White Beibei lay on his shoulder, a little bit, slowly closed his eyes.

Breathing in trembling, her cold blood quickly heated up, I do not know whether it is because of the warmth of the man's body temperature warm her, or her heart shame of the whole person is burning.

Two people's present posture cannot say the ambiguous.

"I All right Soon, she whispered.

Hearing her soft voice, Gong Yi rolled up and down her Adam's knot. She was really well and warm, but he was hot and hot. The body temperature of two people tightly hugged in a black coat "rubbed" up and down.

Before he could lose control, he held her down, opened the door and went back to the driver's seat.

"Let's go back now."

"Yes." White Beibei answered.

Lamborghini drove out.

Gong Yi looks at the girl behind her through the rearview mirror. She lies on the window and looks out. Her pale face has steamed out a little pink just now. At the moment, she is quiet and soft.

Suddenly, she moved, as if she saw something interesting outside the window.

He followed her eyes. Outside was a cake shop.

There are many cakes in the glass window. They look very attractive.

She wants a cake?


In the apartment.

Each of them went back to their own room. They both needed a hot bath and changed into clean clothes.

Baibeibei went out of the house first, but gongfan did not come out.

There's a jingle. Someone is knocking at the door.

"Here it is." She ran down and opened the door.

The door opened, and outside was a quick guy. "Hello, here's the cake you ordered."


"I didn't order it."

"I ordered it."

Baibeibei turns back, and Gong Shu stands upstairs. He changes a blue shirt, and his face is warm and handsome just after taking a bath.

He looked down at her, eyes gentle, "I see you look at that cake shop for a long time, don't you want to eat?"

He noticed all this.

White Beibei signed, took the cake and closed the door. She looked at him and asked to speak.

Gong Yao put his hands in his trouser pockets, "would you like to thank me, or would you like to pay me back later, eh?"

She usually said these two words.

"Not at all," said babe, shaking her head gently as she looked at the cake in her hand. "Today is my 18th birthday."

The palace is stiff.

Baibeibei put the cake on the tea table in the living room. Instead of sitting on the sofa, she sat cross legged on the soft wool carpet and opened the cake box. Her eyes were bright and she looked at the colorful Princess Cake.

Holding out her little white index finger, she picked out one side of the cream and put it in her mouth.

Gong Yi walked by her side, looking down at her head down to eat cake, she was like a little girl who had not eaten cake, and she cherished a little bit of cream.

My 18th birthday

This is a very important birthday of a girl in her life. How do other girls live? They are surrounded by their parents, or have a party, or go out for a trip. No matter what way, it will not be like this girl. Eating a cake is such a luxury.

Gong Yi squats on one knee and claps his two big palms together to make a light tune. He sings softly, "happy birthday you, happy birthday, white Beibei."

The standard British style hair cavity, warm and casual music, this is absolutely the best happy birthday song Bai Beibei has ever heard in his life.

She looked back and laughed brightly, "Gong Shao, thank you."

Gong Yi did not speak.

White Beibei picked out a little more cream with her white fingers. This time, she handed it to his lips, "do you want to eat it?"

Gong Yi opened her mouth and ate the cream on her fingers.

Looking at his smooth and perfect facial lines, her fingers accidentally touched his tongue, and Bai Beibei felt a little sweet in her heart.

"This is my second cake."


Gong Liao raised her eyes, the girl's eyes at this time are black and bright, flowing light overflowing color.

She held her knee, Yingsheng said, "when I was 16 years old, that day my birthday, my mother suddenly came back. She came back from the mental hospital. On that day, she was not crazy. She bought me a birthday cake and gave me a birthday gift, which is the small Bracelet I wear."

White Beibei reached out and gently stroked the red bracelet on the white wrist. "That day I was really happy. I've never been so happy. My mother treated me well and gently. She celebrated my birthday with her mother-in-law and sang to me. She held me in her arms and touched my head. She said to me, Beibei, I'm sorry."

"I don't need this sound. I'm sorry. I just want my mother to accompany me well. My mother's arms are so fragrant that I don't want to be separated from her However, she went back to the mental hospital. The next morning, I heard that I heard that she Dead... ""I ran to the mental hospital to see her. The Dean refused to let me in. The dean said that according to the regulations, mother's body had been burned. I I didn't even see the last side of my mother. "

"I didn't believe my mother died. She was fine that day. When she died, I really became an orphan..."

Beibeibei buried her small face in her knees, and her face was full of tears.

The bottom of Gong's eyes overflowed with heartache. No wonder she didn't even want her life in order to find the red bracelet, because it was given to her by her mother.

The only thing.

In those years, her mother scolded her and beat her, but it didn't matter in her heart. Even if her mother was a mental illness criticized by others, it was her mother.

She's not an orphan with her mother.

Gong fan slowly stretched out her big palm and buttoned her soft hair. "Beibei, if you want to cry, you can cry. It will be better to cry."

White Beibei moved. She put her little head on his chest and cried.

Gong Yao stretched out her long arm and hugged her tightly and held her in his arms.


At noon the next day.

Bai Beibei opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes were swollen and astringent. It was the result of crying all night.

She looked out of the window and quickly bounced out of bed. It was sunny outside. What time was it.

Half past ten!

God, how can she sleep so long? She's almost a pig.

Bai Beibei gets up quickly, washes, and then opens the door. The apartment is empty, but Gong is not there.

On the tea table in the living room, there is a cake with only two little fingers on it

All his memories came back. Last night, he accompanied her on her birthday and made her cry in his arms. Later, it is now.

She fell asleep when she was tired of crying last night. Did he carry her into the room?

White Beibei's heart beat suddenly disordered.

In my mind is Gong Yi's beautiful face. When she was homeless, he took her in; when Qian LAN made trouble for her in the hospital, he helped her out; he went back to the village with her and jumped into the water to save her. Now, he accompanied her for her birthday

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