What Chen Jie said is mean. She knows what nianxi cares about most, but she still sprinkles salt on her wound for a moment. Frankly, Chen Jie just wants to make trouble for nothing. It's hard to read nianxi.

Nianxi had blackened her face after hearing what she said. She looked cold like a knife pointing at her.

"Nianxi, do you think what I said is wrong?"

Chen Jie sneered, "you are also the most pitiful. You were abandoned by your mother. It's still like that. Anyone has to fall a shadow in their heart. I don't want to embarrass you, so I've turned a blind eye to you for so many years, but I'll put my words here today. I must take the money. You'd better call it out honestly!"

"If I don't hand it in," nianxi said to him, "what else can you do? Grab it. Do you believe I let you stay in the police station for a while? What do you think Dad will think? He can tolerate you bullying his poor daughter?"

Chen Jie was even more angry when she moved out of nianyonglin. "Nianxi, don't think you can do anything with your father. I tell you, I'm the elder of Nianjia and your legal mother. I ask you what happened to your money. Even in the future, I think you can keep it!"

Raise her? Joke!

Nianxi impolitely took up a glass of water and poured it on her. Chen Jie was shocked locally. "I'm like this. Do you think you dare let me raise it?"

She knows how bad her behavior is and how bad it is, but there's no way. She just can't help it. Why should she be humiliated by her mother when her mother died? Yes, she won, married her father and became the housemother at home, so what?

Who forced her mother into a desperate situation? They all think it's none of their business now, don't they? But she didn't think so. They didn't slander their mother one by one. There won't be such a day.

No one knew what it was like in her heart, the unspeakable fear, the state of fainting at the sight of blood, and no one knew how she had endured until now.

Why should they ask her to bow her head and beg for mercy?

Chen jieliao is not sure what she is thinking at the moment. She moves her mouth towards nianxi and doesn't know what to say or what not to say, but her face is destroyed by nianxi. It's impossible!

"Nianxi, you dare to do this to me, you wait for me!"

Chen Jie put down this sentence and went home. Except that the water stain on her face was wiped off, other places let it do so. For nothing else, it was to let Nian Yonglin see what she had done to herself on nianxi!

"Mom, what's the matter with you?"

The first to see her, Nianqi came over and looked at her mother.

"It's nianxi."

Chen Jie clenched her teeth and said, "she spilled me!"

"What are you talking about? It's her. She's so brave that she wants to turn the sky?"

Nianqi said angrily, "Mom, we've all been bullied by her. No, we can't bear it!"

"When Dad comes back, I'll tell him what nianxi has done. She's even worse for me. You're her elder. She doesn't respect you too much, mom. Don't worry, I won't let nianxi ride on our heads. Wait. I'll report it for you!"

"It's easy to say!"

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