Lu Ran's irony is obvious. Nianqi can't hang on her face, but she can't refute the warning from her parents. She looks at Lu ran and takes away nianxi. She stomps her feet angrily.

"Nianqi, what did you say just now? Nianxi is your sister. Have you respected her? You are so disappointing. Did you hear what Lu ran just said? You will only be ashamed!"

Nianyong Lin hates that iron is not steel, and Nianqi is also angry. The two fathers and daughters are so wide eyed. Chen Jie has to make a voice to ease the atmosphere when she sees them.

"Husband, Lu ran, what did you talk about? Why did it take so long?"

Thinking of this, Nian Yonglin remembered to say to them, "that Nian Xi will go to work in the company after that. She has also exercised in Chutian for so long. It's good to listen to Mu GE's meaning, so she just came to the company to help me."

"Ziyang is devoted to art and stays abroad all day. Nianqi is also not interested in the company. I think nianxi can inherit the company in the future. As long as he takes less exercise and has someone to help, I can rest assured."

Hearing this, Nianqi was surprised. After looking at Chen Jie, she immediately shouted with disapproval.

"Dad, how can you give her the company? No, I don't agree"!

"Do you disagree?"

Nianyong Lin picked up his eyebrows and looked, "why don't you agree? You didn't learn when you handed it over to you at the beginning. Now it's handed over to nianxi. You object. Hum, they are both sisters. You are all good"!

Chen Jie waved her hand to Nianqi and motioned that she should not speak again, but the company naturally had an opinion on nianxi.

"Husband, you're too sudden. Do you mean to read Xi?"

"No, that's what I'm going to do. Nianxi has a problem with us. Naturally, she won't be willing to come back to help. Lu ran persuaded her. I look very good for the couple. With Lu Ran's escort around nianxi, we will have a lot less risk."

"Lu ran? It's him!"

Nianqi hated it very much. They didn't expect to make an idea for the company. No wonder nianxi left Chu Tian so suddenly. She had already thought of a way out. If she knew so, she might as well be pressed under Chu Muge's hand. Even if she has great ability, it's difficult to turn over the waves, but what should we do now?

"Dad, if you agree to let her into the company, I'll go to work too."

Nianqi made up her mind and said, "she has Lu, but I have Chu Muge. In terms of business, Muge is the best, so it's so decided. I'll go back to bed."

Nianqi turned and left. Chen Jie sighed and followed up.

"Qiqi, you are so impulsive today."

"How can you be rude to nianxi in front of everyone? Lu ran made it clear that he helped nianxi. Now he persuaded your father to enter the company. If you can't hold your breath again, you're not asking for trouble?"

Nianqi became angry as soon as she heard it. Just because nianxi had endured how long and pretended to be a good girl in front of her father, she had had enough for so many years.

"Mom, I said she wouldn't do nothing when she came back. One Lu ran and the other wanted to enter the company. She did it step by step. How do you want me to keep calm?"

"Don't you have to wait until we have nothing to be humiliated by her? I won't wait to die. She'll never want to step on my head on nianxi. It's your mother's fault. Why did you agree to take her back? We don't know how comfortable we would be without her."

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