Bai Beibei's small face was very white, not only because he was inexplicably angry with her, but also because of the "little nanny" in his mouth.

She knew she was a baby sitter, and she had never felt ashamed, but now it was so harsh and insulting to say it from his mouth.

Two small hands pulled into small fists, her big eyes suddenly became wet, a little aggrieved, a little hurt, a little uneasy looking at him.

Gong Yi avoided her eyes, pathetic, damned, she always had a way to make him feel guilty, as if he should not be angry with her!

He turned around and entered the study, and slammed the door.

There was also a mobile phone box on his desk, which he picked up and threw directly into the garbage can.

Originally, she wanted to give it to her. Now she has accepted Li Xiyang's, so she doesn't care about him.

What's the use of this mobile phone? Lose it!

Gong fan felt that the whole person was in disorder, which had never been felt before. He knew how hurtful her exit was. Her mind was delicate and sensitive. He must have hurt her.

But he can not control, he hurt chaos, also want to let her pain a pain chaos.

What is his mind?

He thinks that he has a good self-cultivation and has never done such a thing as bullying girls. Even for ye Xiaotao and Leng Hao, he doesn't say a bad word, but why is he not good at baibeibei!

Gong Yi Fu forehead, the whole person can not say decadence.


The next morning.

Gong fan opened the door, he saw the small and lovely figure busy in the kitchen, she was preparing breakfast.

He was a little soft hearted. After one night, he was impulsive and reflective. In a word, he was wrong, or would you like to apologize to her?

Gong Yi couldn't walk. The stairs under his feet were his pride and face. He couldn't get down the stairs.

At this time, the bell of the villa rang.

"Coming!" Babe ran quickly to open the door.

The gate opened, and outside stood the father of the palace.

"Stinky boy, why did you open the door so quickly today Who are you? Am I The wrong door? " Gong Fu stepped back and looked at the door number.

Yes, it's his son's home, but how come there is an extra little girl in his family?

The palace father was shocked and surprised.

He saw the girl in his son's house for the first time.

That's a good thing. My son is enlightened!

However, the palace father looked up and down at baibeibei, whether the girl was too small, full or not 18

"Who are you, please?" Bai Beibei politely asked her father-in-law. She did not dare to let strangers in.

"I'm his father, is he there?"


Bai Beibei was stunned. Unexpectedly, she met Gong Shao's father. She immediately stepped aside and respectfully invited him in. "Hello, uncle. Please come in. Gong Shao is at home."

Baibeibei took her new slippers and squatted down at her father's feet.

"Thank you, little girl."

Palace father changed shoes, a look up, he saw Gong Yi standing in front of the stairs, is a silent looking at them.

"Oh, stinky boy, why don't you say anything? I'm scared to death!" Gongfu patted himself on the chest.

Bai Beibei looks up at her voice, and her big eyes bump into Gong's.

Four eyes relative, she immediately timidly lowered her head, "I go to the kitchen first."

She ran into the kitchen.

Gong fan watched the girl disappear in front of him like a frightened deer. He was in a bad mood and depressed. He raised his legs and went down the stairs. He poured himself a glass of water, "Dad, how did you come?"

"Do you mean to ask me, I ask you, did you and Bai Qi blow?"

Gong Yao drank a mouthful of water, "Dad, please use your words carefully. What is blowing? Have we started?"

"You The father of the palace went up and kicked him.

The palace is still.

White Beibei in the kitchen heard the sound outside. She stood by the door anxiously and looked at it. Seeing the father of the palace kicking him, she was very worried.

At this time only listen to the palace father again way, "I ask you, do you still think of the night peach?"

Night peach

Hearing the name, baibeibei held her breath and carefully observed Gong's face.

Miyazaki's profile was stiff and irritable, "Dad, early in the morning, are you looking for me not happy?"

"Who has the leisure time to find you unhappy, tell you, the invitation from Hong Kong will come soon, and ye Xiaotao and Leng Hao are holding a wedding ceremony."

The water cup on Gong's hand is stiff.

After half a ring, he lowered his beautiful eyelids and drank all the water in the cup.

"Night peach, you don't want to think about it. People are cold wives now. I'll ask you again," the palace father deliberately lowered his voice, "who is this little girl in your family? I'm sure I'll be happy if you can find out and make more girlfriends. But this little girl is too young. Don't be short of heart, even such a small girl. ""Dad, what are you talking about?" Gong Yi was in a bad mood. Now he was scolded by his father for being absent-minded. He was even more unhappy. Now what's the point of saying these things? He's done it all over the place. "She's just a baby sitter. Don't think about it!"

White Beibei in the kitchen trembled her eyelashes when she heard this. She turned and leaned against the wall.

The heart is empty, very uncomfortable.

"This is the best way. In two days, your father and I will have my 50th birthday. You will come home on time. There are many famous ladies at the birthday party. I'll find you a good one. Ah, why do you think I'm so miserable? I'm 50 years old. My grandchildren are all in soy sauce. My grandson hasn't even seen a shadow of him..." The palace father is reading in pieces again.

Gong Yi

At this time, there was a subtle voice behind her, "breakfast is ready, you can eat it."

Gong Yi looked back, the figure of the petite and lovely person was standing at the table, setting up the dishes and chopsticks.

"Breakfast? It's just that I'm hungry. Let's eat together The father of the palace sat down on the dining chair.

Baibeibei filled porridge for his father. "Uncle, please eat slowly. I'll go first."

The little girl's voice was sweet and waxy, and her father liked it very much. "Little girl, where are you going? Breakfast is ready. Let's eat together."

White Beibei took off her apron and shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

She pulled out her thin legs and came to the palace, and then bowed respectfully, "Gong Shao, I went to school first."

She picked up her schoolbag and left.

Gong Yi is frozen in place, he tries to restrain his anger. What is she doing? Is she cold war with him?

More and more courage!

"Gong fan, what are you doing in a daze? Eat together..." The palace father called back to him.

"I'm not hungry. You can eat it yourself." Gong Yi slammed the door of the apartment.

Gong Fu

What did he do wrong?


In the afternoon, Gong Yi came out of the company, Lamborghini was on the road, and when he stopped, he was already at the gate of XX. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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