Reading Xi's faint reply, Qi Yifan paused, very helpless and puzzled.

"Then why do you want to continue with him? What are you trying to do?"

"Picture the sullen breath in my heart."

Nianxi replied that she hated him and that nothing had happened to him. Didn't he know that he had killed several people? Why can he get away with it?

Qi Yifan didn't understand, but he guessed at the thought of what happened around nianxi.

"Just for your annoying sister? Nianxi, you have to sell yourself for a man. I don't think Chu Muge is worthy of you. Otherwise, if you think I can make do with it, just tell me. I don't dislike you. What do you say?"

"But a little, you can't bring me a green hat. You woman doesn't know what charm you have. It's speechless to attract so many men to compete with me!"

Or his cynical appearance, nianxi reluctantly smiled, and the previous unhappiness disappeared a lot.

Qi Yifan sighed when he saw that she was much happier. After a while, he said to nianxi earnestly, "nianxi, in fact, I think Chu Muge really cares about you. Of course, why did he sue Lu Ran's black without evidence? It's reckless and stupid, but don't you think he's so nervous because he cares too much in his heart?"

After reading Xi without answering, Qi Yifan then said, "If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that Lu ran colluded with other women. I don't care how Lu ran defended himself, but I still believe Chu Muge. Nianxi, we all hope you will be well. If I say something to make myself sad, I really hope you can get back together with him. He doesn't really love Nianqi. Lu Ran is not your dish. I'd rather hope I hope they can make room with you. "

"Nianxi, did you hear what I was saying?"

"Smelly girl, are you asleep? I'm salivating here, but you sleep. Wow, damn it!"

Early the next morning, nianxi just appeared in the company and felt that the atmosphere was very subtle. When she arrived at the office, she understood why.

"Sister nianxi, I really envy you."

The colleagues of the company put their hands together and pouted with envious eyes. She didn't believe the bouquet on her desk if it wasn't carried by someone. Isn't it too exaggerated? She's a place to work. How can she use these.

"Who sent it?"

Nianxi walked over suspiciously, took the card above and wrote, "honey, be happy every day."


It seems that no one will call her that except Lu ran. In the past, she just didn't hear it and deliberately ignored it, but this time she wrote it out frankly for fear that others won't know it was sent by him?

"Sister nianxi, your boyfriend must be very handsome."

As soon as the voice fell, an inharmonious voice came, "what does it matter to you whether you are handsome or not? Do you still want to hook up? Hum, do you think so, sister?"

Don't look back at nianxi and feel very disappointed. Nianqi can really step on it.

"Lu ran can really make people happy. Why didn't he do this before? Did he do something wrong and feel guilty?"

"You are really experienced."

Nianxi looked back at her, "say it, what's the matter?"

"It's all right. Just come and have a look. The company spread all over the early morning. I came to see the excitement. Tut Tut, I thought it wasn't sent by Lu ran."

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