Yin evening morning did not speak, he raised the eyes fixed looking at Ning Qing.

Ning Qing was shocked by his eyes. His dark eyes were as deep as glass. There seemed to be dark blood flowing inside, which was terrible.

He's talking with a look in his eyes --- stop me, die!

When Ning Qing is afraid, Lu Shaoming steps forward and clasps his little wife's shoulder. He looks at Yin Muchen and says with a light smile, "Mr. Yin, you scared my wife."

Lu Shaoming's slight displeasure has a deterrent effect. Yin Muchen understands this, but he frowns at Lu Shaoming. There is no more courtesy among businessmen. Instead, he sneers, "Lu Shao didn't tell your wife that this medicine is useless in the hospital."

It's no use going to the hospital?

What should I do?

When Ning Qing is shocked, Yin evening morning has already carried Yin Shuiling through her side.

Ning Qing immediately realized a very serious problem, go to the hospital is useless, that only Man.

She hurried back to chase Yin WanChen, who had stepped out of the warehouse. She pulled Yin's sleeve and said, "brother Yin, since it's useless to go to the hospital, I can't give you Shuiling."

Yin evening morning one side eye, with the winter in the cold Ling lie radian, "if I give you the water Ling, what do you have to do?"

"I..." Ning Qing is in a dilemma.

Yin evening morning a swing sleeve, with Yin Shuiling to the luxury business car.

Ning Qing was not angry at all. She yelled at Yin Dushen's back, "brother Yin, when Shuiling ran after you all over the world before, you didn't want to. When she abandoned the secular prejudice and loved you, you didn't dare. Now she used three years to repair her wound and let herself live a quiet life. Why do you appear in her world again? How can you still have face

"Yin WanChen, if Shuiling needs a man now, that man can't be you. Shuiling won't accept seeing you after waking up!"

Yin evening morning did not have any reaction, the driver opened the door, he took Yin Shuiling to sit in, luxury business car sped away.

Ning Qing stomped her feet in anger. She scolded Yin Muchen thousands of times in her heart.

"Well, don't get angry. There's no room for a third person to comment on other people's emotional world. It's love or hate. Only two people have a clear mind. Even if you teach Yin Shuiling to you, you have no better way, so let him go." Lu Shaoming comforted.

Ning Qing is very unhappy with her pink lips. She starts to shake off Lu Shaoming and hum, "what do you know? You men are the most ungrateful. It is always our women who suffer the loss! "

After riding the roller coaster with his wife for a whole day, Mao's Lu Shao got such a sentence that he, "..."

In silence.

At this time, Xu Junxi came out, "Lu Shao, Ning Qing, Ning Yao, why didn't I see the people of Ning Yao?"

Ning Qing's heart sank, just now the scene was too chaotic, she did not take into account Ning Yao, "Ning Yao is not in the warehouse, then she must have taken advantage of the chaos to slip away from the back door, she saw the matter exposed, it is the best policy to leave."

Xu Junxi clenched his fist, "hateful, I will find Ning Yao."


The ambulance comes and takes mu Yunfan to the hospital. Zhu Rui is dealing with the situation. Lu Shaoming takes Zhou Yao to the jeep.

"Big brother, what's the matter with you today? If a shot is shot, the boy will be finished. How can he grin and haw? It's not like your usual style. You'd like to watch that boy kiss me and me with his sister-in-law in his arms? "

"Second brother, you don't understand. Death is the lightest thing in the world. Those who survive will live in guilt and nightmare forever."

Just now mu Yunfan fainted in di Ning Qing and cried like that, which shows that mu Yunfan is really a very important person in her life.

If Mu Yunfan really died in front of her, it is estimated that Ning Qing will have nightmares every night.

He promised Ning Qing in the morning to reduce the damage to the minimum.

"Brother, I really don't understand. I'll go back to the army first."

Looking at Zhou Yao sitting in the co pilot's seat, Lu Shaoming said earnestly, "so you are 27 years old and don't have a serious girlfriend. You don't know how to love someone. Come on, get yourself a wife

Zhou Yao frowned, evil spirit a smile, "want to find a wife is not easy, I have a lot of people, but I want that crying little girl to do, embroidered pillow. Besides, if I have a wife and I'm like a big brother, I'd better be free if you grind and haw like this and be bound

Lu Shaoming smiles and doesn't speak. Zhou Yao will meet such a woman and is willing to be bound.


Lu Shaoming accompanied Ning Qing to the hospital. Mu Yunfan's wound was bandaged. However, he lost too much blood, leading to dizziness. Now he is still sleeping in the intensive care unit.

At this time, Miss Mu Yun Ning came to the window of Singapore and called on her to come to the window

Ning Qing showed a smile, "housekeeper Zhou, long time no see."

"Yes, Miss Ning, I haven't seen you for three years. Miss Ning really grows more beautiful and becomes a big girl."

"Thank you, housekeeper Zhou. By the way, housekeeper Zhou, have you had a good life in the past three years? What has he been up to since he hasn't come to see me for three years? " Ning Qing always feels that mu Yunfan's mood is very unstable, which gives her a feeling of many changes.Mu Yunfan in the warehouse said that he didn't come to see her for three years because of something. What was the reason?

Housekeeper Zhou sighed with emotion, "in the past three years, the Mu family moved to Singapore, and the situation was very unstable. It happened to be affected by the Yin family's economy, and suffered heavy damage from several gangs on the road. The master was shot a few millimeters away from the heart."

"What, uncle Mu has been shot. Is his life in danger?"

"The master had the operation in time, and he was strong enough to survive. However, the master's health was getting worse and worse, and he handed over all the affairs of the Mu family to the young master. In the past three years, the young master had a lot of bullets and never had a rest. He was under too much pressure. Miss Ning, the young master has never stopped thinking of you in the past three years. When he calms down, he will take out your picture in his wallet. I didn't expect that this situation will happen today, but the young master will never hurt the young lady. The young master is sincere to her. "

Ning Qing was silent for a few seconds She nodded.


Zhu Rui is driving ahead. Lu Shaoming and Ning Qing are sitting in the back seat. Ning Qing's forehead has been bandaged. Now Lu Shaoming removes the gauze and changes her dressing.

Lu Shaoming looks at the wound on her forehead and points it on her wound with a cotton swab. He moves gently, but with a "hissing" sound, Ning Qing still feels pain.

"Why, you know the pain?" Lu Shaoming's tone is not very good.

Ning Qing raised his eyes to see him, his handsome face was tense, obviously in a bad mood. She immediately grabbed his arm and acted coquettishly, "husband, are you angry?"

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