She chuckled and said in a clear voice, "why, am I addicted to selling and have a half dime relationship with Mr. Xu? Don't make yourself look like a resentful woman. Your tone will make me suspect that I didn't sell it to you. You are very jealous. Oh, by the way, I don't want to sell it to Mr. Xu. Oh, what do you want? "

The end of the phone is silent directly, Ning Qing can even clearly hear the man's depressed low breath, for a moment, the frequency of the outbreak of the edge.

For a long time, Xu Junxi gritted his teeth and said, "Ning Qing, you'd better not give you a face, but you don't want a face!"

Ning Qing held the check in her hand and stood up slowly. She straightened her back, her eyes were clear, and her voice was absolutely clear. "Xu Junxi, I didn't want you to give me a face, so don't be sentimental, and quickly take back your cheap face to me!"

"Oh, by the way, you asked me to go to your company the night before yesterday. I didn't let you sleep. Are you angry? Oh, I'm sorry, even if I want to sell, I have to choose who to sell. What's more, Ning Zhenguo didn't want to sell me to count money. I'm also sorry that I have to count my money for selling myself! "

"Xu Junxi, you all listen to me well. From today on, you are nothing in my Ning Qing's life. Don't mess with me. As far as the world is, please go far away!"

After that, Ning Qing hung up the phone.

She was desperate for Ning Zhenguo and Xu Junxi, the two most important men in her life. She said goodbye to them in her heart.

Later, she should protect her mother, live her own wonderful, she will never waste her feelings on those scum.

Ning Qing went out and dialed Dr. Luo's phone, "Dr. Luo, the operation fee has been made up enough Is Mom going into the operating room? OK, I'll get there right away

Ning Qing ran out of the hotel in a hurry and stood on the street waving a taxi. But it was 9 o'clock in the morning. It was the time of traffic jam. She waited for 10 minutes, and no car was willing to stop.

Is anxious, in front of the body stopped a BMW, BMW window sliding down, Ning Qing actually saw a familiar gentle face.

It's Lu Shaoming's secretary, Zhu Rui.

"Miss Ning, where are you in a hurry? I'll see you off."

Ning Qing has this intention, mother is still waiting for her in the hospital, she impolitely opened the door, "to XX Hospital, secretary Zhu, really thank you very much."

Music King entertainment.

Xu Junxi stood in front of the French window with his hands akimbo, overlooking the whole city. His chest heaved violently, his face was livid, and his cheek edge was ferociously floating.

Never so out of control, he tried very hard to suppress himself, he was afraid that he would kill the woman, he wanted to die with her.

That day, she said that her market price was very high. Her subtext was that she did not go out to sell. He believed it. He asked her to meet in the evening and wanted to give her a million checks.

But she

She told him to go away!

Ning Yao stands behind Xu Junxi. She is very proud. After seeing the photo, Xu Junxi calls Ning Qing and scolds her for "shameless". He has a new layer of disgust for Ning Qing.

But he was so angry that she could feel his violent gasp. On the phone, he said that he would give her money when he asked Ning Qing to meet him the night before last. She suddenly remembered the words his secretary had said in her ear just now - Mr. Xu has been sleeping in the company for the past two nights and has not left a step in the daytime.

She suddenly remembered that when she called these two days, he always said that he was busy and didn't date her. Was he waiting for Ning Qing?

Even if Ning Qing has already made a good appointment the night before last, he may not call Ning Qing because of his man's self-esteem, but he is waiting for Ning Qing to come all the time?

Ning Yao's eyes flashed. She was very jealous. She hated Ning Qing very much. But she didn't show her cleverness. Xu Junxi and Ning Qing couldn't do it. She had to hold on to his heart.

She took Xu Junxi's big hand and clasped his ten fingers.

"Junxi, don't be angry. Maybe you misunderstood your sister. She is not like that."

"Isn't she that kind of person? She admitted that she went out to sell, and she was proud of it. " Xu Junxi roared and started to shake off Ning Yao's hand.

"Ah..." Ning Yao exclaimed, her body staggered backward for several steps. Finally, she turned to one side and deliberately bumped her forehead into the French window.

"Yao Yao..." Xu Junxi's pupil shrank. He stepped forward and took Ning Yao's delicate body into his arms with one arm. He apologized, "I'm sorry, Yao Yao, it's me Are you in a bad mood and hurt you

With that, Xu Junxi carefully lifted the bangs in front of her forehead. There was a pink scar on the sharp edge of her little beauty, which was scratched three years ago to save him.

Every time Xu Junxi looked at the scar, he felt guilty and moved to the point that he couldn't. this is Disfigurement for a beautiful girl. Ning Yao has been covering it with bangs these years.

Ning Yao loves him wholeheartedly and is willing to give his life for him.

