Yin Shuiling's whole small face is exquisite and perfect, just like Tiangong's most proud masterpiece. Now there is a scar on her right cheek, which is particularly eye-catching and abrupt. This scar destroys the beauty of her whole face.

The doctor was very sorry, "Miss Yin, I'm sorry, but I still have a scar."

Yin Shuiling stood up, she pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "it's OK."

She went out.

Walking in the corridor, the doctors and patients looked at her one after another. After they were shocked, they hid away from her. They were whispering, "my God, that woman seems to be disfigured."

"That's right. There is a scar on her right face. It's so ugly. I took a look just now and scared me."

"It's a pity that she is very young. How can she be disfigured? How can she get married in the future? Now it's the age of looking at faces. Where else would a man want her? "

"If I were a man, I would definitely not want her. A man, just like a beautiful woman. She is so ugly that she is frightening when she goes out. Men can't even take her out to socialize. I'm afraid I'll lose face."

Yin Shuiling walked all the way in the corridor, and those people pointed to her back and discussed all the way.

She pale into the kitchen, cooking, stewing, cooking, she skillfully made two dishes a soup, Xiao Li helped her to Liu Wan Xin ward.

Yin Shuiling leaned by the door and saw a group of children running over. The children saw her laughing in succession, "ugly sister, ugly sister..."

And the children made faces at her.

Yin Shuiling looked at the innocent smiling faces and slightly hooked the corners of her lips. She squatted down and waved to the children, "you come here."

You don't push the kids together.

Yin Shuiling took out a few multicolored chalk, and then squatted on the white wall of the hospital to draw. The children looked at the grapes with big eyes, left and right. They didn't know what Yin Shuiling was painting.

"Ugly sister, what are you painting? Are you painting dark clouds

Yin Shuiling finished drawing and received the chalk. She reached out to the children and said, "come here, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Don't you want to know what I'm drawing, as long as you come and blow it. "

"Really?" A bold little boy ran over and blew a breath at a cloud painted by Yin Shuiling.

When other children saw him go up, they rushed to him, and they all puffed up their breath and blew it down.

The dark clouds on the wall disappeared. Yin Shuiling painted a beautiful red rose, even with dew.

"Whoa..." The children were shocked, "ugly sister, how do you do it, how can you hide a rose on a cloud?"

"Yes, ugly sister, although you look terrible, you are really wonderful."

The children surrounded Yin Shuiling and worshipped her very much.

Yin Shuiling showed a brilliant smile. She reached out and touched the head of a little girl beside her.

"Ugly sister, don't move!" The little girl held out her little hand and blocked the crescent moon on Yin Shuiling's right face. The little girl's eyes were bright, "Wow, look like this, the ugly eight strange sister is so beautiful, just like a fairy."

Other children marveled.

The little girl suddenly felt that her fleshy little hands were wet and looked up. The ugly sister in front of her had already cried.

The little girl was startled and ran away.

The other children ran with them.

Yin Shuiling squatted in the same place alone. She curled up her legs and covered her small face with two small hands She choked in a low voice.

Xiao Li was stunned when she sent the empty bowl back. She looked at the girl who had shrunk herself into a small group, shaking her weak shoulders and crying helplessly in no one's place.

Which girl doesn't care about her face, she does.


In the evening, Yin Shuiling went back to her apartment. The apartment was not big. It was 70 square meters. But she lived alone here. It was empty and desolate.

She went into the bathroom and took a bath. Then she sat on the bed in her nightdress. She took Kitty down. She poked Kitty's face and said, "kitty, have I become ugly? People call me ugly. Don't you know me?"

There was a dim yellow light in the room. On her body, she wore a goose yellow suspender nightdress. The exposed arms and legs were as white as jade. Even the fluff on the upper part was crystal clear and soft. Facing Kitty, she took off all her disguises. She pursed her delicate red mouth like a little girl, and her eyebrows were full of sadness. "Kitty, I know I've become ugly. Now T city is the most beautiful place The big entertainment news is me. Everyone said that their little princess was disfigured and became ugly. How many people watched my joke? "

"I don't care, but Kitty, when my brother comes back, he Will Don't you want me? "

"I know my brother likes my face. I can't go shopping with him any more. When his friends come, I can't show up to entertain them. And There are a lot of women around my brother. Now they are all more beautiful than me. What else can I argue with them? ""Kitty, I'm really useless. My father sold me and I hurt my brother. Now I can't even keep my face. I really do something wrong."

