Nianqi faced him squarely and looked deeply to see what the reason for his asking would be.

Chu Muge pulled her and hugged her in his arms, playing with her fingers and laughing, "I can't even ask in front of you?"

"Are you too sensitive or don't you believe me at all?"

His tone was gentle, but it made Nianqi feel depressed. As soon as she finished speaking, he used it to deal with herself. Is this called moving a stone to hit her feet?

"No, I naturally believe you."

Nianqi softly fell on him and said, "just you know this, she can't see others say this. Last time I mentioned it, she hit me, so..."

"Then I should know that if her psychological quality is poor and she has developed the problem of always doing things, won't you suffer more in the future?"

"Anyway, it's your sister. It's good for us to help her overcome her psychological shadow. We're all a family."

"I know you are kind."

Nianqi frowned, "but before, the family found a psychologist to give her. She didn't cooperate very much, and the treatment didn't work. Later, she went out of the country for so many years. We want to help. I'm afraid it has little effect."

"Moreover, it can't be mentioned in our family. Especially for her, she is crazy and even her father dare not advise. I really doubt whether she is an intermittent psychosis."

Chu Muge's face was cold when she said this, but Nianqi leaned in his arms and didn't notice these.

"Even I can't know?"

Chu Muge asked her, "I've seen her out of control once. Nianqi, don't you think I need to have psychological preparation in advance. If something really happens in the future, I won't be passive, will I?"

"You know me. I don't like things beyond my control."

His tone was a moment of hostility, vaguely angry. Nianqi bit her lips and hesitated. People in high positions naturally want to master more secrets, but nianxi

"What are you worried about?"

Chu Muge then said, "can't I know more about your family with our current relationship? After all, I want to study at home..."

"All right, all right."

Afraid that he was angry, Nianqi no longer insisted, but she had her own plan in her heart. If she told him what happened before nianxi, perhaps he would not accept it. After all, after understanding curiosity, she would not have much interest, and even be afraid to avoid it.

"In fact, I don't know much, just listen to the police at that time..."

"And the police?"

"Well, nianxi was at home when nianxi's mother died. When the police arrived, they saw nianxi sitting in the corner. Her mother was dead and the blood from the bathtub was almost at her feet, but nianxi sat there without crying or making trouble."

"How old was she then!"

Nianqi was surprised, "no one knows what happened. The police determined that her mother committed suicide, and she never said a word from being found to my father taking her home. The whole person was quiet and strange, like being evil and stupid."

Is that so? She still has such an unknown past?

"How old was she?"


When he met her, she was sixteen years old. She was cunning and smart, like a little fox. She was not as decadent and dark as Nianqi's mouth.

Is she already well, or is she just forced to smile at herself?

"When did she leave the country?"

"When she was in high school, although she was autistic, she was smart. That was the first time she made up her mind for herself after many years of silence."

Chu Muge smiled gently when he heard the speech, but the smile was full of bitterness.

No wonder no matter how hard he forced her to ask, she insisted that she didn't come back because of him. It turned out to be true!

What about the girl he knows? Is it just a dream in his youth memory? Why is it him?!

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