"Son, you and Qiqi have known each other for so long, and she can tolerate you the most. Where can you find such a person? What can you do to help you when you get married? Mom, no matter whether you play with others or how, remember, the wife is the wife, and you should give others the least respect."

"She hasn't married me yet. Why is she my wife?"

Chu Muge always didn't want to mention their marriage. Mrs. Chu looked at some words in her eyes.

"Mom, I won't marry her. Don't worry about it. When the right opportunity comes, I'll go to Nianqi's house and make it clear. I don't know what Nianqi said to you, but for me, I don't need a decoration around. Do you understand?"

"After all, why don't you want to?"

Mrs. Chu couldn't help getting angry when she saw him so stubborn. He was satisfactory from childhood to major events. How could he not make it through emotionally.

"Why don't you want to marry Nianqi? What's on your mind?"

"Muge, as I said, it can't be her. You must let everyone know the entanglement of the three of you. What magic did nianxi cast on you to make you so stubborn? Would she look at you sad if she had you in her heart?"

The only reason Mrs. Chu can think of is this. Whether before or now, there are too few things that can affect him.

"It has nothing to do with her."

Chu Muge didn't want to mention nianxi at this time. He was irritable and wanted to stop the topic, but Mrs. Chu was more convinced that it was because of nianxi.

"I see," Chufu humanitarian, "you still want to read Xi now. She's the reason why you don't want to get married. Mugo, she and Nianqi are a family. You'll only make it more difficult for you to do so. Why can't you listen to your mother? Can you forget her?"

What if you forget someone you've always loved?

Especially when you know that the person you love has tried to hurt you, can you really forget the past and forget her?

He can't do it. Chu Muge hates himself. He clearly loves her, but why can't he help hating when he thinks of what she said, so that everything he does is just to attract her attention and look at her sad.

In fact, he didn't feel any happiness. He was still very poor. It was like falling into a strange circle and couldn't get out.

In the next few days, he still went his own way. Like all TV dramas, those women with ulterior motives began to try to fly to the branches with his love, and the premise was to drive away the person around him first.

Everyone knows that Nianqi is his fiancee, so when someone starts harassing Nianqi, nianxi is not surprised. She just sees the anger on Nianqi's face and the whispers of everyone. She can't help blaming Chu Muge. This man also begins to be annoying like Lu ran.

"You're president Chu's fiancee, and you don't have to be anything special," said the woman who came to look at Nianqi with an angry face around her arm.

"Tut Tut, don't you just rely on your family background? It's a pity that President Chu can't see it. Don't you know that President Chu doesn't want to marry him? What do you say you're still struggling to do? If I were you, I would leave him for that poor self-esteem, how thick you are!"

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