"Pa!" President Hua Yi quickly slapped the bodyguard, "give it to me. Do you want to kill me? I have several heads that dare to offend the Zhou family. How much money do I dare to follow The Lu family will fight together. "

Looking at the closed door, Mr. Hua Yi kept sweating. Lu Shaoming didn't expect that the man was really the legendary Lu Shao!

Lu Shaoming's understatement that "the woman you are looking for is in my room" has revealed two messages. First, Ning Qing has an affair with him. Second, she is in my room. You dare to come.

How could Ning Qing and Lu Shaoming get on with each other?

Mr. Hua Yi thinks he is very seedless. He wiped his sweat and bit his teeth, "let's go!"

The next morning, the morning sun through the layers of windows and curtains on Ning Qing's eyes, long as cicada wings long eyelashes trembled twice, she slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the crystal chandelier overhead, she was confused for a moment. Where is this?

Closed her eyes, she tried to recall the scene of last night. The boss of Huayi threw her into the room. She fled to the next room, then went into the bathroom and kissed

"Ah Ning Qing screamed and suddenly sat up.

She looked down at her clothes, did not change, or last night's set, she jumped out of bed, jumped two times, the body did not feel the same, she was not touched.

Exhale a breath, Ning Qing touched a small face with the hand, the face is hot.

She really wanted to slap herself. Even though she was stimulated by Xu Junxi and drank wine yesterday, she shouldn't be so indulgent. She shouldn't have been with that

A fuzzy face appeared in her mind. She was so drunk last night that she couldn't remember the man's appearance, but she had a sense that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

There is the warmth of man's palm on his face, and his gentle words are echoed in his ear. His little hand gropes for his red lips. She is so ashamed that she wants to drill a hole in the ground. How can she be so shameless as to be like a strange man?

Fortunately, he didn't touch her. He should be a gentleman.

After shaking her head and suppressing what happened last night, Ning Qing walks to the window barefoot and opens the curtains. The scenery outside is beautiful and the sunshine is unique. She opens her fiber arm, takes a deep breath and exhales. Today is a new beginning.

Last night was an accident, indulged once, depressed once, she should face the future more actively.

Tomorrow will be better, Ning Qing, come on!

Ning Qing mouth hook sweet soft smile, turn around, go to the door.

But she suddenly saw a man's watch on the bed cabinet. She went over and held it in her hand.

Over the years, the identity of the daughter of Ning family made her used to seeing good things. Although she didn't know the brand of the watch, the watch was worth a lot.

Thinking of the tall and handsome figure that was surrounded in the front last night, she guessed that maybe he forgot to take it away and left it on the bed cabinet.

After thinking about it, she put the watch in her bag. When she went to the hotel hall, she gave it to the lobby manager.

When we came to the hotel lobby, the lobby manager was not in. The counter lady said sorry, "Miss, this customer didn't leave a contact number. We can't reach him. Look, this watch is very valuable. We can't take care of it without authorization. In this way, you can leave your mobile phone number. If the owner comes to find it, we will let him contact you. "

The counter miss is in accordance with the regulations, Ning Qing had no choice but to take the wristwatch and leave the mobile phone number, "I'll keep it for the time being, and let him call my mobile phone number when he comes to look for it."

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