Chapter 46

"No! I can't let go of the snow!"

I can't give in here, I have to tell Xueqing about this!

After being chased and killed by murderers, I know very well how bad those guys are... I really don't worry about it.

Just one Tong Jialin is so terrifying, four murderers together to deal with the snow?

Do not make jokes!

"Let's go and meet her first. Three people are better than one person!"

...there is no way.

Bai Yuxuan sighed - 0 breath, let go of the hand that was holding me, are you finally willing to let me go?

"I have kept the fact that you rescued me in my heart! I will repay when I have a chance in the future!"

Quick, as soon as possible

I became more and more anxious, and I quickened my pace and started running, just thinking about finding my love... but I couldn't move just after I took a step!

No one else, it was Bai Yuhui who restrained me!

A willow branch wrapped around my ankle like a snake and bound my feet. Seeing that I was about to get stuck on the ground, Yuhui grabbed my wrist, then pulled me to my side and hugged me.

Still in the pose of a princess hug!

"The priority of protecting you is higher than your own intentions, so even if you can't move, I can't let you take the risk to find Jiang Xueqing.

So what she said just now means there is no way, if there is no way to convince me, I can only do it directly!

Immediately after that, another branch climbed up my lower back and entangled me... I couldn't move my hands and feet!

"Let go of me!"

After putting me beside the floor-to-ceiling window, Bai Yuxuan walked to the door and locked it.

Then he took out the talisman papers from his pocket, and pasted them one by one on the doors and windows. After they were pasted, he took out a few bags of beans and sprinkled them on the bookstore.

It should be setting up a barrier or something.

As long as I stay here, I'm sure it's safe. I don't know why I feel this way when I see her carefully planned actions.

She said that she would protect me comprehensively, and she did show it in her actions.

But it would be too cunning if I was the only one safe.

".--Can't you bring the snow in too?\"SF Mu's novels

"In that case, the barrier I set up is meaningless. This barrier focuses more on hiding than defense. If Jiang Xueqing is brought in, it will be tantamount to directly revealing our position to the other side.


At this moment, my mood is both grateful and helpless, but I am tied and unable to move.

After finishing the arrangement, Bai Yuxuan came to me and said while sitting beside me.

"If you have any requirements, please tell me in time, and I will help you solve it.

"Then help me untie...

"Only this, please forgive me for not being able to satisfy you."

After that, I thought of various ways, such as asking for thirst, wanting to read a book, or even wanting to go to the toilet, but she didn't mean to loosen me at all. Feed me water, read to me, go to...uh, let's not talk about's embarrassing.

I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would have the second time I was urinated by a girl... And what's even more terrifying is that this time, the whole process from taking off my pants to putting on my pants was done by her, and Bai Yuhui also Like a nurse taking care of a patient, there is no embarrassment or shyness at all.

As a result, not only did he fail to shake her, but instead he added a pile of black history to himself.

In the end I can only give up...

Bai Yuhui was still standing by my side, motionless, like a robot waiting for orders at any time, and I was looking out the window stupidly.

-Straight overcast sky, it finally started to rain. Raindrops hit the glass of the bookstore window, pattering...

-In the beginning, you can still see that the raindrops are gradually increasing. At a certain point in time, it suddenly increases sharply, and the raindrops merge into one with each other, turning into a water market washing the windows.

It's raining...

How long has it been? Almost half an hour?

-I've been hiding in the bookstore, and I don't know what's going on outside... God bless Xueqing not to be discovered by those murderers.

Speaking of Lianbing's birthday... This is no longer a level of being late. I guess she will think that I will let her dove directly.

And the packaged gift box was also burned.

Lianbing, she must be angry, and the way she looks when she is angry,...- how does she feel more terrifying than those murderers.-.


Pack FSF light novel

"Yes, is there anything else I need help with?"

"Uh,...that is, I think, is it okay to go out?"

"It's not yet time, the entrance and exit are still blocked, which means that the situation is not over yet, it has not even begun.. Come on"

Bai Yuhui suddenly pounced on me and pressed my body down, his face buried in his chest again!

Wait, this time, I can't breathe!

"Please be quiet, although I have set up an isolation barrier, they may still be able to detect something.

Because it happened so suddenly, I was just exhaling when she pounced on her, and I was already out of breath. Being caught in this way, I really couldn't breathe.

The **** are unexpectedly bigger than they look...

I quickly raised my head, thinking of at least liberating my trapped nose, but as soon as my head emerged, Bai Yuhui pressed it back even harder.

"Please don't move, now is a critical moment!"

