Nianqi is very curious about her boyfriend who suddenly appears on nianxi. Although she can't get any news from Qi Yifan, it doesn't mean she has no other way.

"Wang Ran, you should have a chance to see her boyfriend in the company, as long as you pay more attention."

Nianqi opened softly, "you know, she's also my sister. If she finds someone in a rage because of some misunderstanding, it's bad. Besides, my family hasn't seen her yet. My father cares about her most."

"Yes, Miss Nianqi," flattered Wang Ran, "I'll pay more attention. If I encounter it, I'll tell you at the first time."

"That's hard," Nianqi continued after drinking a glass of water. "You've been transferred for some time. I'll see if Muge can transfer you back. After all, you are capable. Chutian is not a place to envy virtuous people."

Wang Ran was immediately happy. She knew it was always right to follow Nianqi. Who can't give her face and protect her in the future? Who can't talk to her in Chutian in the future!

"Thank you, Miss Nianqi. I will do everything you tell me. Don't worry."

Nianqi smiles but doesn't speak. Sometimes it's not convenient for her to come forward. It's much better to find a capable and dedicated helper.

"Qiqi, who has a boyfriend worth asking about?"

Chen Jie, who didn't know when she was behind her, came over with doubts on her face.

Nianqi wanted to cover up the past, but when she knew her mother, she guessed who it was.

"Are you talking about nianxi? She has a boyfriend? Isn't her boyfriend Qi Yifan?"

"Who knows?"

Nianqi skimmed her mouth and disdained to say, "Mom, it's true or false. How can outsiders know? As far as I know, her boyfriend has just met. Even Qi Yifan doesn't know. I think it's probably nianxi eating a bowl and looking at the pot. If you find someone better than Qi Yifan, you dump him. You say Qi Yifan is not stupid. How can you stumble on nianxi? It's ridiculous!"

Chen Jie frowned more tightly when she said this. She knew what her daughter said was reasonable, but it was too sudden.

"Qiqi, is it true? She really has a boyfriend?"

"I don't know. I don't want people to look at me. If it's true..."

Nianqi said ruthlessly, "if it's true, it's best to save her from worrying me with mugo. Mom, I really don't want to see her!"

"But there's no way."

If Chen Jie thought about it, she said, "does your father know?"

"They have such a bad relationship. Will nianxi tell him?"

Nianqi sneered and said, "I should be the first to know. Mom, do you want us to tell Dad that if Dad agrees to let them together, I don't have to worry anymore?"

On such a thought, Nianqi made up her mind. No matter what happened to nianxi, she might as well let the fire burn first. Nianxi is older than her. She can't marry herself. Hasn't she been married yet?

Ha ha... How can her father be indifferent? Since he doesn't approve of Qi Yifan coming, it should be good as long as he changes people.

While Nian Yonglin was at home in the evening, Nian Qizhuang inadvertently said to him at the dinner table, "Dad, I heard that my sister has made a new boyfriend and said she wants to get married. She won't have a flash marriage, do you know that?"


Nian Yonglin looked surprised. "Who did you listen to? How could Nian Xi get married?"

Even if she has a problem with him, can she say nothing about such a big thing?

No, it must be empty.

Nian Yonglin comforted herself. Nian Qi took his expression into his eyes and said with a smile, "Dad, what if she told me herself?"

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