How old are you?

Little Beibei thought for a moment and then held out three fingers.

Yinmuchen a shock, eyes have gushed out of ecstasy, three years old, she left him for three years, this girl can be his

"No," xiaobeibei suddenly scratched her head and curled up her third little finger. She looked at Yin Muchen and replied in a childish voice, "Shu Shu, I'm two and a half years old this year."

The light in Yin Mu Chen's eyes went out in an instant. He was two and a half years old

His handsome face was at a loss for a few seconds. This expression appeared on a 37 year old man. He looked up at Yin Shuiling, who was standing on one side. He pulled the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "do you have a daughter?"

Yin Shuiling felt that there was a big hand holding her heart. She looked at the man like I don't know how to answer.

Yin Muchen knew about this problem for a long time. When he saw xiaobeibei in France, he thought it was a miniature version of her. Xiaobeibei was her daughter.

She was born.

"Very good," Yin evening morning reached out and touched the head of xiaobeibei, then looked at Yin Shuiling, "your daughter is so beautiful, just like you Congratulations. "

Yin Shuiling wood, still did not speak.

Yin Mu Chen is still smiling, "I wanted to ask you to dinner, now I don't know if it's convenient or not Excuse me, I'm... "

"Corn, I don't want to go to dinner, my mother said take me to my father, I don't want to eat, I want my father." Xiaobeibei is very upset. She has been back for several days, but mummy has not taken her to find her father.

The smile of Yin Muchen's mouth is stiff. At such a moment, he is at a loss. The huge emptiness from the deep of his heart buries his whole person, and his world has no color any more.

He looked down at Beibei and said, "Oh, good, that corn Don't disturb you, corn Go first. "

He turned and left.

The man's back gradually disappeared in Yin Shuiling's sight. Yin Shuiling looked at the sunshine outside the window and pulled the man's back very long. She spent nearly 20 years with this man. She witnessed his handsome and handsome 25-year-old, witnessed his mature and stable 31-year-old, and now 37-year-old gave her a sense of desolation and despondency. She even looked at the man who was too tall When he left, he seemed to have a hunchback for a few seconds It's not young anymore.

Yin Shuiling felt her eyes moist, "brother..." She murmured a word.

At this time, xiaobeibei grabbed Yin Shuiling's skirt. "Mommy, the corn is gone. You don't seem to be enlightened. Why is that?" With that, Xiaobei threw herself up and hugged Yin Shuiling's thigh. She blinked a pair of big grape eyes and said, "is millet my father's land? That's great, Mommy. The corn is tall and handsome. He has held me. Oh, if the corn is my father, I will be very happy

Yin Shuiling reached out and touched her soft hair, "Beibei, do you like this corn?"


"Why do you like it?"

"Well I can't say, I just like it, just like I like mommy, especially. "

Yin Shuiling is amused by xiaobeibei's serious look. She finds that Xiaobei is really considerate and will always say love words to coax her. Maybe xiaobeibei's IQ is not as high as xiaobaobao's, but xiaobeibei's EQ is absolutely great.

They all said that her daughter was a kind little cotton padded jacket. She bent down to hold xiaobeibei into her arms.

Xiaobeibei likes Yin WanChen. Maybe it's the nature of father and daughter.

She didn't want to hinder the father and daughter from recognizing each other. Yin Muchen is the biological father of baby Beibei, which can't be changed by anyone. Yin Muchen has the right to be a father, and baby Beibei should enjoy father's love. However, this pair of twins is her Secretly pregnant, she did not know how to explain.


SK, Ma Rui is in the office. At this time, a handsome and upright figure appears in front of him. He looks up and sees that the president of his family is back.

Ma Rui surprised, the president has an appointment?


Yin evening morning has no expression, does not look at Ma Rui, he directly into the office.

Ma Rui, "..." The president has a bad temper.

Ma Rui took care of his work. He looked at his watch. It was time for lunch. He got up and knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in."

After the familiar low pitched voice was heard inside, he pushed the door in.

Instead of sitting in his office chair, Yin Muchen took a bottle of rare red wine and went to the sofa to sit down. He opened the red wine and poured it into a goblet.

"President, it's time for lunch. What would you like to eat today? I'll ask the chef to prepare it." Ma Rui, please.

Yin Muchen didn't answer. He leaned Yingting's back into the sofa and shook it twice with a goblet in his right hand. He pulled the corner of his mouth and seemed to smile. He was sighing, like talking to Ma Rui or talking to himself, "she came back yesterday, and I was very happy."

Ma Rui was confused, "president, does she mean?"Yin Muchen takes a look at Ma Rui, then raises his head and drinks the red wine in the glass. Ma Rui is his new secretary. He doesn't know, doesn't know.

