"Ha.. Principal, don't be kidding, let's finish our business and get out of here, okay?-".

Presumably Yuhui and Teacher Lili are waiting outside, and I don't know how long the time has passed outside.

The principal suddenly showed a serious expression, took my hands and pressed them on her chest, letting me feel her heartbeat and said at the same time.

ri small

"When you're 'here', can you just call me Nana? Just call me the principal after you go out.-- I hope you can call me by my name.

...It shouldn't be acting, right?

Although the principal is moody, I always feel that this time I should be serious.

...why should you care if you are serious or not?

I just need to promise her.

"I know...Nana.

When she heard it, she showed a nostalgic smile, and I suddenly felt that this might be her real smile.

However, such a smile turned into a narrow smile in less than two seconds, and the lewdness was exposed.

"Hey, are we a cannonball?"

"I don't think it should be... It's neither in reality nor an appointment, at most it's a good friend."

"That's right, is that a mother-in-law stealing her son-in-law?'

"You give me death! Female pervert!"

"Ahahaha~ Jun-jun is angry~"

This guy is definitely the number one female snake I've ever seen! It's even sicker than the bald head in the Jushan mental hospital!

"I'm not sick! It's you Junjun who is sick! Now you have something in your head!

"Yeah, why did this artifact run into my head. Ah!"

Is this the thing that hit me in the park that day!

After hearing my scream of surprise, the principal, Nana raised her eyebrows and looked at me.

"Looks like you've already made up your mind?"

"But why is it...

I mean, I don't have anything special, so why did Yatagaka come to me...

"Yagata Mirror represents 'integrity', it may be because of the fact that you are upright, Jun-Jun, and you encountered the magic circle by chance, so it will be fixed in your mind.

It is the large magic circle with a radius of three meters in front of me.


Is this really just a low-level charm magic circle?

F light novel

"It was originally just a low-level charm magic circle, but this mirror amplifies it... That's not right, it should be said to be able to stay in your head more stably, so it will be a 'stand'. The magic circle is reinforced. Specifically...

After that, Nana and Barabara said a lot of things that I don't understand.

To sum it up roughly, the body of an ordinary person, like me, could not contain artifacts such as the Yata Mirror, but because I happened to encounter the magic circle, I absorbed this magic circle into my head and acted as its'. frame'

But at this time, it is still in an unstable state. After all, this magic circle is just a low-level charm magic circle. In other words, the 'mirror frame' is too small to support the mirror.

Later, when I pronounced Lili's real name, the mirror secretly exerted its strength, which made the master-servant contract that was impossible to sign to be completed, and absorbed half of Lili's spiritual power. in my head.

Then I always have evil thoughts in my heart from time to time because...

"Now this charm magic circle has surpassed the basic three levels and has become a large magic circle, so it will shake your spirit.

As Nana said, because that low-level charm magic circle is no longer low-level, so even if my mental power becomes stronger, I still can't resist its effect.

And the role of the charm magic circle is to fascinate the opposite **** and arouse one's own lust. I heard that it also has the effect of aphrodisiac...cough...

Now it is almost certain that this magic circle is the main reason for my evil thoughts.

"I didn't expect to find the Yata Mirror in your body. I thought you had awakened some kind of supernatural power, but it turned out to be the effect of an "artifact." According to legend, it can attract auspiciousness and reflect people's hearts. It can reveal the essence of the devil, predict the fate of life and death... It's almost the same ability as you have, right?

Reflecting people's hearts means the ability to distinguish other people's feelings by color, and then exposing the essence of demons means being able to see their real names and predict life and death. It's still... ah, shouldn't the dream I had this morning be a precognition dream? ?

But Zhang Lai... auspicious?

God is auspicious

I fell on you, you broken mirror!


Chapter 16 I can finally get rid of evil thoughts

Are you mistaken! Since this broken mirror ran into my head, don't say I'm lucky, it's just a disaster, okay?

I almost died several times! It's good luck! There are only dangers and disasters coming one after another, okay?

My ordinary daily life is because I became able to see those messy names...-in other words, since this broken mirror entered my head, my daily life-will never return.

From being noticed by Lianbing, it developed into a relationship of killing X love, and still wandering on the edge of a good boat ending at any time.

I have suffered so much, all because of this broken mirror!

And the charm magic circle was strengthened without my consent. I am a straight man who was forcibly turned into a perverted pervert full of dirty ideas, and also did a lot of obscene things-.

"Cut, it's cheap to sell well. In the end, aren't you happy? It's really ruthless, Junjun.

"I beg you to shut up, okay?"

"No~ If you want me to shut my mouth, just use a stick to cover my mouth~ Bah, ah, ah, ah~*

I can understand that the dialogue with the female snake essence disease is untenable.

No matter what I say, she will completely break your train of thought and leave you speechless.

"However, it's really strange. Judging from the investigation report provided by the search department, what you've experienced recently has nothing to do with the word 'safety.' I happened to arrive at the 'corpse extermination' scene again, and was besieged by the newly unearthed zombies... Later, I was involved in the \'ghost extermination plan', and was trapped in the black street together with the murderer because of an accident.

Why do you know it so clearly? Even the person who knows it knows it better than me...

Also, the search department?

I remember Xueqing mentioned before that the uncles who will help her clean the house are from the chores department, right?

The search department, the chores department, and the ones who know the black street... Nana mentioned the word 'organization' before.

In other words, the Search Department and the Miscellaneous Department belong to an unknown organization.

