"Nian Xi, Miss Nian, sunset Xi."

Nianxi replied hastily.

Actually, I didn't laugh, but it didn't feel very good to catch it without effort.

At the restaurant, Mr. Lu ran helped nianxi open his chair. When nianxi sat down, he sat opposite.

"Miss Nian, please order whatever you like. I'll treat you to this meal."

"How about that? It's clearly said that it's my treat. Besides, you just ask me to read the evening. Don't be so polite."

Lu ran nodded, and the smile on his face didn't break.

After ordering the meal, the two chatted. Lu ran soon knew the simple situation of nianxi. Except that nianxi didn't tell him about his relationship with Nianjia, what he told nianxi was a simple businessman and didn't mention what he really did.

Nianxi sneered, but on his face, he was still the person who admired him. Do men like this kind of clever, obedient and easy to control woman? Nianxi doesn't know, but it's obvious that Lu Ran is more used.

From a distance, I saw the waiter coming with a wine glass. She was not allowed to read the trace on the eve. While Lu ran looked down at her mobile phone, she quietly stretched out her feet and just tripped the waiter who was going to walk past them.


The waiter exclaimed, and the unbalanced body leaned forward. The next second, the wine in the cup in her hand sprinkled on Lu ran. It was red and conspicuous

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to."

The waiter panicked. Lu ran immediately sank his face with a faint meaning of anger.

Nianxi took out a paper towel from the table, got up, came to Lu Ran's side, wiped it and said, "Why are you so careless and don't you hurry to clean up here."

Then she looked up at Lu ran and said, "Mr. Lu, are you okay? They didn't mean it. Don't be angry. I know a way to remove the red wine color from your clothes, but it's a little troublesome. If you..."

Just then, her hand was suddenly held in her hand. She raised her eyes in the past, and her face suddenly turned red.

Lu Ran's collar button loosened two. When she wiped it, she pulled his collar more open, and she wiped it back and forth on him again and again without consciousness. Lu Ran's eyes had already darkened, and the unbearable color flashed on her face.

"Lu, Mr. Lu."

Nianxi tried to take back her hand, but she couldn't break free with several degrees of force. She stood there under his unknown sight.

"Nianxi," Lu ran whispered, "you are really a good girl. You are so considerate. I don't know which man will be so lucky to marry you in the future."

"Mr. Lu laughed." nianxi was too ashamed to look up at him, but where he couldn't see it, the disgust in her eyes was about to overflow, and the nausea in her heart was about to make her unable to hold on.

"Mr. Lu, I'd better have dinner first."

He took back his hand and sat back in his position. The person opposite looked at her with a smile. It was very unnatural to look at nianxi.

"What do you always watch me do?"

"Because you make me can't bear to see anything else, I seldom meet a woman like you, simple and lovely, like a piece of white paper that hasn't been fainted."

Nianxi listened to his praise and sneered in his heart. He could say anything for his own purpose!

Oh, well, acting? Who knows who is the winner until the end?

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