Nianqi couldn't stand his loss, especially when she had cried. She simply made her grievance bigger. She immediately covered her face and ran upstairs.

"Miss Nianqi, look at the road and don't fall!"

Qi Yifan shouted to her.

Chu Muge threw down his napkin and stood up, "I'll go and see her."

"Go, go."

Chen Jie's face was concerned. After he left, her face was very ugly. She always didn't like this uninvited Xiao Qi.

Nianxi was the same as before. She left after dinner, but this time she had a company.

On the way back, nianxi touched his round stomach and stretched himself beautifully. Qi Yifan looked at it and quickly asked for credit.

"Well, just now, I'm no worse than Chu mugo. Half a plate of shrimp has gone into your stomach!"

The sound of "um" on the eve of reading disappeared.


Qi Yifan was obviously dissatisfied. "You can't do this. I've come to help you. I didn't even receive a thank you. Is it a little too miserable?"

"I see. I thank you for bringing you to eat such a delicious meal!"

Nianxi is very perfunctory. Now her head is heavy and her eyelids can't help fighting. She really wants to grow two wings and fly back to the small bed at home.

Seeing that she was too sleepy, Qi Yifan refrained from harassing her. When he stopped the car steadily, nianxi had fallen asleep.

Carefully picked her up, Qi Yifan went upstairs with her bag in his hand, but they didn't expect that someone would follow them secretly, and even took pictures of them.

The next day, as usual, after breakfast, Qi Yifan sent her to the company and left. It was smooth all morning. Nianxi was rarely energetic until she received a call from Lu ran.

"Don't you mean there are more meetings recently?"

Nianxi said, it's really tired to say hello to someone you don't like. Even a polite sentence is boring.

"I have to care about you no matter how much I will."

Lu ran said vaguely, "what have you done these two days? Do you miss me?"

It's disgusting.

Nianxi doesn't like being so sarcastic with him. Love words are meaningful only when they are said to a lover. Talk to him


"Yes, I know you are busy, so I dare not call you!"

It should appear that she is knowledgeable and polite. Nianxi can't help but praise herself silently.

"I don't think you have time to call me!"

Lu Ran's voice suddenly turned cold and even angry. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't answer.

"Why don't you talk? Do you know you're wrong?"

Lu ran continued to question her and said, "nianxi, am I bad to you? You want to bring me a green hat. Which of his dreams is better than me? Do you know who I am?"

It really annoyed him. Nianxi disdained and sneered. He didn't intend to hide his identity in front of himself. He used to say that he was a company boss, but he was actually an official.

Oh, how can he cheat her if he likes her? There must be some reason for him to change his attitude towards himself. What does he want from himself?

Before she continued to think, Lu Ran's voice came again.

"Nianxi, I don't like Qi Yifan very much, so I don't care whether you are friends or not. In short, I don't allow you to have any more contacts with him. I told you about this problem earlier, and I don't want to repeat it."

"Unless," he urged her, "unless you want to break up with me, you don't love me at all!"

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