Massage legs?

Night peach how to listen to this, how wrong, she pushed the door into.

There was a dim yellow light in the room. Leng Hao was sitting in a wheelchair. Half kneeling beside his leg was a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.

The beauty's little hand gently tap his leg, and then slowly move up.

It's about to move to his thigh.

And the man droops the eye, that vision seems to be fixed on the body of the beautiful woman.

"What are you doing?" The night peach opens the mouth to interrupt a room ambiguous.

Leng Hao and the beauty raised their heads at the same time.

"Are you?" Beauty doubts.

Night peach looks at Leng Hao, "tell her, who am I?"

Leng Hao looked at her as if she was angry. Her face was bulging, and her big eyes were staring at him angrily and angrily.

He had no idea why she was angry.

He did not answer, night peach more and more angry, she looked at the beauty and replied, "I am his wife, who are you?"

The beauty's expression is stiff, similar to be caught bag, she didn't hear that he has a wife

"Hello, Mrs. Leng. I'm a student of Dr. Ling. This time I'm here to see Mr. Leng's legs..."

"Night peach sneer," look at the leg? Why do I think you pinched his leg just now


Ye Xiaotao looked up and down at her. "Since it's a doctor, why don't you wear a white coat to show a patient a leg pinching for a man? Does your hospital still provide this kind of service? The next time Dr. Ling comes over, I'll ask him if his students are as evil as you are? "

The beauty's face was red and white, "Mrs. Leng, you misunderstood me."

"No misunderstanding. I know in my heart that you can leave!"

Seeing her so arrogant, the beauty looked pitifully at Leng Hao.

Unexpectedly, Leng Hao didn't look at her at all. His eyes fell on the night peach, as if he was surprised how she lost such a big temper.

The beauty thinks she's unlucky and goes away.


The room is clean. Xiao Tao looks at Leng Hao.

She was so angry that she flew all the way from Kyoto to Hong Kong to look for him. He treated her like this and asked a beautiful woman to beat his legs at night?

"Did that woman beat you well? If I'm a few minutes late, are you going to beat yourself to bed, oh, no, she's going to straddle you? "

Leng Hao

He didn't know what she was talking about. He felt terrible when he came back from her room. Later, the woman came and said to show him his legs. He was full of her in his mind, and he didn't even look at the woman's face.

He didn't think about it at all.

Leng Hao raised his eyes and looked at her. The red silk pajamas made her gorgeous. He stretched his body and opened his eyes.

"Leng Hao, you are such an asshole! When you can stand, Bai Lingyun, snow dance, and other wild bees and butterflies revolve around you. Now you are in a wheelchair, and those women come to seduce you. Why don't you behave yourself? "

"Now your legs are better. Are you looking for a wife to have a baby? You are full of dirty thoughts!"

"Why don't you talk? Dumb, speak

"Leng Hao, I'll give you a chance to explain. Explain quickly!"

"Leng Hao, I'm angry. I'm really angry. Come to coax me!" ---

he stamped his feet in the night.

Leng Hao, "I..."

"Hum!" Night peach leaves with his sleeve.

Leng Hao


Night peach back to his room, she "bang" a door slam.

Leng Hao pushed his wheelchair to the door of her room and raised his hand. He wanted to knock on the door.

But he didn't knock.

I don't know what to say.

She really wronged him. He did have some dirty thoughts, and he often thought about it for half a month, but only for her.

She doesn't like women to approach him. In the future, he won't let women get close to him. It's not a problem.

He can explain, but what's the use of explaining?

She said she was his cold wife, but that was before. Now she is Mrs. Gong.

After that, she'll go.

She will still leave him.

She belongs to another man.

During this period, he was very happy, like a dream, but he was also nervous, because he did not know when she would leave, and he did not even dare to ask about her and Gong Yi's situation.

He was afraid that if he asked, she would leave him.

He's just going to get deeper and deeper.

Finally, he died of her heart, he did not want to fall in again, lost and recovered pain, he has endured several times, can not bear more.

That's it.

……Night peach in the room gas straight around, she is waiting for him.

Why hasn't he come to explain and coax her?


She was worried that something was wrong with him and worried about him all the time, but she didn't expect that he would react to another woman.

Although this may be a man's normal reaction, after all, he is not bad, but she is still angry, she is jealous!

She felt like an overturned vinegar jar, full of sour taste!

Night peach went to the counter, took out a bottle of red wine, she poured a full cup into the goblet, but drank it.

After drinking, she regretted that she had a baby in her stomach. Drinking is not good for the baby.

She got up quickly, but she found herself a little drunk.

She has no capacity to drink.

Forget it, if he doesn't come to her, she'll go to him. She needs to know!


Night peach groped into the master bedroom, the room did not turn on the light, good dark.

The balcony is open, the cool wind at night blows the window curtain, there is a figure outside.

Night peach lightly walked past, Leng Hao was smoking.

Man's right hand slender two fingers holding a cigarette, scarlet fire jumping, he frowned, in the clouds driving fog.

He didn't look happy at all.

Night peach heart of anger suddenly disappeared more than half, for his heartache, she said, "your legs just better, how to smoke, quickly put out, don't let us smoke second-hand smoke!"

Leng Hao didn't catch the word "we". He quickly put out the smoke and then looked back, "why don't you sleep?"

"I can't sleep. I had a little red wine." Night peach petite body swayed two times, and then help forehead, "I seem to be drunk."

Leng Hao immediately pushed the wheelchair in, "uncomfortable? Let me have a look."

He took her weak, boneless hand.

"Hold me!" The night peach pounced on him.

Leng Hao was unprepared. When she rushed over, her wheelchair slipped backward and hit the wall. He quickly reached out and clasped her willow like slender waist and held her firmly in his arms.

Night peach straddled his strong thigh, and then stretched out two small hands around his neck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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