When I was just in junior high school, I read a book named "Qing Ben Jia Ren". During the period of the Republic of China, a girl from a good family was forced to fall into the dust and was born in the mud. She was good at singing and dancing, and was exquisite in all aspects. But in her spare time, she always liked to lie on a cane chair, hold a book in her hand, wash her lead and dream back to her hometown.

She worships that girl. Her name has "Qing", so when someone introduces herself, she always says "Ning Qing, Qing is the Qing of a beautiful woman."

At that time, she was the daughter of Ning family. She was still young. When she was naive and romantic, she always thought that if she lived in that era, she would surely live as quietly as she did in summer.

But what is she doing now?

Life has not reached the end, but to the strange man dedicated, do and the heart want to run counter to, so indulge to give up their own?

Lu Shaoming slightly side of the head, thin lips some rub on her hair, the girl's body is as delicate as willow, she still exudes a clean and pleasant fragrance.

He is not a saint. In the face of this situation, the body has an instinctive response. The corners of his mouth are expensive and light, and his voice is always low alcohol and soft. He also brings out a kind of magnetic field that confuses people. "What is doomed to lose must be what you have. Even if it is what you have, you don't want to lose, others can't take it away."

The tears in Ning Qing's eyes flowed more and more quickly. She turned over from the man, turned over her back, and folded her arms around her chest to form a small group tightly.

Lu Shaoming looked at the bright crystal chandelier on his head and turned to his side. In his sight, the girl's weak fragrant shoulder was helpless. In the dim light, his bright eyes flashed deep and sharp light, just like an eagle in the night sky.

He waited quietly, waiting for the girl to cry tired and fall asleep, gently pulling back the healthy arm under her head.

A person's nervous tension to the extreme, the most need is to relax and sleep, girls are.

But when he moved, the girl in his dream trembled uneasily, turned over and instinctively looked for his warm broad chest and stuck it up, burying it in his arms like a kitten.

Lu Shaoming gently pursed his thin lips, showing some helplessness. Was she too presumptuous to be afraid that he could not control the fire repeatedly?

The index finger of the left hand curls up and rubs her delicate and delicate skin with the back of the finger for a while. Recalling that three years ago, she was still green and astringent, and now she looks like flowers and bones blooming in bud.

For the past three years, he always remembered the tears that she thought he was dead and flowed for him. The sparkling tears dropped on his cheek with warmth, and penetrated into his senses of syncope due to pain, and then flowed into his heart.

As the direct grandson of the Lu family, he bears as many dangers as he bears the glory. The family of the beneficial antler deer does not have much warm kinship to say. It is not that they do not love, but the flowers in the greenhouse are not equal to the plum blossom in the cold winter months, so full and cold.

The blood on his body is cold, but because she has silk warm meaning.

He always missed her tears for strangers.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet and beautiful. At this time, three knocks on the door rang out, and Zhu Rui came in, "President..."

Zhu Rui is shocked to see that his president is naked with a girl in his arms. Just as he is about to speak, Lu Shaoming makes a "Shhh" action.

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