As a result, she was buried in a deeper canyon, even touching the bottom of the canyon, and she could hear her heartbeat...

.--I'm going to be suffocated to death

In the end, it turned out to be such a suffocating death method... it was too much.

Bai Yuxuan hugged me slowly, then dragged my body on the ground and dragged me to the window before speaking cautiously.

"It's fine here, it shouldn't be seen, eh? Chest. Ah!"

At this time, I was already in a semi-conscious state, and I couldn't control my saliva, which wet Bai Yuxuan's chest.

Fortunately, she released me immediately after discovering this situation, and immediately put me on her lap, and then gave me artificial respiration-

Artificial respiration?

Artificial respiration!

I quickly coughed twice, straightened up, and looked at her with astonished eyes.

"...It's really good that you're fine, Jun Chengda... I'm so annoying for such a low-level mistake...".

Seeing that I was recovering, she patted her chest reassuringly, and her chest, upper and lips were still stained with mine...-. This, this is too...

"No, no, how can you-you,.-.-..

I pointed back and forth between me and her mouth, and looked at her unchanging face, and in the end I was helpless and discouraged.

Doesn't this make me look like a fool who cares too much...

"Don't you care...

"Although the point is...- but, compared to your life, that's nothing.


Even so, he didn't hesitate to pour air into my drooling mouth... eh?

Her ears seem to be a little red?

"Then...I promise I won't go outside, so can I loosen the bindings now? This pose is really...and, they're outside, so I wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

Bai Yuhui thought about it for about ten seconds, maybe thinking that what I said made sense, so he released the willow branch tied to my hands and feet.

After regaining my freedom, I twisted my wrists and ankles, and then changed from being pinned down by her to having her lean against me.

I turned my head and looked at her face. The saliva on her face, I hesitated for a while and then reached out to help her wipe it off.

Suddenly, the red color from the ears to the cheeks, Bai Yuhui quickly lowered his head, but his hands held my wrists, not letting my palms leave the cheeks.

No, no, now is not the time to flirt! The murderers have already gathered around the crossroads outside!

I turned sideways and secretly looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window. Fortunately, the rain had reduced a lot at this time, allowing me to see the situation outside clearly.

Coming from the north is a bushy, frivolous-looking foreign man. Edward, the eviscerating murderer, stands shoulder to shoulder with him.

[Skinned Killer]


On the west side, a fat man dressed as a clown came over while playing acrobatic throwing knives, because the clown costume painted on his face was smeared by the rain, which made his face look very scary.

[The Hanging Killer]

[John Garcy]

The last person who appeared from the east was a guy in a trench coat, with a big back, a V-shaped hairline, long and narrow eyes, and a wicked smile on his face... right? Male or female, yin and yang strange guy.

[Mutilated Murderer]

BF Light Novel

[Night tassel]

He or she? - holding the same military dagger as Xueqing's in one hand, and dragging something in the other hand..

That is, Tong Jialin!

No, no... um!

"It's too,..."

Although it was Tong Jialin, she was no longer complete. Her limbs were all cut off and cut into human sticks. Her life and death are unknown. That man was dragging Tong Jialin's long blond hair, and the blood from his limbs soaked the road, and was spread around by the rain.

All the murderers are gathered here!

The clown noticed the body that the man in the trench coat was pulling, and pointed to what Tong Jialin said... Although he couldn't hear the content, it was probably because of the exchange of why she made her look like that.

The man in the trench coat explained it, snorted, and then threw Tong Jialin away.

The fat clown grinned and inserted the flying knife in his hand to take it, then wrapped Tong Jialin's hair around her neck and pulled it hard.

I seemed to hear her choking sound, and the tongue she stuck out had exceeded the limit that a person could voluntarily stick out.

The frivolous man next to him seemed to be interested too, he came over and took out a knife with a curved and upturned blade from his pocket, and began to peel her face.

These guys are really crazy enough to break the limit..

To do such an outrageous act to someone who used to be a colleague, and still seem to be enjoying it?

Too dangerous

These people are far more dangerous than Tong Jialin!

In the face of this kind of embattled situation, even the snow situation has no chance. I don't think anyone can escape from their hands.

They will gather here, which means that other areas have been searched.

If you continue to search, you will soon find Xueqing's home.... Please don't show up, Xueqing!

Just keep killing time! It's absolutely impossible to appear in front of their eyes!

However, things backfired.

A small figure with a hood appeared in the south...

The blue heaven umbrella in our hands was the one we bought together a few days ago. The clothes on my body have also been changed, which is the white sweater and black dress I chose.

Why are you still coming out...

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