Although the outside world has long known the entanglement between them, they still won a lot of attention when they were taken out by their own people.

Chen Jie will continue to talk nonsense after saying a word. At this time, Nian Yonglin appeared. His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the media.

"Nian Dong, I heard you were taken away by the police. What's the matter?"

"It is said that your daughter reported to the police in person. Are you here today to ask questions?"

"Have you negotiated with Ms. Chen to ask Ms. Nian for an explanation? It is said that she now controls the company of Nian family. Have you been elevated?"

"Nian Dong, please say a word."

Nianyonglin, who was surrounded by people, wore a smile after he appeared. He didn't understand nianxi. It is said that what he did offended him completely. It doesn't make sense for him to find trouble.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Nian Yonglin motioned them to be quiet, "I know that many people, especially those who don't know why, care too much about Chu Tian and even our family, but I have only one word to say that the children's affairs are family affairs. We can handle them well. You can see from the current situation that my daughter Nian Xi has a good relationship with Chu."

"As for some things you said about the company, the ability to read Xi is obvious to all, so it's normal for me to hand over my company to her. In addition, she is already the prospective daughter-in-law of the Chu family. It's understandable to come to Chu Tian to help."

"Sooner or later, it's a family. There's no need to divide it so clearly. My family property will still be handed over to them in the future."

Nian Yonglin looks like a good father. It's not like what he saw some time before nianxi. It's like a different person.

I don't know what's on my mind when I help her speak like this.

Compared with her doubts, Chen Jie can no longer listen to his hypocritical words.

From beginning to end, Nian Yonglin didn't mention himself. He really thought he didn't exist, didn't he.

"Nian Yonglin, you have less hypocrisy. Do you believe what you say?"

Chen Jie's voice decisively attracted everyone's attention, and Nian Yonglin's smiling face immediately darkened.

The reporter who watched the excitement took the opportunity to ask questions.

"Nian Dong, is there a problem in your family?"


Before the reporter asked again, Nian Yonglin took the initiative to open his mouth and pointed to Chen Jie with a look of chagrin and heartache.

"Chen Jie, our husband and wife have a fight. Why don't you leave face for each other?"

"Nianxi is not your own, but it is also my child. Even if you are a stepmother, you should do your duty as a mother."

"Which mother in the world hurt her children like you? What's wrong with you?"

"Friends of journalists."

Nianyonglin squeezed out a few tears and cried to them, "nianxi is our eldest daughter at home, and it's also my fault. She didn't care about her since childhood. She went abroad very early."

"She is my second wife."

Nian Yonglin pointed to Chen Jie and continued, "you all know that I have a daughter and stepson. She is all kinds of good to them, but she is all kinds of harsh treatment to my daughter."

"What's wrong with nianxi? I'm the wrong one. I shouldn't divorce nianxi's mother and marry such a snake hearted woman. Now I can see through what kind of person she is."

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