Jin Taijiao stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, "Mr. Gong, hello."

Gong Yao's face was indifferent. He politely shook hands with Jin Taijiao. "Mr. Jin, you've been working hard in China this time. Let's start the meeting."

"Good, Mr. Gong."

A group of people came to the VIP meeting room of the hotel. Gong Yi was sitting on the negotiation chair. Ah Jie handed the information to him.

"Boss," Koda came to Jin Taijiao's side and whispered, "just now Beibei said that she was sick and went back to her room. She gave me the budget

Jin Taijiao's face shows concern, "is she serious?"

OTA shook his head. "I'm not sure. It happened suddenly."

"Mr. Jin, what happened?" At this time, the palace is aware of the movement here, he asked in a voice.

"No big deal, Mr. Gong. Let's start the meeting."


The meeting officially started, and the progress was very smooth. The cooperation project between the two sides began to negotiate a year ago, and there was a certain tacit understanding.

Gong Liao looked at the budget at hand, and he nodded in his heart, very satisfied.

"Mr. Jin, has your company changed its budgeter?" Gong asked.

"How does Mr. Gong know?"

Gong Yi pointed to the budget book at hand, "the budget you sent me a year ago is not like this."

"No wonder the palace is not willing to cooperate with us. You are not interested in our budgeter."

Gong Yao picked a sword eyebrow and said, "Mr. Jin, you should thank your budget master."

Gong Yi takes a look at Ota.

Koda nodded with a red face. She was flattered to be praised by Gong, but she was also ashamed. Gong thought that the budget was made by her, but it was not.

This is made by white Beibei.

"Well, I'll give her a promotion and a raise when it's over. Gong Shao, since there is no problem, let's sign the contract. "

"Yes." Ah Jie, he's got the pen.

After signing a word "Gong", Gong suddenly saw the signature at the bottom of the budget. There were three elegant characters on it, which said white Beibei.

White Beibei?

These three words are like a thunder that hit Gong fan. His face changed greatly. He looked at Jin Taijiao sharply and said, "who made this budget?"

Jin Taijiao did not know, so he naturally replied, "it is our company's budgeter Bai Beibei."

"White Beibei?" Gong Xuan chewed the name carefully in his mouth. He wished to crush the pen in his hand.

"Yes, Bai Beibei. Speaking of this girl, she has no high diploma, not even a college diploma, but she has a talent in economy. So I hired her more than a year ago. I did not miss her. She is not only diligent, but also highly talented. Half a year ago, she took the examination of global elite budget master by herself and won the first prize I became the most popular budget planner in Singapore. I gave her this important project, and she also handed in a beautiful report card

Said Jin Taijiao soft smile, "general manager Gong, you may not believe that this girl is only 21 years old today, very young, her potential is immeasurable."

Jin Taijiao spoke highly of Bai Beibei. Gong's face became colder and colder. His anger, which had been suppressed for three years, burned in his chest again. He felt deeply hurt.

He will not forget how she left without saying goodbye three years ago and how she teased him!

No wonder she's going to leave him and see how good she is now!

"Why didn't the white Beibei come? Can she be absent on such an important occasion? " The palace has lifted the thin lips.

Koda had already felt Gong's anger. She quickly explained, "Beibei is here. Just now she was waiting for Mr. Gong in the hall with us. But as soon as you got off the bus, Beibei suddenly said that she was not feeling well. She handed the budget to me and went back to my room."

Hearing this, Gong understood.

She's hiding from him!

What a white Beibei!

Gong Yao suddenly got up, and he turned around and went out.

Jin Taijiao was stunned. At a good meeting, he signed half of the word, but Gong Yao got up and left. He was completely confused, "general manager Gong, you..."

"I have questions about this budget. If you want to cooperate with me, please ask your budgeter to come to my room and find me!" Gong Yi left a word and disappeared.

Jin Taijiao felt puzzled. Just now Gong Yi was full of praise for the budget. Now he has doubts. It's faster to turn his face than to turn over a book.

"Secretary ah Jie, what's wrong with your president?"

Ah Jie looked at the three words "white Beibei" in the budget book and understood everything. He said politely to Jin Taijiao, "if you want to cooperate, let this miss baibeibei come to my president."


In the room.

Bai Beibei was uneasy. She was so upset that she didn't know whether the meeting was going well.This meeting is the first step for boss to open up the mainland market, which is quite critical. She does not want to affect the company for personal reasons.

The big boss is kind to her.

She did not dream that the partner should be Gong Yi. She did not have the courage to meet him, so she had to flee.

At this time, "knock knock knock" knock on the door sounded, Ota in the door outside the way, "Beibei, Beibei."

Why is OTA here?

Is the meeting over?

Baibeibei quickly went to open the door. "What's up, OTA? Did the meeting go well and the contract was signed? "

"No sign, Beibei. This cooperation is going to be ruined."


"Originally everything was fine. General manager Gong was about to sign, but he suddenly stopped. He said that there was something wrong with your budget."

"No way! I have been preparing this budget for a long time. There is absolutely no problem! " Baibeibeikending.

OTA was anxious, "but the palace always said there was a problem. He also said that if we want to cooperate, we will let you go to his room to find him and give him a good explanation."

Go to his room and find him

Bai Beibei was stunned for a moment, and then she asked, "general manager Gong knows Who made this budget? "

"Yes, Mr. Gong asked the boss who the budgeter was. The boss said your name and praised you..."

White Beibei understood in an instant that it was her, so he asked her to find him.

It's not the budget that's wrong. It's her.

Three years ago, she left without saying goodbye. He probably wanted a reason.

Bai Beibei hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "OK, I'll go to find the general manager Gong."

Since she can't hide, let's meet him calmly. She also wants to see him, and she wants to

White Beibei came to the door of the presidential suite and rang the doorbell.

The door of the room opened quickly. Bai Beibei's heart beat like a drum. She tried to show a calm smile, "Gong..."

"Miss Bai, the president is waiting for you in the study." It's Ajie who opens the door.

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