Lu Ran is a man who will take the initiative when he finds his prey, so nianxi is not surprised that he will ask himself out at night.


Downstairs, Lu ran leaned against the car. There was a bunch of flowers in the co pilot's position. He glanced at it before nianxi approached.

Open the door, Lu ran took the bouquet and handed it over, "flowers with beautiful women, just right."

"Thank you."

Nianxi looked surprised and looked at Lu Ran's affectionate eyes. She suddenly lowered her head to avoid looking at him.

Lu ran smiled gently and touched her hair naturally, which was spoiled

"Let's go."

The car was covered with a faint fragrance of flowers. Nianxi smiled and turned his head to the dimly lit window. His heart was gloomy.

Did he ever use the same trick to arouse his sister's emotion? His self righteous deep feelings became others' intestinal poison until he finally took people's lives.

He is the most ruthless one. Nianxi suddenly turned his head and looked at the driver.

The silence of nianxi made Lu ran pick his eyebrows and look at her sideways. Lu ran kept smiling.

"What are you doing looking at me like that?"


Nianxi still stared at him, "Lu ran, do you have a woman you like?"

"Yes," he replied without hesitation. "What I see is that she is very cute. Maybe she won't believe it. I love her at first sight. I hope she likes me too."

His eyes were burning and he looked at nianxi's love little by little.

Nianxi didn't know what he said. Don't open your eyes. She covered the surging emotion at the bottom of her eyes.

At the intersection, Lu ran suddenly changed his lane and made a sharp turn, startling Nian Xi.

"Didn't you go to the movies?"

Nianxi looked at his fast train and wondered for a while.

"Movies can be seen anytime, but I suddenly want to take you to another place."

This is not in the plan. The alarm bell in nianxi's heart rings. She has to imagine the worst situation, but Lu ran doesn't want to go step by step. Will he use it?

She couldn't help thinking that the car had turned to a quiet street, and the cool wind blew from the water, which made people's mind clear for a moment.

Put out the fire, put out the light, Lu ran untied the safety belt, smiled at the flower in front of him, and read the evening with a little surprise.

"Do you want to go down for a walk?"

Nianxi asked aloud.

"Ha ha," Lu ran leaned over, "are you nervous?"

The meaning in his eyes was unknown, with banter and temptation.


Nianxi put the flowers in her hand between them.

Lu ran raised his hand and pressed her left hand. Nianxi's hand shrank back. Seeing his dark eyes deep, she stopped.

Lu ran slowly leaned over. Nianxi quietly took his mobile phone with his right hand, secretly unlocked the lock and pressed the call key.

But after pressing the mobile phone several times, there was no response. Nianxi was more and more anxious. When Lu ran was about to kiss up, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Nianxi suddenly loosened her heart, pushed him away and took his cell phone.

"Telephone, maybe work."

Nianxi was in a panic. Lu Ran's eyes flashed unhappily.


I didn't see who was calling. Nianxi was in a hurry to connect. Chu Muge at the other end wondered.

"What do you want me to do?"


Nianxi was stunned to hear his voice. How could it be him?

But compared with the people in front of her, it seems that she can only pretend to be confused.

"It's president Chu. What's up?"

Before Chu Muge could open his mouth to read Xi, he continued, "Oh, you're talking about the document. I haven't finished it yet. Are you in a hurry? Then I'll go back and do it for you and send it to you."

Hung up the phone to read Xi is very embarrassed, "Lu ran, I'm really sorry, I..."

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