What is this organization doing? Why is it stationed in the dark streets? And it can investigate my affairs in such detail...

"Junjun, you don't have to guess by yourself, this matter will be told to you when you go out." Buddha seems to be in a hurry, and the two consecutive hospitalizations in a short period of time are quite big. The scourge of ..- but.

Nana smiled slightly, and said with a mysterious expression.

"Looking at it from another angle, maybe it is because Yata Mirror has brought you auspiciousness that you can live to this day, it is uncertain.

"You can't be sure that Yata Mirror is the source that destroys your daily life? Maybe even if you don't get the powers that Yata Mirror gives, these disasters will still come to you--. In that case, as an ordinary person, You may have already died in some corner. It is precisely because Yata Mirror chose you as the host that you can get through the hardships again and again.... It is the luckiest thing to survive the hardship and not die, isn't it? Is that so?

So...it seems that it can be explained in this way.

"Besides, a group of beautiful girls suddenly gathered around you. Maybe it's also the peach blossom luck that Yata Mirror brought you~ Junjun, you really don't know your happiness in the bliss, hoho~"

"Peach Blossom Luck..."

That Master Killer Matt, oh, no, it's the magic master Meng Fa who also said that my recent peach blossom luck is very good--

Maybe that's the case. Mi:

Luck is originally an invisible, intangible, illusory thing, whether it is luck or bad luck, who can tell?

I'm not a gambler, so I don't feel the flow of luck at all.

However, in any case, it is my blessing to be able to gain their favor. I owe them a lot, and I should be responsible for them.

It's easy to be passive as before, but it's too irresponsible

To turn passive into active, start adjusting your relationship with them, get to know them and change them.

Of course if I had to make a choice...

I still want to choose Lianbing.

Not just because she was the first person to get in touch with me, but also because I couldn't let her go. Necrophilias, murderous urges, wanting my body, schizophrenia—it doesn't matter. .

It's just that I want to do something for her.

So no matter how twisted she is, I am willing to stay by her side, even if I die in her hands...

I sincerely hope she can become a normal person.

The worst situation, I have seen it in the spiral nightmare just now, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Previously, in a dream, I witnessed her holding a corpse and a head with my own eyes. I didn't even have any angry feelings, I just felt sad... sad for her. I also feel remorse, regret that I failed to change her, and hate myself for watching her fall into madness.

For me, not being able to hate her is the same as liking her, and not being able to hate her is the same as falling in love with her.

.-. It's a bit shy to say that, but I admit it from the bottom of my heart.

I fell in love with Ji Lianbing, and I wanted to be a boyfriend who was worthy of her.

"Yeah~~~ the confession from the heart of the innocent little virgin? It's sour and sweet, um~~~ ah ah ah, it's sour to my bones

Having said that, even I felt embarrassed, I lowered my head and touched my nose, feeling my cheeks getting hot.

Really... don't peek into other people's hearts at this time!

"Whatever you say! Anyway, this is my true mood right now!"

I am not an indecisive person, no matter right or wrong, I will only follow my heart, and I will never procrastinate and drag everyone down!

However, when I met a girl like Lan Hua, I explained to her that she was still entangled in my side, I really couldn't do anything...

Speaking of which, Yu Hui is also like this, she always says that protecting me is her duty in this life, even if I fall in love with someone else, this duty will not change... Then don't show such a lonely expression!

Not to mention the need for love, she would often deliberately act intimacy in front of Lianbing to anger her, as if she was facing her

And, the problem with the sisters that has never been really solved..--It's not good to keep pestering my brother trying to do something, but handing over the cute sisters to other men casually...yes Say, absolutely not! - You have to find a reliable man who is similar to me, but + times better than me, who can entrust them to life!

Hey, it's really a headache, although I've made a big talk, but it's really not easy to solve it?

I thought Nana would laugh at me, but she didn't laugh at me, she frowned slightly and said with a wry smile.

...If you are too upright, you will suffer a big loss?" Mu Ding "Death"

"If you suffer, you will suffer. I don't really know how to lie, let alone lie to myself.

You can't even deceive others, but you can also deceive yourself. . . .

"It's really 'clean'...

"Perhaps it is precisely because of your pure and honest heart that Yatarak chooses you. The water mirror originated in China is also called "Jian", and Yata has the meaning of greatness or beauty. It can be said that 'People can learn from the heart', it will be lodged in your body, and it has been able to fully explain what kind of person you are.

It's the first time someone complimented me like that..

"And Yatagra Crow K, behind the Yata Mirror, has another famous name in China.

"Three-legged Golden Crow."

Regarding the legend of the three-legged golden crow, the most famous one is that Hou Yi shot the sun.

Legend has it that Di Jun and Xi He had 10 children, all of them are the sun, they lived in the Orient Overseas, and there was a big tree called Fusang in the sea...

Ten suns were idle and had nothing to do, and ran out for a walk, but the land was dried up, and the descendants shot down nine of them for the sake of the people.

Then the one left behind returned to the old nest, and changed its name to Yataga Crow.

Legend has it that the Yatagara Mirror hangs on the Yatagara Crow's neck.

"That's right, the three-legged golden crow represents the sun... Integrity, if you are a person with an evil heart, it is impossible for Yata Mirror to choose you.

Stop, stop complimenting me, I can't stand it anymore

"You've become Lili's master, so you don't have to worry about what the **** you'll do to Lili? Haha~"

"I would never have.

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