"Zhenguo, what's her attitude..." Li Meiling took this opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

"Enough, no one else!" Ning Zhenguo interrupted Li Meiling.

Li Meiling shut up.

Ning Zhenguo looked at Ning Qing again and asked in a bad tone, "how are you here?"

"Oh, you forget, my mother is here for kidney surgery, my mother is in hospital, I will accompany you."

Ning Zhenguo is very dissatisfied with Ning Qing's "you". However, when he heard the "kidney replacement operation", his face flashed a look similar to mild and guilty. However, it was just a flash. "Your mother had an operation, which was a lesson from God. Your grandmother treated her like a biological daughter. How could she push her grandmother down the stairs so maliciously?"

After three years, Ning Zhenguo also clenched his fists when talking about this topic.

Ning Qing didn't react. She moved her legs at will and said with a smile, "my mother had an operation and borrowed money from you, but you didn't give me any money. My mother also had an operation successfully. Is this a warning from God that my mother didn't push down the stairs?"

"You Ning Zhenguo was speechless. He changed his look and asked, "how did he disappear from the man I introduced to you last month? This man is a business partner of mine. Although he is married for the second time, he is well-off and has a good character. You are married to be a young grandmother. Why don't you get along with others

Ning Qing really want to laugh, she also "ha ha" laugh out voice, "you don't know? That day you answered the phone and left. Your business partner immediately wanted to blow me up and was sent to the Bureau. "

"What?" Ning Zhenguo was shocked. He didn't know anything about it. He turned to Li Meiling and said, "what's the matter with you? Don't you say that person's character is good?"

Li Meiling didn't expect that Ning Qing would tell the story. The man was useless. Even a 21-year-old girl couldn't blow it up. Rubbish!

"Zhenguo, why do you blame me again? You saw that person yourself, and you also agreed." Li Meiling pretends to be innocent.

Ning Zhenguo smashed his mouth. That night, Li Meiling tried her best to serve him. He was drunk and dizzy. How could he look at people? So he was negligent.

At this time Ning Zhenguo's secretary came over, "boss, just now Guangqing sent you an invitation letter, inviting you to attend Guangqing's dinner in three days."

"Guangqing?" Ning Zhenguo and Li Meiling both have eyes shining.

"Zhenguo, is that Guangqing? Is Lu Shaoming, Lu's ninth grandson, listed in the United States at the age of 16? God, how could he send you an invitation? No, I'll go with you in three days

"Mom and Dad, are you talking about the Lu family, the largest imperial group in the world? Is Lu Shaoming the most valuable single man in the world? I've heard that he's so beautiful and rich that I'm going to have a look. "

Ning Qing is drunk to see the greedy appearance of the three members of the family. If they knew she married Lu Shaoming, what would they think?

"Aunt Li, do you dare to appear in public? I suggest you go to the news and microblog. Internet Names call for you to get out of the entertainment industry and the earth. I'm afraid that you will be thrown stones and rotten eggs as soon as you go out. If I were you, I would never take off a mask on my face. "

Ning Qing finished this sentence, three people in the ward changed their faces instantly.

Ning Zhenguo cast a glance at Li Meiling. He is infatuated with her these years, not only because she serves her well, but also because she accompanies him to entertain clients with all kinds of delicacy.

Ning Yao hated straight stomping, Li Meiling has always been her pride, she really realized that her mother collapsed, she lost a pillar to rely on.

Li Meiling accepted the eyes of her husband and daughter, and her heart sank.

She has paid half her life for these two people, and now they despise her easily.

Seeing this, Ning Qing raised her hair on her cheek with her little hand, looked at Ning Zhenguo and said with a smile, "if you don't want to be reviled by the public, which will affect her image and the company, let Aunt Li stay at home for the rest of her life. Besides, she can't accompany you in social activities. Let the public relations department select a beautiful woman to train her. In the future, she can accompany you on business and share your worries. "

Ning Qing deliberately said this with a beautiful color, and sure enough, Li Meiling heard, her face that hit countless beauty needles instantly wrinkled, eager to rush up and Ning Qing desperately.

Ning Qing half squints the water eye, coldly glances at her one eye, elegant turn around, leave.

"Dad, look at what she said..." Ning Yao quickly complained about Li Meiling's injustice.

"Shut up!" Ning Zhenguo is in a bad mood now. He yells at Ning Yao, "you are too. Please give me some peace recently. Don't think about Lu Shao. It's not something you can climb up to. Don't make trouble for me. I haven't seen Xu Junxi for a long time. You can't even make a man. It's useless. "

Ning Zhenguo said out of the ward, "grandma at home need to be taken care of, I go back first."

Ning Zhenguo left.

Ning Qing walks to her room. On the way, she sees a man coming out of the elevator, Xu Junxi.

Xu Junxi came to visit Li Meiling and Ning Yao in a hurry.

Two people's eyes collided, "Mr. Xu..." Ning Qing skin smile meat don't smile with him to say hello.When Xu Junxi saw the fake smile on her face, his face sank. He never thought she was so disgusted.

"Hum!" He swung his sleeve and left.

