"Man, still a man Shuai Guo. "

Yin Zhihan's handsome and disgusting face appeared in Lu Ning's mind, and she immediately had a smile like a flower. "Great, Alva, can you send me his number? As your teacher, I can communicate with him."

"Teacher, I don't have his number, but this is his wechat, you can add him."


Back in the apartment, Lu Ning lies on the soft big bed in the room playing with her mobile phone. She finds out the wechat Alva gave and searches for it.

The wechat name is yourdarling.

Yourdarling, in Chinese, means, your dear.

Lu Ning thought, this man is definitely not Yin Zhihan, because Yin Zhihan will not have such a provocative name, and he has no time to play wechat.

But she can talk to the man first, and then pry out some useful information.

Lu Ningjia is a good friend. The additional information is very regular. Hello, I'm Alva's piano teacher.

After a few minutes, "Ding", the man added her, they can chat with each other.

Lu Ning compared a yes in her heart, and then took the lead in sending a text message to him --- Hello, I am Alva's piano teacher. Alva is a very intelligent and gifted child, and you have great vision.

She first praised her hand without smiling.

Wait, there's no response at the other end.

Lu Ning is a little embarrassed, but she continues to say that Alva was brought up by her father without a mother. In fact, the child is very poor.

After sending it out, Lu Ning, etc.

This time, the end of the reply soon came, Lu Ning very excited, she took out a look - your mother's love overflowing? You can have one of your own.

Lu Ning's first feeling is that this person is too impolite!

She forbeared and refused to be bothered by him. Thinking about Yin Zhihan, she could bear anything. She continued to send --- ha ha, sir, you are really joking. I am not married yet!

This is what she thinks about "not married". Unmarried women are more attractive to men and easier to talk about. After all, which man likes to chat with married women?

The end was quiet for a few seconds, and the echo came - Oh, right?


What does he mean by laughing?

Somehow, Lu Ning is covered with small pink particles, because she thinks of Yin Zhihan's evil and dangerous smile. In a popular saying, I quietly watch you pretend to be forced.

Lu Ning's small face is a little red, she continues --- do you believe it? In fact, many men pursue me, but I have high vision and don't like it.

That end There was no response.

This is embarrassing.

He doesn't ignore her, does he?

---Don't you really believe it? If not, we'll meet and talk to each other, so you can see if I'm lying.

A few seconds later, the echo came - I was more interested in another kind of chat than meeting and chatting, which could let me see you clearly.

What does he mean?

What kind of chat?

Lu Ning thought about it for a while, but she didn't understand. What kind of chat could make him see her more clearly?

All of a sudden, Lu Ning thought of a kind of chat, that will Clothes are taken off the chat, she a small face burst red, this shameless rascal, lecher!

Lu Ning didn't want to think about it either. She directly sent a -- duck, and then decisively pulled the man black.

Leaving her mobile phone on the bed, she stared at the crystal chandelier on her head angrily. She was molested by a man. It's disgusting!

If it was not for Yin Zhihan, she would not have been wronged.

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