Feel the man's fingertips heartache and pity in her scar, she quickly with a small hand gently open his big palm, let go of the bangs.

She looked up at Xu Junxi with her head raised. She said, "Junxi, I'm ok, as long as you don't get angry. You and my sister are my relatives. I hope you are all wellShe did not mention a word of scars and bruises, even afraid of his guilt, but also quickly put down the bangs, Xu Junxi full of moving, holding her face gently kiss down.

"Yao Yao, don't mention Ning Qing. If she wants to degenerate, let her degenerate. From now on, we have nothing to do with her. Yao Yao, I'm sorry just now. I love you

Since Ning Qing's words were so resolute, he would not care whether she was alive or dead, and he would not care about that dirty woman.

Only Ning Yao is his true love.

Ning Yao see the plan succeed, and he confessed, heart a burst of joy and honey, the corners of the mouth sweet.

It's men who have physiological needs. In the past three years, he has had many women. It's just a tool to solve the needs.

For a man, it's normal for a man to have a good time in business. A woman should understand that his heart will always be on his family.

After getting off the BMW and thanking Zhu Rui, Ning Qing rushed into the hospital.

Dr. Luo, wearing a white coat, was already waiting outside the operating room. Ning Qing ran forward and gasped, "doctor Luo, where's my mother? I'm going to pay for it now..."

Doctor Luo stopped Ning Qing's action, and he sighed solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Ning Qing once again had an ominous premonition.

"Your mother's condition is becoming more and more serious, and she has to be operated today. We have already pushed her into the operating room. However, we just learned that the kidney donor has a history of drug abuse and does not meet the requirements of donation, so..."

Ning Qing listened to the whole body shaking, her ears buzzing, her eyes blankly and stupefied, "doctor Luo, so what, I don't understand."

Dr. Luo couldn't bear to face up to the girl's eyes on the verge of collapse, "so there is no kidney source, so we can't operate today. It's going to take a long time to find the source of kidney again. According to your mother's current situation, she can't last three days. "

Ning Qing even back several steps, she can't believe the shaking of the head, dead holding hands of those checks, this is too ridiculous.

The hospital said she wanted money, so she went to raise money. She was humiliated by Xu Junxi and sold by Ning Zhenguo for the one million yuan. The man in the box hit her very much, but she didn't dare to cry.

She does not want much, that is, her mother can successfully carry out the operation, always accompany her side.

Why does God often play such a joke with her? She only has her mother. Why can't she keep her mother at last?

What can she do now?

Why are you so helpless?

Ning Qing stepped forward and grabbed Dr. Luo's white coat. She said in a hurry, "doctor Luo, give me my mother's kidney source report form. I'll go to other hospitals to look for it. It's really impossible. I'll go to the street. There are many people in the street. There will be matching Shenyuan. Give me three days. Someone will be willing to save my mother..."

"Xiao Ning, calm down first..." Looking at the girl's tears and incoherent manner, Dr. Luo pressed her shoulder to calm her down.

Ning Qing brushed off his hand and ran forward. She tried to hold on for so long. Now the whole person is broken down. Her eyes are not focused. Her face is pale like a piece of paper. She murmured, "no, it's too late It's too late... "

She ran two steps, her eyes suddenly turned black, and the whole person collapsed on the ground.

"Xiaoning, Xiaoning, come on, save someone..."

When Ning Qing opened his eyes again, he felt dizzy and heavy, and his limbs seemed to be filled with lead, so he couldn't lift up.

The line of sight is white, and the smell of disinfectant is in the nose. This is the ward.

"Mom Think of her mother, she out of a cold sweat, the whole person from the hospital bed to sit up, and because of poor physical strength, in the bed shaking twice, almost fell on the ground.

A pair of hands in time to support her, lift eyes, in front of her is that gentle face, Zhu Rui.

Zhu Rui politely smile, "Miss Ning, don't be nervous. Your mother has had a kidney replacement operation, and the operation is very successful."

"What?" Ning Qing's eyes were wide open, surprised and pleased.

She couldn't believe that their mother and daughter had been in decline for the past three years, and she never expected such a good thing as pie in the sky.

Zhu Rui nodded affirmatively, "yes, Miss Ning, I didn't cheat you. When I came to the hospital in the morning, you were in a coma. I called the president of my family after I learned about the situation. The president helped you. We found a kidney donor and operated on your mother

Lu Shaoming?

Ning Qing in the mind of that heroic face, I do not know why, just seven up and down the heart quickly settled, with him in, she always has a sense of security.

Unexpectedly, he helped her again.

"What about my mother? I'll go and see her."

"My aunt had an operation, and we put her in the advanced intensive care unit. She was still awake. There were doctors and nurses around to take care of her, so miss Ning didn't have to worry. It's you. The doctor said that you've been under too much mental stress recently, and your physical fitness is not up to standard. You need to rest and rest. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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