Ning Qingcai didn't take him to heart. Today's press conference was enough for these four people to be busy for a long time. She just waited to see the joke.

Ning Zhenguo left mercilessly. This time, Li Meiling really shed tears and was angry. Ning Yao was not happy because Ning Zhenguo's last sentence stabbed her in the pain.

Recently, she has been harassed by Xu Junxi's mother. His mother forbids Xu Junxi to meet with her, forbid Xu Junxi to take her to various occasions, and has also said a lot of acerbic remarks to her.

Xu Junxi is very filial, caught between his mother and her very difficult, subconsciously alienated her, she was angry at the same time, but also by his cold shoulder.

When the two mothers and daughters were grieved, the ward door was pushed open, "Auntie, Yao Yao."

Ning Yao a look at Xu Junxi came, the whole person is alive, she trotted forward, into Xu Junxi's arms, weak cry, "Junxi, you finally come, I think you laugh at me like everyone else, dislike me, do not want me."

Xu Junxi rubbed ningyao's hair and said in a soft voice, "fool, you are my fiancee. How can I not want you?"

Ning Yao's smile was like a flower.

"Junxi, I'm fine. Thank you for visiting. Today's media conference is all the mistakes I made when I was young. I went to extremes because I love Zhenguo too much. However, this matter has nothing to do with Yao Yao. She is innocent. Her love for you can be learned from the world. You should protect her. "

"Yes." Xu Junxi nodded solemnly and promised, "Auntie, don't worry, I won't let Yao Yao be affected in any way today. I will take Yao Yao to do some charity activities in the next two days to establish her positive image."

Li Meiling was relieved when she heard this. She gave Ning Yao a look in her eyes. "Yao Yao, you have been talking about Junxi. Now he's here. Go talk to your heart."

Ning Yao blushed and took Xu Junxi's hand and went out.

They walked in the corridor, Xu Junxi took Ning Yao's shoulder affectionately. Ning Yao's little bird nestled in his arms, "Junxi, is your mother still angry with me? If your mother is still angry, don't come out and meet me, though I will miss you very much

"And I know your mother dislikes my origin, but I can't choose my origin. Even though my mother is wrong, she loves me, and she is a good mother. I will also double to love you, will use the actual action to win your mother to accept and like

Xu Junxi kisses Ning Yao's face, heartache and guilt, "Yao Yao, you are really a good girl with understanding, my mother doesn't know your good, as long as I insist, she will like you."

Ning Yao Snickers, yes, even if his mother doesn't like her any more, she grabs the man around Lao.

"Junxi, I heard from my father just now that Mr. Lu of Guangqing has sent an invitation letter and will hold a dinner party in three days' time. It's a pity that I can't go there. My father doesn't allow my mother to go out with me."

When Xu Junxi heard the sound, his body froze. He could see in his mind the intimate actions of Lu Shaoming and Ning Qing that night, as well as Ning Qing's broken lips. His eyes flashed a gloomy and jealous look.

"Who says you can't go, you'll be my girlfriend."

"Really?" Ning Yao stops and kisses Xu Junxi's face.

Since Ning Yao came back, he almost did not touch other women, and he had not been intimate with Ning Yao for many days, so his body quickly responded to her kiss.

He closed his eyes, buttoned Ning the back of Ning Yao's head and kissed it.

Ning Yao's face red, heart beating to accept, suddenly someone walked in the corridor, she pushed his chest, shy way, "Junxi, someone."

Xu Junxi naturally understood her meaning, she wanted to find a place without people.

He suddenly remembered that he met Ning Qing in the elevator. He saw Ning Qing enter a room with his own eyes. He breathed heavily. He took Ning Yao's small hand and dragged her into the small room next to Ning Qing.

The small room is not locked.

When Ning Qing sleeps in a daze, she hears a big noise coming from the next door, including the sound of a bed bumping and a woman's scream.


When Ning Qing heard this voice, she was really amazing. It was Ning Yao.

How could she be so close to them? Whatever they did, they could come to her next door.

There is no end to the next door. There is no sense of public morality. But Ning Qing sits up and taps on the wall with her little hand. "Ning Yao, do you believe me again? I'll record a piece of RBT for you and put it on the Internet. I'll let you become the object of all men."

Ning Yao seems to accept her threat, dare not make a voice, but there is still a burst of voice.

Ning Qing couldn't bear it. He yelled, "Xu Junxi, you become too much!"

The man over there snorted and everything calmed down.

Ning Qing is a little aware of what happened.


Ning Qing wants to spray his whole body saliva, this man psychology may really have a problem.Three days later, Guangqing dinner.

Before entering the banquet hall, Ning Qing quietly sent a message to Lu Shaoming, "when will you arrive? "

" just got off the plane, about half an hour, "the man replied.

Ning Qing lifted her lips sweetly and said, "I'll wait for you"

there was a pause of 3 seconds. "The first dance tonight is for me"

Ning Qing blushed. They realized that they had not yet danced. They imagined the upright figure of his slim shirt and long trousers on the stage. Well, as a noble and elegant person, he must be very charming to dance.

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