So everyone who knows has gone, and there is no old friend around him.

In the past three years, he has no one to talk to or talk to. In fact, he doesn't need those things. He doesn't need them at all. But now, he has a lot of words. He was prepared to tell the woman that she doesn't need it. But he wants to say that he is afraid of suffocating himself.

After pouring some red wine into the glass, Yin evening morning continued, "three years ago, when she left, although we didn't make an agreement, I thought she just needed time. I gave her time, and when the time came, she would come back to me and continue to be good with me."

"I've been waiting for her for the past three years. I've solved that a fan, kicked the Xiao family and his daughter abroad. I've settled all the problems and made the world quiet. I dream that one day when she comes back home, she will be in my arms. I think And so is she. "

"But I saw her daughter today, that little Beibei. I met her in France. She was really lovely. She was carved in the same mold as her, especially when she was crying..." Yin Muchen thought of the picture on the beach in France that day, and the corners of his mouth dyed with a smile, "can make a person's heart cry When little Beibei put up three fingers, I Ecstatic, I thought, I thought that xiaobeibei was my daughter. At that moment, I had extravagant hopes, but xiaobeibei was not... "

"Little Beibei said she was going to find daddy. I suddenly realized that she was a mommy. She had her own home When she followed me, she was helpless and helpless. If she left me, she would have everything... "

"I dare not ask her whether she is married or not. I dare not ask her who xiaobeibei's father is. I dare not even ask her, Shuiling, have you forgotten your brother? How can your brother live in the future? I don't dare to ask anything. I'm afraid that any question I ask is selfish. I'm afraid she will drive me into the abyss after I ask. I feel I can't bear it. "

Yin Muchen put his head against the back of the sofa. He closed his eyes and laughed at himself, "now I have nothing. What I care about and want is lost. I know it's me reap the fruits of one's actions. I didn't know how I survived these three years of boundless waiting. When I woke up from any dream with her, I felt that I couldn't hold on to the cold beside the bed. I thought about her every day, and even half a year after she left, I heard the cry of the child in my dream. Someone called me Dad... "

His eyes were moist and his throat was rolling. Two lines of clear tears came out of the corner of his eyes.

He slowly lifted up the corner of his lips, that night, he was so smiling and crying that he woke up from his dream.

Ma Rui stood on one side and watched. When he saw the moist corner of the man's eyes, he was shocked by thunder. President, this is



Ma Rui's legs are weak.

Who is that woman?

Who is the "she" that the president said?

Now, which President of the company can really make a man's death?

Ma Rui took a deep breath and resolutely withdrew his curiosity. As a secretary, he could not be curious.

Besides, he has no right to know about the personal affairs of the president.

Yin Muchen on the sofa seems to be asleep with his eyes closed. Ma Rui takes a blanket and goes forward and covers it in his abdomen. Let him have a good sleep.

There was no movement in the president's office all afternoon. When Ma Rui sent dinner, Yin evening morning was still sleeping leaning on the sofa. Ma Rui turned off the light and left work.


The next morning, when Ma Rui came to the company, he went into the office again. The plate on the tea table did not move. Yin WanChen did not eat. The man with long legs and height fell on the sofa and was still sleeping.

Ma Rui stepped forward, bent down and whispered, "president, President..."

Yin Muchen did not wake up.

Ma Rui Leng for a moment, the president usually sleep very shallow, how today he called two did not respond?

Ma Rui looks at the coffee table with a bottle of sleeping pills on it.

Ma Rui was surprised. He called out in a loud voice, "president, President..." He wanted to take out his cell phone and make a phone call.

At this time, the man on the sofa started. Yin evening morning opened his eyes slowly. He didn't feel energetic after sleeping all day yesterday. On the contrary, there was blood in his eyes.

Ma Rui is a big stone in his heart. He thinks his president sleeps It's over!

Yin Muchen opened the blanket between his abdomen and sat up slowly. Because of headache, he helped his forehead with his hand, and then glanced at Ma Rui, "what time is it?"

"It's eight o'clock early, president." Ma Rui continued, "president, if you take sleeping pills like this, sooner or later something will happen to your body. The doctor has already said that you haven't gone to Dr. Xia for treatment recently. Your body is very heavy. Would you like me to ask Dr. Xia this afternoon?"

Yin evening morning stood up, he wrung a handsome eyebrow, "whatever."

He raised his feet and went to the rest room. "It seems that I'm going to the mall for a meeting today. I'll go after the meeting.""Good." Ma Rui responded.


Yin Shuiling takes Xiaobei to the mall. Xiaobei chooses a soft kitty to hold in her arms. She likes Hello Kitty just like her mother. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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