"Get out of here, you pervert Ning Qing took out a knife for self-defense from his trouser pocket and stabbed at the man's heart.

The man nimbly avoided, the mouth low curse a, stretched out his hand to snatch the knife in Ning Qing's hand, and "pa" threw Ning Qing a slap.

Ning Qing is weak all over the body, was easily robbed of the knife, and the two eyes of the man fan Venus, her feet a stagger, head hit the wall.

A man grabbed her hair, ferocious will her head "bang bang" on the wall five or six times, while the collision scolded, "let you strong, do not give you a lesson, you learn not good."

Pain to numbness, rather than feel pain, forehead has fishy thick warm liquid flow down, nose wing filled with a pungent smell of blood.

She's bleeding.

The man threw her into the sofa in the box and threatened in a cruel voice, "if you don't obey the orders, you will suffer later."

Ning Qing shrinks to the sofa, "if you dare to touch me, I will sue you to explode."

The man rushed up and pulled Ning Qing's jeans, "ha ha, you sue, you go to tell the people in the world who hit you, ha ha..."

Ning Qing's vision began to blur, her two small hands fumbled on the sofa, she wanted to find wine bottles and other sharp things, she was going to kill the man.

Even if she can't kill him, she'll kill herself. It's better than being humiliated by forced explosion.

But she didn't touch anything. The table was so far away from her that she wanted to climb over.

But as soon as her thigh was cold, her jeans had been pulled to her knees, and her eyes could no longer control the wetness, and her hot tears poured down, "don't Don't Help... "

She knows that "help" is the weakest and most useless word in the world. In the past three years, no one has helped her. She is relying on herself.

She's used to being on her own.

But now she was afraid and desperate. She could only cry and cry "help". She wanted someone to help her.

See Ning Qing milk white skin, the man's eyes are red, is extremely excited, "click" a, was locked box door was opened.

Just now, the waiter stopped with the key.

The man got up and got off the sofa. He ran to the door and scolded, "what do you mean, don't you have enough money to do bad to you?"

The waiter stepped back, afraid to speak.

The man still wanted to scold, but a man came out behind the waiter. Julie looked at the man and said politely, "I asked him to do this."

"And who are you?"

Zhu Rui did not answer, but took out a business card and handed it to the man.

The man takes the business card with disapproval and takes a glance at it at will, which makes his face change greatly. He looks at Zhu Rui in horror, "you, you..."

Zhu Rui waves two bodyguards. The bodyguards come forward and tie up the man. "Now it's a society ruled by law. Send you to the police station for a fire. Let you come back when you realize your mistake, or you'll stay in it for the rest of your life. "

The man was so scared that he begged for mercy. "No, I didn't mean to offend Lu Shao. Please let me go. I don't want to go to jail."

The man was still dragged down by the bodyguard.

Ning Qing got rid of the control and quickly put on the jeans. The voice of the abnormal man's crying and Howling gradually drifted away, and then there was a footstep approaching her.

"Who are you? Don't come here." Ning Qing shivering in the sofa, she is now a wounded hedgehog, no one believe.

The voice of opening the bottle cap came from her ear, and a refreshing mint smell came from her nose. She waved her hand in horror, "what did you smell for me? What do you want to do?"

"Don't be nervous, miss. I mean nothing. This is a refreshing medicine. Do you feel better now? "

Ning Qing felt for a moment, the discomfort of the body slowly dispersed, the line of sight began to clear, she looked up at the past person, is a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes.

"Did you save me? Thank you Originally is really saves her person, Ning Qing corners of the mouth pulls out the smile, nods thanks.

"You're welcome. Miss, if you rest here for a while, I'll order someone to give you a basin of water to wash your face and to deal with the injury on your forehead

Ning Qing got up, she didn't have any strength on her body. Her feet swayed for a while. She went to the table and wiped the blood on her forehead with a wet towel. She shook her head, "no, thank you today. I'll go first."

Just escaped a robbery, she didn't even have time to be compassionate. The realistic problems are waiting for her to be solved. Her mother has an operation tomorrow, and she needs money.

Ning Qing walked out of the hotel, she attracted a lot of attention along the way, everyone pointed at her behind.

Standing outside the front door of the hotel, she glanced at herself through the revolving glass door. The blood on her forehead had not been wiped clean, her hair was messy, a few buttons were loose, and the right leg of her jeans was torn.

The arc of self mockery was drawn from the corner of her mouth. She raised her head and forced back the fragile tears in her eyes. She didn't feel aggrieved. She just thought that she could not appear in front of her mother. She would probably sleep in the bedroom tonight, where to raise money tomorrow, and the humiliation she must report tonight.The heart is desolate to no avail, full of bitterness.

