"You've finally told the truth."

Nianxi looked cold and looked at her father. She couldn't catch up with a trace of warmth.

"Your so-called upbringing is to give me some money occasionally? Since I went abroad, I just rely on myself. What have you raised me, to be a man or to do things?"

Nian Yonglin also looked at her coldly, and her words hurt people more.

"You rely on yourself? Don't you still rely on Qi Yifan's rich second generation? You can have today without him? Dream! Even if I don't care about you, I gave you life. I gave you your life. Isn't that worth your gratitude?"

"Oh, as you say, what about my mother? What should she do?"

Nianxi mentioned his mother, and nianyonglin's face was even more embarrassed.

"Don't mention her to me. If it weren't for her deliberately hiding from me, it's still one thing whether you were here or not."

"So my life is given by my mother. What does it have to do with you!"

Nianxi blocked his mouth. Nianyonglin didn't think he would be asked by her. He was speechless and wanted to do it immediately.

He stood up and slapped the table, "nianxi, how did you talk to me? I'm your father and your elders. I'll always be. Anyway, I gave you your today. If you don't listen to me again, I'm not polite to you. Don't think I'm so sorry for your mother, you can kick your nose and face. It's impossible!"

Nianxi nodded. She couldn't say what disappointment she was. She knew it would be like this. In his eyes, what daughter she was was was not as important as his interests.

"I wrote it down, Dad. If it's not enough, I want to tell you that everything I have is won by myself, not from you!"

"Why doesn't Nianqi come back so late."

After chatting with Lu ran for a long time, Chen Jie looked at the time and couldn't help worrying about Nianqi. "Didn't she say she went to see Chu Muge? Would something happen?"

Lu ran looked at her worry and couldn't help laughing. "What can happen? I think at most she used some means to save Chu Muge's heart."


Chen Jie was surprised and then realized that she looked at the man in front of her. What could he dare to say.

With a "pa" sound, the door of the study was opened. Nianxi came out like frost. Without saying a word, he took his things and walked out. Lu ran got up and followed. Chen Jie behind him looked at the man by the door and asked, "what did you say to her?"

Nian Yong Lin Leng hummed and didn't answer. Chen Jie was unwilling and said unhappily, "you're dead. Today Lu ran Lai just told you not to daydream. Nian Xi is his person. How can he agree to break up with Nian Xi?"

"Shut up."

Nian Yonglin was so upset that Chen Jie didn't know what to do and did it on purpose.

"Why should I shut up? It's your wrong idea. It's natural that Lu ran didn't agree. He said he didn't know how good he was to nianxi. Besides, who doesn't know about Qiqi, that is, you're not afraid of losing face and can think of that idea!"

"Do you still have the face to blame me?"

Chanting Lin Qi, however, pointed to Chen Jie and angrily said, "if you have the ability, let your daughter grasp Chu Muge's heart. Two people have said one thing for so many years. They don't know whether they want to marry themselves or not. Are you fools?"

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