Why did he miss this step with her.

However, there is no regret in this world. Now the key is, what should he do?

Li Xiyang, sun Xiaoxiao, he will not let go of any.


Bai Beibei cried enough and sat on the carpet in a daze, her head in a daze. She did not know what she was thinking.

At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened and Gong Liao came in.

Bai Beibei raised her eyes and saw the wound on his hand at a glance. He scratched several bloodstains on his white hand, and now he is still bleeding.

"What's wrong with your hand?" She quickly got up from the carpet and took his hand.

This is how beautiful a pair of hands, like his people, clean and noble, but now the injury has become like this, baibeibei is very distressed.

She just didn't talk.

"Sit down quickly, and I'll bandage it for you."

Beibeibei pulled him to the bedside and took a small medicine box to help him bandage his wound.

Gong Yi looked at her white face, and her eyes were soft.

"All right." Bandage him with gauze. Bai Beibei gets up and puts the small medicine box back to its original place.

She was standing and Gong was sitting. The two were in a deadlock.

White Beibei first broke the silence, "I Go back first... "

"Back where?" Gong asked.

Bai Beibei doesn't know. She has no home. "I'll go back to school first..."

She turned and left.

But her slender wrist was caught by a man. "What are we going to do in the future?"

She heard him ask what to do

Bai Beibei's eyes were wet, and she dropped her eyes in a panic I'm just a little bit I can't bear it, but we have Break up, after, I will not come to you again, forget me, you can find a Better Girls... "

Before she had finished speaking, she felt that her wrist was about to break because the man held her tightly.

"You do this every time. You want to be a deserter. If I don't answer your phone, are you going to never tell me?"

Crystal tears big big big sliding, white Beibei choked, "tell you what can change, I don't want to let myself become a It's too bad Girl, I don't want you to Embarrassed... "

Her weak shoulder kept shaking, looking so lonely and helpless. Gong Xuan slowly opened her wrist, and then went forward to embrace her.

Big palm clasped the back of her head, he pressed her small head in his arms, "what I asked is, you were bullied by others, why don't you tell me?"

This sentence shocked Bai Beibei. She didn't expect that he would say such a thing when he knew the truth.

He also felt pity for her.

"Gong Yi, I'm sorry..." Bai Beibei stretched out two small hands and hugged his fine waist and abdomen tightly. She burst into tears.

These days of depression and pain in such a moment to be released, do not ask tomorrow, she just want to rely on him, rely on him.

Gong Yi stroked her hair with her hand, "needless to say I'm sorry, you didn't apologize to anyone, and you didn't do anything wrong."

In the car, she asked her painfully what she had done wrong. It was a devastating blow to her. She had been longing for maternal love, but her mother betrayed her. She loved him deeply, but Li Xiyang took away her innocence. At such a moment, her world collapsed.

She felt that it was her fault that she would spend the night in front of her mother-in-law's tombstone. She was so frightened and helpless.

Gong is angry and angry, she happened such a thing, but did not first tell him.

Even, she wanted to break up with him without telling him.

Does she just mistrust him?

"Gong Yi, what should I do in the future? I have I've lost my direction. I'm lost... "

"Beibei, I won't break up with you." Gong Fan said positively.

"But I've been defiled, I'm not worthy of you..."

"I said, it's not your fault. If I break up with you because of these things, you will look down on me and my sincerity to you."

Bai Beibei shakes her head, "not only that, Li Xiyang also Threaten me, he let me break up with you, with him, because he has me Photos of... "

"What picture?"

White Beibei only cried, not said.

She couldn't say.

Gong Xuan guessed that it was probably the fragrant bed photo. His beautiful facial features suddenly became fierce, even breathing heavily.

Beibeibei was sensitive to his changes. She knew that even if they were reluctant to get together, the pimple would always exist.

She also has a grudge in her heart. She can't get out of it.

In this case, let's keep a good memory."Gong Yi, let's break up Oh

Her pink lips were blocked.

Gong Liao kisses very rudely. She blocks her small mouth and squeezes. She pries open her teeth and hooks her sweet tongue. She doesn't let her speak.

Baibeibei hugged his neck with two small hands and warmly responded to him. How dare he dare to respond to her like this?

The kiss was so intense that they both tasted the blood in their mouths.

Gong Yi slowly released her.

He put his nose against her and said in a hoarse voice, "if you break up, don't mention it again. I'll deal with Li Xiyang's affairs."

Is that ok?

Is that ok?

Babe compromised because she really wanted to be with him.

"And your mother..."

"She's not my mother, she didn't see me as a daughter at all!"

"I'll take care of it."

"You do it? What do you want to do? "

Gong fan can see a trace of softness through Bai Beibei's eyes. She is ultimately intolerant of sun Xiaoxiao, the biological mother. "Beibei, your mother has broken the law. Even without Li Xiyang, a person with distorted personality and split personality like your mother is a time bomb, which will explode at any time. She will not only hurt you, but also hurt herself. We can't tolerate traitors."

Bai Beibei's heart was completely cold. He was right. Her mother had been twisted.

"Yes." She nodded gently. "Then you can do it. I'll It doesn't matter. "

"Good." Gong Yi should a, and then beat her to hold up.


When the soft back pressed on the soft mattress, Bai Beibei was surprised, and she immediately wanted to get up, "Gong Li, what do you want to do?"

"It hurts you."

He said two words.

White Beibei looked at the crystal chandelier, two small hands tightly holding his shirt, "Gong fan, you really Don't you mind? "

"Don't mention the past. Close your eyes and give me you!" Gong Yi covered her eyes with his hand


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