Kitty can't speak. She looks at her master quietly, looking at her master's lonely and helpless appearance.

Yin Shuiling went up and kissed Kitty's face, "kitty, can we call my brother? My brother has been to the United States for nearly a month. I call him every night, but his cell phone has been turned off. Kitty, I really miss him

The mobile phone is placed on the bed cabinet. Yin Shuiling reaches out her small hand to take it. She finds out the number in her heart. She holds kitty in one hand and dials it out with the other.

Over there is the familiar mechanical female voice - sorry, the number you dialed is off.

Yin Shuiling cut off the phone and dialed it again.

In this cool autumn night, she was sitting on the bed with kitty in her arms. The mechanical female voice rang again and again, and she dialed out again and again. She repeatedly did this action and kept dialing his phone. At this moment, her world was no longer gone. She just wanted to listen to that man's voice. She was so eager to get even a trace of warmth Warm.

From 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., the phone records were constantly updated by her. When she was numb by this action, suddenly the mechanical female voice disappeared, replaced by a series of melodious ring tones.

Yin Shuiling is alive. Is he on?

He's on!

Yin Shuiling was overjoyed. She knew that he might not answer her phone, but the ring gave her hope.

What she needs most now is hope.

What is a man alive without hope?

She didn't expect that he would answer the phone, but the bell rang again, and before it arrived, she picked it up. The action can be called fast, and the man's low alcohol and sweet voice passed over, "hello..."

Yin Shuiling burst into tears and moved her lips. She tried hard to speak, but she didn't know what to say. She wanted to talk to him, but she didn't know where to start.

She hugged Kitty tightly in her arms, rubbed her soft white hair with her small face, and clenched her lower lip with her scallop like fine teeth, but her cry still came out.

She couldn't help crying.

The other end of the phone was quiet for a full minute, and then the man's low voice came, "I don't have time to hear you cry. Hang up."

"Brother," Yin Shuiling said quickly. She sobbed with her little nose and said, "brother, don't hang up. Brother, I love you. "

Brother, I love you

There are a lot of things I want to tell him in my heart, but I don't know how to say it. She wants to say that no matter how she says it, she loves him.

The man did not give her any response. Yin Shuiling clenched her cell phone and said, "brother, I love you. Really, I love you very much..."

"Brother, can you come and accompany me? I miss you so much, I want to be crazy Brother, please come here. I'm so sad now. I want you to accompany me... "

"Brother, please..."

She exhausted all the strength of the whole body so humble to ask him, that end of the man did not say anything, "Dudu" two, he hung up the phone.


He hung up

Yin Shuiling's mobile phone fell down powerlessly. She held kitty in her two small hands. Her brother didn't come, so he really didn't want her.

"Woo Hoo..." Yin Shuiling cried loudly

I don't know how long she cried, and the doorbell of her apartment rang.

Yin Shuiling was shocked. She thought she was hearing hallucinations, and quickly stopped crying. She held her breath to listen to "Ding Dong". It was really her doorbell ringing.

Yin Shuiling doesn't have to think about who it is.

It's Yin WanChen.

Her brother is here.

Yin Shuiling climbed down from the bed with her hands and feet. She wanted to open the door, but after two steps, she ran to the dresser again. She poured out all the cosmetics. She wanted to cover the crescent moon on her face.

On CC cream and powder, she felt very unnatural, she quickly ran into the bathroom to wash her face, back in front of the mirror, her crescent was turned red, more visible and ugly.

She was too flustered to know what to do.

At this time, the doorbell of "Ding Dong Ding Dong" kept ringing, and the man outside the door was already impatient.

Yin Shuiling took a look at the light in the room. Her eyes lit up. With it, she could turn off the light.

If you turn off the light, you can't see anything.

Yin Shuiling turned off the light, then ran to the door and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a handsome and straight figure. There was a palace lantern in the corridor. The light hit his upright shoulder like dazzling. Yin Shuiling did not dare to look at it again. She was afraid that the light would shine on her face, so she quickly withdrew into the living room.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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