Baibeibei almost fell, and she was staggering along with LISS.

The little white rabbit looked like a kite with broken string. It seemed that it would be broken if it was pulled. She was thin and didn't eat much. Just now she cut a few pieces of the steak.

However, no matter how thin, in bed is also suffered from his

Thinking of this, Gong Yi put out the fire in his heart, long legs forward, he blocked in front of Lissi, scolded, "you can't slow down?"

Lisi was forced to stop. Baibeibei was panting in the back. "Sisi, let go. I really don't want to go shopping."

"Beibei, it's here. Let's go in and have a look at the jewelry." Li Si Si avoids Gong Yi and walks into the jewelry store with Bai Beibei.

Gong Yao wants to leave, she does not welcome him, he does not need to ask for no fun, but, looking at her delicate thin shadow, he is not willing to go.

Anger is temporary, he still loves her more.

"Beibei, do you think this is beautiful?" Lizzie is holding baibeibei to see the beautiful jewelry.

White Beibei took a look, these are all shining, beautiful is beautiful, but she does not like.

Gong Yi lifted his eyelids and looked at the two men, and then went to one side of the counter with his long legs.

There are a lot of jewelry under the counter, and he has a fancy to a thin platinum bracelet at a glance.

"Sir, this bracelet is suitable for girls with slender wrists. It will be very eye-catching." The teller said enthusiastically.

Gong Yi's mind had a little girl's delicate white wrist. If she was wearing it on her hand, it would be beautiful.

At this time, there is a figure close by, "Wow, this bracelet is so beautiful."

Gong fan raised a soft smile, "beautiful?"

"Yes." LISS nodded.

Bai Beibei stands in the distance and looks at Gong Yi and Li Si Si. They are now standing together. The Gong family and Li family in Kyoto are married to each other.

Sisi is an innocent and good girl. He deserves such a good girl.

Bai Beibei smiles at herself and then turns away.

Gong fan thought that she was surrounded by white Beibei, "do you want it? I'll buy it for you... "

The words haven't finished, the palace is clear is Li Si Si, he immediately stands straight body, frown, "how is it you? Where's Beibei

"Where is Beibei..."

LISS stretched out her finger, but where was the figure of white Beibei, "eh, where is Beibei? Why is she missing? "

Gong quickly took out the mobile phone in his pocket, he dialed the number of white Beibei.

At this time, the white Beibei has come to the street, the sky floating Misty drizzle, autumn drizzle is very cold, she wears thin, feel cold.

The clothes on her body soon became damp, and her hair stuck to her eyes. When the drizzle hit her, she couldn't open her eyes. At this time, the mobile phone in her bag rang.

She took out her mobile phone and took a look at Gong's phone.

The white finger pressed on it, and she picked it up. "Hello."

"Well, why did you leave suddenly? Where are you now?" Gong Yi's anxious voice came over.

White Beibei's voice is very quiet, "I don't want to go around, I'll go back to school first."

"I'll see you off..."

"No, I've already taken a taxi. That's it. I'll hang up." Babe hung up.

Put the mobile phone back in her bag, and Bai Beibei walks on the street like she lost her soul. She wants to smile, smiles twice, and then tears come out of her eyes.

Once she thought she could always like him, standing behind him, looking at his back, she felt satisfied.

But now she thought it was luxury.

There is an insurmountable barrier between them. One day, there will be a girl like silk who will come to him and enjoy his love.

What is she?

A girl who even takes out her own body to sell, countless nights, she will think of that humiliating night, she squats down and uses her mouth for that man

She felt dirty.



Gong fan received the mobile phone, "help me wrap this bracelet, swipe the card."

"Yes, sir. This way, please."

Gong Shu brushes the card, takes the box, and runs out in a hurry.

LISS yelled at the back, "Hello, Gong Shao, you left me here alone..."

"Take a taxi back!" Miyazaki soon got into the elevator.

Li Sisi

Gong Yi came to the street. It was raining outside. He drove Lamborghini to XX. He wanted to find baibeibei.

But then he called. It was Ajie, the secretary.

"Hello, President, our company has some problems with the Licheng project. The developer needs you to come over in person..."

"I don't have time. Let the manager go."

"President, it's a tough thing to do."Gong Gu tightened his eyebrows and looked at the bracelet box lying on the front passenger's seat. He had to turn the direction light at the intersection and drive back.

"I'll be there."

What he didn't know was that at the intersection, the girl he was looking for was there.

At this time, Li Xiyang stood on the top floor of the shopping mall. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked through the French window at the missing car. "Oh," he said with a smile.

At this time, a melodious bell rang, and he called.

"Hello, daddy, have you finished your tea with Uncle Gong?"

"How do you want to be introduced to Siyang after drinking silk?"

"Daddy, why are you not satisfied with Gong Shao's being your son-in-law?"

"Satisfied, of course, but your father is not a fool. I saw Gong Shao didn't mean much to Sisi just now in the restaurant. Sisi was still a child. I always fixed her eyes on Beibei."

Li Xiyang indifferently raised the corner of his lips, "Daddy, I tell you, I like baibeibei, she, I'm bound to get it."

"Xiyang, emotional things can't be forced, you don't hurt Beibei..."

"Daddy, you don't want Beibei to be your daughter-in-law?"

"I hope you and I can see the talent of Beibei in mental arithmetic. She is simple and kind. If she is really with you, I will be satisfied with her, but..."

"Daddy, that's enough. Don't worry. I like baibeibei and won't hurt her. You can't be wrong if you listen to me."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Tomorrow, the mental arithmetic players from all provinces will arrive, and the domestic mental arithmetic competition will begin. The venue will be set in the HuangChen hotel."

"Emperor minister, that is the hotel under the palace family."

"Yes, there it is."


The next day, baibeibei arrived at the HuangChen hotel.

With her there was LISS. It was not the material that LISS didn't take part in the competition, but she insisted on following her and said to cheer on beibeibei.

Bai Beibei was warm and moved.

A total of six contestants participated in the competition. The hotel manager took them to the corridor and said, "this is your room. You can dial the inside line if you need it."

"Thank you." Everyone was very satisfied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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