"I'm kind enough to tell you. Don't blame me for not reminding you when you're demobilized. Miss Niang, oh, no, it should be Miss Niang. Tut Tut, how can I forget your half sister? I heard that your relationship is not good. Do you think she's laughing in her heart at the moment? It must be fun to see your joke."

Ridicule has made Nianqi can't help it anymore. She mentioned that nianxi came to Nianqi. Don't mention how angry Nianqi was. Ignoring that there were still people around, Nianqi picked up the document in her hand and threw it on the arrogant woman in front of her. Before she reacted, she raised her hand and slapped her in the face.

"What are you, bitch? A thing played by others dares to come to me and shout. Do you think you can turn a sparrow into a phoenix? Ridiculous. You really don't know how many kilograms you have. Get out of here. If you dare to come again, I'll let you know my strength!"

The visitor was suppressed by her and had no power to fight back. When Nianqi was comfortable, she hated to release her, but her pretty face was now red and swollen.

"You, you!"

Unable to speak, Nianqi ignored her. She turned to her shocked colleagues and said, "get her out of the company and don't allow her to come back to the company in the future!"

Nianqi's move spread quickly in the company. Even if nianxi didn't want to know, even Qi Yifan, who was not present, called to gossip.

"Look at other people. They are desperate for love. Xiaoxi, how long are you going to shrink into the tortoise shell?"

"See," Chen Jie said to Nian Yonglin as if she had finally found a handle. "This is your good daughter. You work wholeheartedly for her. In the end, people don't get half the love. I said that she can ignore her family for so many years. I dare to make a stumbling block behind her!"

"What else do you say to make them have deep sister love? It's a big joke. You see what she has done. She knows to seduce men at a young age. She's still her brother-in-law. After so many years, she doesn't want us to be good as soon as she comes back. I'll say how Chu Muge is determined to break up with Qiqi. It's not her that caused trouble!"

Chen Jieyue became more and more excited. Nianxi sitting on the sofa was abused by her like a captured murderer. It was not that nianxi endured her, but what she said was the truth, and she had no need to refute.

What will Yoon Lam do now? Will he still hope what happened to chumugo?

Looking up at his father, Nian Yonglin was black and didn't know what he was thinking. Nian Qi, who had already cried and spent his eyes, fell askew in Chen Jie's arms. Now all the mistakes are because of her.

"Husband, what are you going to do?"

"Do you really want to go out and be pointed at by others and say that you have raised a good daughter?"

Chen Jie pressed step by step and insisted that he take an attitude. She didn't speak at nianxi. She also wanted to know what they would do next.


Nian Yonglin said in a deep voice, "is it really like what they said? You and Chu Muge have known each other for a long time, or are they lovers?"

"What lovers? She's a liar."

Chen Jie is very angry.


Nianxi admitted. Anyway, Chu Muge also pointed out these things. She had no need to hide any more. She spread out her words and said that no one would misunderstand anything again. It was Lu ran. She still needed time to appease. The man's mind was so open-minded.

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