There is a nun next to her. I haven't seen it before, and she probably isn't a student of our school. I know all the students in the school. That means she came from somewhere else.

Hmmmm~ There is a kind of exotic beauty~

There are also two shadowy shadows. I know! These two must be the enemy!

"Come on! Let me, Li Nai, be your opponent!"

"Wait! Squad leader,... um!

Lan Huajiang wanted to say something to me, but the shadow next to her blocked her mouth with tentacles, and then said with a synthetic mechanical cavity.

Oh yo, Xueqing-chan and Nun-chan turned towards me.

It turns out that they are being controlled? Are the villains really like to use this kind of manipulation of her?

Hehe, I quite like this kind of forceful villain!

I also put on the starting position of Wing Chun, please ask for advice!

"Very good, are you coming to be my opponents? Come on! I'm here, Li Nai! Any advice?"


Che, it's so boring, don't you have any reaction at all? Yes, he said it all **.

Under Lan Huajiang's worried eyes, the two attacked me.

Very powerful, very fast, very strong.

But that's all.

Nana, I have met many people who are stronger than me!

If it is a man, it will be more difficult to handle, I probably turn around and run away, but if it is a woman, Nana, I will reverse the nirvana again!

The first one to attack me was Nun-chan. The lightsaber in both hands pierced through my stomach, -_ to the end.

Ah, the intestines have been cut off, so dirty. There won't be anything coming out of it, right? That would be a shame?

It's also very troublesome to sew... Forget it, this is also for the purpose of performing this nirvana!

If I dodge, I guess I can't dodge it with my ability, so why don't I just go ahead like this, and then...

"Grab the target."

DD Kou Yimu's novels

"No, I caught you, hee hee!"

I smiled and held down Nun Sauce's profile face, without being hostile, I just naturally pulled her head over and put my own head over.

Putting his lips on hers.

It's called kissing!

Of course, just kissing won't do much.

smeared the deep red lip color, used her tongue to pry open her teeth, and then extradited the saliva.

During the process, the other party will definitely struggle, so hold the other party's head!

Hehe, I won't let you escape!

Eat my saliva!

Yes, that's it, drink it.

Swallow this poison.

**The light blade in my stomach gradually dissipated, and I almost understood.

Well, these should be enough. I let go of Sister Sauce, and her body fell to the ground naturally, twitching.

Solve one, the next.

The next one is of course Xue Qingjiang. She is right behind me at the moment, and she pierced my heart while I kissed nun sauce.

She turned around, pulled the cute little loli over, and pressed her for a strong kiss.

After a while, I put Xueqingjiang on the ground, wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth, and said arrogantly like a demon king.

"Huhu... Who else is there!"

Teacher TESMiI

"Humph, don't know what happened! Let me explain!"

After using a new nirvana, you have to explain your abilities well, this is what a qualified villain should do!

"Although they are stronger than me, but! No matter how strong they are, they will be poisoned!"

"My saliva contains highly poisonous saliva!

lick your lips~

"Don't worry, they won't die, they're just paralyzing poison, ah, I didn't swear, I said paralysis!"

A little out of tune, but more like dirty words?

Well, whatever~

"stand up."

Sombra ruthlessly gave the order. S


Then Nun-chan and Xueqing-chan, who had fallen to the ground, stood up again.

F light novel


"And then of course I know that ordinary poison can't make you completely incapacitated.

I will never underestimate the enemy. People who seem to be very powerful are very powerful. They must have a way to unlock my poison.

But, why do I need the ability to explain?

Of course, that is because I have full confidence, 'Even if I explain, you will not be able to decipher my ability'.

"So it will split again and become another kind of poison.

With a thud, the two fell to the ground again.

Even if it's just a paralyzing poison, it will repeatedly fission into different poisons. I don't know how many kinds of poisons there are.

Lie down on the ground for a while, Nana, I will save my controlled companions!

"Next, it's your two shadow monsters' turn...

I put my hand into the cleavage inside my clothes, pushed back the exposed tip of the knife, and then bowed to loosen the knife on my back.

Then he stretched out his arm and pulled out the knife on his back.

Wow, this knife has a lot of murderous aura.--Xue Qingjiang, did she condense it with murderous aura?

When the body is paralyzed, it doesn't dissipate. It's amazing!

"Come on! I won't show mercy to the enemy!"

These two shadow monsters are definitely not as powerful as the first two, but be careful about their deformability.

As I rushed over, I focused all of my attention on their movements..- see!

Leaning over to hide directly, he picked up the tentacles that bound Lan Huajiang with the short knife in his hand.

The tentacles were cut off by me and dissipated, but the shadow monsters immediately created new shadow tentacles.

And Lan Huajiang, who was untied, shouted to me.

"Squad leader! It's useless to attack them!"

"I know!

A thing like a shadow!

It is to cut the 'shadow'!

Pick up! Switch to the backhand and plunge into the shadows on the ground!

If you want to kill the shadow, you must start from the shadow of the shadow!

The shadow on the ground was stabbed by the red blade in my hand, and the black shadow also suffered the same damage. Black juice spewed out of the heart I pierced, and evaporated in mid-air into a black mist that floated into the air.

Ding Zhi's method is simple and accurate. *SF light novel

No matter what kind of difficult boss, you can overcome it by rolling and dodging!

Nana, I am a master!

"GAM---.CLEAR!yeah~I! The strongest!"

Let's applaud!

"Ham. How did you know, squad leader, that those who survived are shadow monsters whose weakness is their own shadow?"

I raised my chest and raised my head with a proud face.

Lan Huajiang was taken aback and cried out in disbelief.

"It turned out to be a guess!

"Hmph, don't underestimate a girl's intuition!

"You're still a girl, now you're already a leftover girl in her twenties.

"I hate it~ I'll be seventeen forever~"

It's just that her figure has gotten better, and she's still a beautiful seventeen-year-old girl inside!

"Wait a minute, squad leader, your sex... and you were able to use the paralyzing poison just now, and you can still move after such a serious injury. Could it be that... have you awakened?"

"Hmm? Oh, you mean that, the plague of plague, in fact, I woke up five years ago, but I didn't contact Juncheng at that time.

"Then why are you just now...

I probably understand what Lan Huajiang means, why I can only use this ability now.

And the memory of the previous world was restored only before.

To say why...

I scratched my head and said with a flat wink on my face.

"Ah, because I committed suicide.

Suicide and turned back into a zombie.

I changed back to the most suitable look for me, that's all.


The bullet pierced through my temple and smashed the brains out of my head.

If human consciousness is stored in the brain, my consciousness is forcibly torn apart at that moment.

But it didn't stop.

The opSE novel

It was an indescribable feeling, like a new life, but without losing oneself.

The zombie virus in my body began to work, gradually turning me from a human into a non-human

After I gathered all the zombie viruses into my body back then, I didn't transfer them, but kept them in my body.

Because what is that? Plague? Yes, it is the plague of plague. I seem to have this kind of disease, poison, which can destroy the human body.

So these things don't have an effect on me, eh? No, it's not so much that they can't have an effect on me, it's more that I can control whether they have an effect or not.

So, after the bullet shot through my head, the zombie virus automatically came into play.

I became an undead creature, a zombie.

But I haven't forgotten who I am, and I remember everything that happened during my lifetime.

However, the way of thinking has changed.

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