She turned around in despair and raised her feet to leave.

However, when one foot was about to collapse down the stairs, it was frozen in the middle of the air. Several luxury cars stopped outside the hotel. Under the retro style lanterns, there were a group of distinguished businessmen, one of them, with low eyes and a smile, elegant and elegant.

Today, the man is wearing a light blue shirt and khaki narrow trousers. This is not a formal dress. It is semi casual. It has faded away from the usual deep seriousness. At the moment, he is as clear as ink.

All around us are some older elders. We all talk to him in a friendly way. He looks down and listens. He answers occasionally. In Ning Qing's sight, he has half a side face, a handsome outline carved by a knife, and a clear and deep sideburns

It's amazing.

His good figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist just wears the semi casual clothes with a cold and charming texture. He cleans his trouser pocket with one hand, and talks gracefully and leisurely. He can see his noble identity at a glance. The dim yellow light in the lantern falls down from his head, making his whole person so dazzling.

"Miss..." At this time, Zhu Rui chases after him from the hotel, which wakes Ning Ning Qing and disturbs the people beside the car.

So Ning Qing is unprepared to bump into that pair of clear lacquer bright black eyes, Lu Shaoming to her, deep eyes can not see joy and anger.

But Ning Qing clearly saw that he carelessly looked at her upper and lower body, and the elders around him were surprised and showed her pitiful and sympathetic eyes one after another.

Ning Qing doesn't know what's wrong with her. It's clear that going down the stairs from them is the way out, but she suddenly has no courage to step down.

She turned around in a hurry and jumped down from the side of the steps. She took a path. The hotel wall and the flower pool were separated by such a path, so narrow that only one person could pass through.

There won't be any guests here, but the hotel attendants and installers will go.

But she didn't care. She just wanted to leave as soon as possible. She didn't want to let the man who used to comfort her in the hotel room and stop the car downstairs a few days ago to deliver medicine to her to see her so embarrassed.

How embarrassed she was herself, she knew.

The eyes of those people in the mall are very sharp, especially him. At a glance, you can guess what happened to her. She wants to keep some pride and dignity for herself.

But she is so silly, she also knows clearly, from this path to go, she is more embarrassed.

I knew that he would listen to that gentle man, wash his face, change his clothes, and make himself clean. After all, he looked so decent.

Ning Qing feels very hot and wet on the face, small hand touched a, full of tears.

She thought she was ridiculous. She ran to the street crying and laughing. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and said, "Hey, Xiao Zhou, find me a man with a lot of money..."

Hang up the phone, but at the foot of a stone, she was caught off guard and sat on the ground, this sitting, she did not want to stand up.

With her legs curled up, she held her knees with her two fiber arms and buried her small face in her knees. Regardless of passers-by, she did not ask about tomorrow, and she cried bitterly.

Ning Qing wanted to have a good cry, but she didn't cry for long. Her shoulder was heavy and her thin and cold body was warm. Someone put on a dress for her.

She was shocked and looked at it with the rest of her eyes. It was a light gray woolen coat with a fresh and warm masculine smell on it.

This smell She knows it.

A pair of leather shoes burst into the drooping eyes and face. It's a little lighter than khaki trousers. It's very casual.

It's him.

He's here.

Ning Qing is a bit at a loss. She is already in a mess. Now she is sitting on the ground crying regardless of her image. Her fresh scallop like fine teeth clench her lower lip, trying not to let her cry out, but her tears are still falling.

His loose hair was warm, and his broad palms shuttled in. His low alcohol and bewildering voice was a little indulgent, "how can you run when you see me, eh?"

The sound of "en" is like the subtle vibration of the chest. It's very sexy. Ning Qing trembles all over when listening to it. I don't know whether it's because of his words or because of the palm he shuttles in her hair, so gentle.

Ning Qing lowered her head. She didn't want him to see her forehead injury, and she didn't dare to see his face at the moment.

Lu Shaoming's vision is the girl's weak and surging small shoulder. She is still crying. The tears are flowing more and more quickly, but she is stubborn and does not let her cry.

This silly girl, do she know, how painful she is?

Ning Qing's tears couldn't stop. At this time, she felt that her toe had been kicked and raised her eyes slightly. There was a leather shoe on the tip of her white board shoes. He was kicking her with leather shoes.

What does he want to do?

Ning Qing subconsciously separated the feet merged into eight characters, trying to avoid his shoes, but the man took this opportunity to put the shoes into her feet.

She is still sitting on the ground, and the forward tilt of his shoes directly drives his long legs. The straight and slender legs are close to her. With strong and domineering power, her head can reach his knee.

"What do you do?" Ning Qing closed his feet and clamped his shoes to keep him from moving forward.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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