How delicious?

"It's not delicious. It's too sweet. Here you are." Ou Xuyan hands him the marshmallow.

Lu Fan took a contemptuous glance, "what the hell?"

"Marshmallow, didn't you just ask me if it's delicious?"

"But I didn't say I wanted to eat."

"I thought you were going to eat."

"Well, you can try it..." Said Lu Fan stretched out a big palm, clasped the back of her head, and then turned to kiss her red lips.

"Oh Ou Xuyan is scared to stare big eyes, what is this man doing?

Lu fan kisses her lip corner, then pries open her small mouth to drive straight in, her mouth has the sweet cotton candy flavor, fragrance unceasingly, he big mouth rolled once the throat knot.

Ou Xuyan pushed Lu Fan away. Her tiny face was covered with a layer of red. "Lu fan, you bastard, do you know what you are doing?"

Lu Fan looked at her water bright red lips, uninhibited pick pick pick sword eyebrows, "know, I am Taste the marshmallow, didn't you let me eat it

Ou Xuyan

What a brazen man!

"Sit down, we're back in the army now!" Lu Fan stepped on the gas pedal as if nothing happened.


Back in the army, Lu fan is busy. Ou Xuyan stays in the room alone. She is still angry with itching teeth when she thinks that he kisses her today.

Why didn't you slap him?

Ou Xuyan was deeply remorseful.

Soon it was evening. Lu Fan had not come back. Ou Xuyan could not see his people. Although she didn't want to wait for him, she had only one room and only one bed. She always had to discuss with him about sleeping, otherwise it would be very embarrassing.

No, she needs to get out of here as soon as possible.

Ou Xuyan opened the door and went out. It's late autumn now. It's very cold and dewy at night.

"Mrs. Lu, why did you come out alone? Do you want to go to chief Lu?" Then Mrs. Hai saw her.

Ou Xuyan nodded and said politely with a smile, "yes, I'd like to talk to chief Lu and Mrs. Hai. Do you know why he hasn't come back so late?"

"Recently, there is going to be a celebration in the military area command. It is said that the female soldiers are going to perform a program with the soldiers. Chief Lu is probably in the rehearsal camp now."

"Rehearsal camp?"

"Yes, my old sea is also in the rehearsal camp. I'll take you with me."

"Good, Mrs. Hai. Thank you."

Ou Xuyan walked along with Mrs. Hai for a long time, and then walked into a spacious room with a big mirror. It was a place for female soldiers to dance and rehearse.

It's very busy inside. There are female soldiers sitting on one side and male soldiers sitting on the other side. This kind of male and female collocation is always restless and the atmosphere is soaring.

"Mrs. Lu, look, where is the chief Lu?" Two people stood at the back, Mrs. Hai pointed to the front man and said to ou Xuyan.

Ou Xuyan raised her eyes. Lu Fan sat cross legged on the ground in front of him. His facial features were delicate and strong, his thin lips were gently pursed, and he was always lazy. In this way, he was still the most prominent presence in the audience. Many female soldiers were watching his straight and upright back.

"Mrs. Lu, I'm right. These female soldiers admire the landing chief. The former land commander is not married, and some bold girls send him love letters and so on. Look at that girl, who dances on the stage, is Yi Qiaoqiao. She is the only daughter of Mr. Yi. She is very happy with Commander Lu." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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