Less than two months?

Song Yajing felt her ears buzzing. She didn't seem to understand.

The hospital's examination report was written in black and white for 11 weeks, less than three months.

Now the time of pregnancy is simply shortened by a month?

Song Yajing stares at Ning Qing. No one dares to lie in front of her, especially to turn her around with a lie!

Ning Qing looks at Song Yajing carefully over the man's shoulder. Seeing her ferocious face, Ning Qing shrinks for a moment. She shrinks back to avoid Lu Shaoming's touch. "Shaoming, don't do this. Madam is here, she I don't seem to be happy

Lu Shaoming saw her weak shoulder trembling, her two white hands in front of her abdomen, he was at a loss, and his eyebrows were deeper.

"Mom, you can go back if it's OK." He started to chase people.

Song Yajing is angry. She is staring at Ning Qing with gnashing teeth, "Ning Qing, how many months have you been pregnant? You'd better speak clearly now. These are your examination reports in the hospital. You are clearly pregnant for three months. Now you cheat Shaoming for only two months. What is your intention? "

"Bang", it turned out that Ning Qing retreated in fear, and her delicate back directly hit the door of the rest room. She turned pale and shook her head like a rattle, "no, I didn't cheat Shao Ming..."

"Ning Qing!" Lu Shaoming roared. He took Ning Qing's fiber arm and took her in his arms. He felt her back with his big palm. He asked with great heartache, "where did you hit me? Tell me, where does it hurt? They are all pregnant. Why are you so careless? "

"Shao Ming," Ning Qing held his hand and looked pitifully battered. "Shao Ming, I really didn't cheat you. You believe me In the past, I could bear anything my wife did to me, but how could she say that? I really have your child in my stomach. I don't believe you. When I'm four months pregnant, we'll do amniotic fluid puncture and DNA test on the spot... "

"Ning Qing," Lu Shaoming hugged her in his arms, drooping his eyes and kissing her hair. "OK, baby, don't be excited, don't hurt our children I believe you, really, I believe everything you say, I love your baby... "

Ning Qingfu is in Lu Shaoming's arms. She looks at Song Yajing with her side eyes, picks up a willow eyebrow, and then draws up a proud and provocative smile.

Song Yajing, who accepted such provocations, thought it was her great shame. Her chest heaved violently. She rushed forward three and two steps and pointed to the tip of Ning Qing's nose. "Ning Qing, do you dare to act like this in front of me? Do you believe me and let you disappear immediately?"

Ning Qing is waiting for her to say this. When has the mother of the Lu family, who has always been in a high position, suffered such unjust anger. It is strange that she does not attack.

"Ma'am, ma'am, I know I'm wrong..." Ning Qing reached out to push Lu Shaoming aside and rushed to song Yajing, "madam, I know I can't fight with you. Don't hurt my family, don't hurt my children. Can I kneel down for you? Well, I admit I'm three months pregnant. This baby is not Shao Ming, I can raise him by myself... "

"Enough!" Lu Shaoming takes the soft and boneless girl into his arms. His eagle like eyes sweep at Song Yajing in a very impolite tone, "Mom, get out of here!"

Song Yajing almost vomited blood, "Shaoming, don't be cheated by her, she..."

"Secretary Zhu!"

The door of the office is pushed open, and Zhu Rui stands by the door, "president."

"Call security and get these two men out of here." Lu Shaoming said in a cold voice.

"What What? "Song Yajing's pupil widened and stepped back several steps." Shao Ming, you let me go? I think you are really fascinated by this woman Ah

Several security guards rushed in, holding song Yajing's arm and dragging her out.

Song Yajing seems to have a dream. She has never been so embarrassed in her life these years. She has always been a noble and elegant Mrs. Lu.

She was stunned to lose the response, and the office door "bang" closed in front of her eyes.


When the office was quiet, Ning Qing asked anxiously, "Shao Ming, would your mother be more angry if you treat your mother like this?"

The voice just fell, a burst of whirlwind, she has been beaten by a man to hold up.

Walking into the rest room, her long legs hook the door, he put her gently on the bed, the big palm fell on her abdomen, his eyebrows waved with a warm surprise smile, "here, really have our children?"

Ning Qing quickly smile, two small hands around his neck, she sweet kiss his handsome face, "Shaoming, you do not doubt that this child is not you?"

Lu Shaoming kisses the corner of her mouth, the voice line is low alcohol magnetism, "who else is not mine? Don't ask such silly questions again. The baby will be angry when he hears it. "

Ning Qing nose wing one acid, the eye is wet.

She does not want the baby to be wronged, but the baby's grandmother

"Why are you crying?" Lu Shaoming held her small face and wiped her tears with his thumb in a panic. Since he learned that she was pregnant, he could not see that she was a little unhappy.

