing a far-reaching gaze because there was something abominable there or because she also looked at what was there and laughed in her heart...

"... hmm? What?"

"Yeah? Nothing?

"That bothers me... Oh, I see you, don't I?

When Dahlia remembers her cousins' tricks and thinks about pulling a frown on herself, she seemed to see, in front of them, what she intended.

If you want to describe that in a nutshell, a cliff. Exactly what could only be described as a cliff stood on the path of the four.

Rosemary looks at it from top to bottom and asks Dahlia with her neck hanging.

………… It's the roots of the world tree, isn't it? Where? "

"Right there. Right there. The one like that cliff. It's all the roots of the world tree, isn't it?

Listen to what Dahlia said.

"" Ooh... "

- And Eve and Rosemary raise their voices at the same time with a look that touched them. Apparently, they imagined something like the roots of a large tree growing around it, when they heard of it as the roots of a world tree.

But what was in front of me, as mentioned, was the cliff itself. The height was more than 100 m, and its surface was covered with something of a gothic rock, from which another plant, such as a small tree, seemed to have popped out. From a distance, we may soon be able to determine that it is root, but as far as nearby is concerned, if they don't tell us, won't they realize that it is root?

In fact, Eve, who hadn't noticed, began to poke a cliff at the little branch for his hand that was rolling on the ground there.

"This is... maybe the root of that tree?/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/stuck/

Then Rosemary, who was watching that, also imitates Eve's behavior and starts poking.

"You don't look like a root, do you?/(adv, adv-to, adv-to, adv-to, adv-to, adv-to, etc.) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (


With that conversation, he crouched in front of the cliff and said these words with Dahlia smiling bitterly at the two people who were silently trying to sharpen the roots of the world tree.

"It's okay because we're the only ones here, but in this country, if you hurt the roots of the world tree, it's execution without question, so be careful not to be seen by the rest of us, okay?

Eve and Rosemary heard the words.

"" What... "

- And he raised his voice like a surprise and solidified as he turned around - it was that moment.

Mekki mekki mekki......


Some of the roots of the world tree that Eve had poked earlier collapsed as if they were falling inward.

"Ugh?! (a) Eves, you could be executed?! ♪ Biku ♪

"............... you had a short relationship. Master Eve." Shit.

"Hey... Marie! also, could you be willing to put Eve down and run away?! [incomprehensible]

Eve hesitates to see Rosemary begin to retreat without saying anything. Fortunately, however, there were no government officials or citizens of Alborosa there, and the fact that they would be executed seemed to be absent for the time being.

On the contrary, I came here to investigate the roots of the world tree, so I might say that Eve's actions were, in a sense, necessary.


"After all, it looks like you were being devoured..."


- Without worrying about wrinkles leaning in the gap between the eyebrows, as you can see from the look on Yulia's face, which seemed difficult, and the look on Dalia, who was poisoning her, because Eve found that a cavity had been created inside it thanks to the collapse of the epidermis of the world tree.

Nevertheless, Julia's remarks from there earlier seemed to make the two girls - especially Eve - regret finding a cavity.

"... Well, why don't you go inside"


"'Cause otherwise it wouldn't be an investigation, would it? If you don't know exactly how far you've been eaten, in some cases, you won't be talking about taking your time in a florist and drinking tea."

"So, maybe you're okay? As soon as I get inside, it's like a bug yesterday, maybe it won't hit me a lot?!

"Um, maybe, I think it's okay. Whatever you say..."

With that said and a grin, Julia turns that gaze toward her cousin who was next door. And here's what she said.

"... because I already paid for my bodyguard yesterday and signed with a powerful helper. Right, Bo (...) ta (...) n (...)?"

"Gu......! I can't believe we're steaming back on the cost of cooking ingredients here...!

"Yes, sir. Don't you regret it? I hope so, don't I?

When Julia said so, with her hands on Dahlia's shoulder, she began to walk into the hole, walling about her.

Eve and Rosemary, who saw how it went, have a subtle look on their hearts... There are too many reasons why they had that look on their face, so I'm going to skip it.

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