The waiter came up with two glasses of milk, and at night the peach added a little sugar, and then drank it. She looked out of the window at the cool Hao, and the little face was filled with a whirlpool of happiness.

"To be honest, Beibei, I wanted to see you a long time ago. I want to see what the girl who let Gong Qian feel the second time."

White Beibei shyly dropped her eyelids, and she must be disappointed because she was a normal girl.

"Sister peach, Gong really follows you Did you mention me? "

Bai Beibei knew that she should not ask, she is now in a state with Gong Qian has no possibility, and then such fantasy and extravagance, both people will be injured.

But, she can not control, she has a little curiosity, a little heart

"Yes, I remember Gong Yi first mentioned you to me, at my wedding, and he said he met a girl, making him a little confused, and I laughed at him at that time."

At the wedding

Is that the day she chased Hong Kong?

Bai Beibei tugged at her skirt, feeling a layer of sweat in her hand. She really misunderstood him.

That night, he didn't think of her as a peach, and he didn't look for a shadow on her. He really loved her and he was with her.

"Babe, Gong Yi is a man. In fact, it is very simple. The people he likes will be protected with his whole life. Although he is a son of heaven, he is also a very pure boy. He has liked me for a long time, but we have never really started, because he and you are the first love."

First love

The word was too good for Bai Beibei to feel his heart beating.

"Gong Qian and I are in frequent contact now. Every time I contact him, he will mention you. I remember that once I took my picture to him seriously and asked for his opinion. He said you came and hung up the video between us directly. Babe, I can see from his eyes that he really likes you."

Bai Beibei holds the milk cup, and the heat of the cup is constantly transmitted to her palm. She murmurs in a confused and helpless way, "I failed him..."

"What's wrong with you, baby? I am so big now, but Gong asked me to come. I know what he must have encountered. Since the problem has appeared, we will solve it together. "

White baby was low in his head and didn't speak.

"Is it love you, baby?" asked the little peach tentatively

"I don't!" Bai Beibei suddenly looked up, and she looked at the peach in panic.

"Since you still love each other, the problem is not big."

How can it not be big?

The problem is too big.

"Beibei, love is easy to get along with, every relationship will encounter setbacks, think that I and my husband were also, but know what is the most important between lovers, that is trust and confession."

"You love Gong Qian, and you will definitely hope to have a good result with him, but you will be depressed and don't tell him everything, so you will only go further and farther. Gong Qian is a man who can give a girl a sense of security. Beibei, I advise you to open up your heart to him. You can't solve the problem and give it to him. You just need to believe him. "

Can you?

Can she do this?

White Beibei is more confused.


Half an hour later, the peach came out of the western restaurant.

Just outside, a strong arm wrapped in her waist, cold Hao will her steady in the arms, whispered, "is there any discomfort?"

"Night peach eyebrow curved smile," I have so delicate? "

Cold Hao face is hard and cold, eyebrows and a silk of unhappiness, he said nothing, hugging her on the car.

"Gong Yi, I can help you. I will see you next." The little peach winked at the palace.

Gong Xuan fisted in his hands. "Thank you."

At night, Xiaotao still wants to talk, but lenghao has opened the driver's door, then gently and overbearing to plug her in, obviously does not want her to talk to Gong Yao.

Little peach at night

She looked at the palace sorry.

Gong Yi can not understand where, he picked a sword eyebrow, gave the night peach a look - you quickly coax your husband.

"Night peach said that received, she waved," Gong, 88. "

"Well, 88."

As soon as the voice fell, the luxury car drove out.

Gong Qian is also speechless, this cold luxury vinegar is still hot.


In the luxury car.

"Husband, are you angry?"

Lenghao looked ahead, concentrated on driving, and a hum came out of his throat, "you know."

"But, I don't know why you are angry..."

"The doctor said you're going to have a baby in another month."Speaking of this Leng Hao, she was angry. Her big stomach was no longer suitable for bumping back and forth. But for the sake of Gong Yi, she had to come.

Is Gong Yi more important than his son?

Leng Hao has a black face.

"Cut, husband, you don't take the baby as an excuse, I think you are jealous." Night peach a word to tell the truth.

"I don't have one."

"Really not?"

"Well, I'm with other men, and you're not jealous. I'm sad." Night peach twist show eyebrows, shriveled mouth.

Leng Hao glanced at her as if she were coquettish and angry. He rolled her Adam's apple and said in a hoarse voice, "don't shrink your mouth."

"Then you admit that you are jealous."

"I'm jealous."

Night peach immediately smile like flowers, she leaned over the body to hold his arm, waxy voice coquettish, "husband, you don't have to be too nervous, the doctor said that the baby is good, appropriate exercise is good for my baby."

Leng Hao hem.

Night peach looked at his proud little expression, and then stretched out a small hand to his body to touch.

Just now he has stood up after seeing her with a small mouth shrunken. Now, Leng Hao's whole body is shocked and the steering wheel is almost tilted when she stealthily attacks her.

"Ha ha ha..." Night peach cover mouth secretly smile, "husband, we say good concentration?"

Leng Hao turned to see her charming voice like a crisp bell. He wanted to bully her under his body. He had been a monk for a long time.

But he can't.

So, in her teasing eyes, he blushed.

The cool breeze blowing in from the window, Leng Hao was attracted by the gorgeous sunshine.


Western restaurant.

Bai Beibei felt that the sofa around her collapsed, and the man's healthy and clean breath came to her, and Gong sat beside her.

"Believe me? I am innocent. " A low-alcohol, magnetic voice hung over her ears.

Bai Beibei's heart jumped, and he didn't even have the courage to see him.

Gong Yao stretched out her healthy arm and hugged her willow like slender waist, and her thin lips gathered on her face and kissed, "Beibei, you are very abnormal. Do you know, what's wrong? Tell me, eh?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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