"Is it because of my mother? Sorry, I can't change her mind, but you can ignore her completely. I will love you and your children well in the future, and I won't let you suffer any injustice. ""Yes." Ning Qing sucked under the red nose tip, clever nod.

Lu Shaoming felt relieved. He knelt on the bed with one leg, gently kissing from her pink neck to her abdomen, lifted her skirt and pushed it upward, revealing her beautiful navel and a little protruding abdomen. The man's voice was very soft, "baby, I'm your father. Do you like dad? Just move when you like it."

Ning Qing giggled, the small hand gently hit his shoulder, "what, the baby is still small, to wait for four months will have fetal movement."

"Oh." The man Oh, and then put down her skirt, pasted on the soft material to kiss her belly, "mom said dad's beard pricked, so Dad can only kiss you across the material, so you don't hurt, you have to be good, don't let mother suffer."

Ning Qing sighed contentedly. Her little hand shuttled into his short hair and felt his long and pitiful kiss. She asked with a smile, "Shao Ming, do you remember how we conceived this child?"

"Of course, we did that once, in the Finnish Hotel..."

"Oh, Shao Ming," Ning Qing interrupted with a chuckle, "it was new year's Eve. You want children, but I'm afraid. So you coax me into saying that I and my children are all given to you. You allow us to grow up together in your arms You also said that it is impossible to get pregnant at the first time. If you are pregnant, it is the will of God... "

The man on the body suddenly stiff, he slowly raised eyes.

The girl under the body has already shed tears.


Ning Qing goes out of the gate of Guangqing. There is a luxury car outside. Lu Shaoming prepares it for her.

In the car, the driver asked, "Ma'am, where to go?"

Ning Qing looked at the view outside the window, did not answer, at this time the mobile phone rings, to call.

Song Yajing.

Ning Qing picked up the corner of her lips and laughed. Then she answered the phone, "Hello, mom..."

"Miss Ning, are you free now? Let's have a chat." The tone at that end was very stiff.

Ning Qing will gill side of a wisp of hair tucked into the ear, calmly nodded, "good, where?"


Come to a coffee shop, song Yajing has been sitting in a secret seat waiting, Ning Qing went to sit opposite her.

Song Yajing's anger is hard to level. She looks at Ning Qing and goes straight to the theme, "why cheat him?"

"Mom, you know, I didn't cheat him. It's you who really cheated him."

"Hum," song Yajing snorted coldly, "you are three months pregnant, but say two months, this is not cheating, what is it?"

"Two months and three months make no difference. All the children in my stomach are his, and this child is also my mother's grandson."

Song Yajing has repressed disdain in her eyes. "Our Lu family never lacks women who can give birth to children. But why are you

Ning Qing looked at her haughty eyes and said with a slow smile, "that's because he just wants to have children with me. He once said that, in fact, he doesn't like children very much, because I gave birth to them, he will like them. Mom, why can't you be tolerant? I have your first grandson in my stomach. "

Song Yajing flashed her eyes and squeezed her fist secretly.

It is true that the rich and powerful families attach great importance to their children, but it is more important who gives birth to them.

Obviously, Ning Qing's identity is not enough.

But she was in a trance for a moment. This is Shaoming's first child and her first grandson.

Ning Qing leaned lazily into the sofa and looked out of the window. Her delicate little face was extremely hurt and murmured to herself, "I met him when I was 18 years old. He was assassinated by politicians, and he was rescued by me. Later, we only knew that we loved each other at first sight."

"Last year, when I was at the bottom of my life, he came down from the sky again. He saved me. I married him and became his wife. He tolerated me, loved me, tried to love, I love, with him for the most half a year is like fingers pinched sand, it has not been subtle aftertaste, it has disappeared

"He had a car accident for me with glass fragments in his head. I sent him to the airport. He went to England for surgery, and then..." There are crystal clear tears from the face, Ning Qing bit his white fingers, choked with heartache, "and then he I don't remember me

"In America, I stand outside your house and watch him look at me with strange eyes I followed him to a luxury store, and he He sat on the sofa and raised his forehead like a headache I was so distressed that I told myself that I would never let go of his hand and I would take him to find his way home

"Mom, I have a three-month agreement with you to bet that he will fall in love with me again, but now that the situation is different, I have his children, can't you help us?"

Song Yajing looks silent. She shakes her head firmly. "It's the same whether there are children or not. As long as I'm in one day, Shao Ming won't know you're his wife."

Ning Qing wiped dry tears with her small hand, and she chuckled, "Oh, is it?"

A black figure appeared behind her.

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